Why aren't you playing Paragon, Sup Forums? It has actual graphics.
Why aren't you playing Paragon, Sup Forums? It has actual graphics
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It looks slow and boring as shit
Because the gameplay is the same boring shitty Smite/MOBA type gameplay we've seen a thousand times over. I'd rather stick with shooters
Sounds like trash, or am I completely wrong?
See that mountain top in the distance? You can climb that
This is OP, who makes Paragon shill threads daily for free: youtube.com
It's on PC, obviously. That's where it has actual graphics.
It's also on pc, but I think it needs that strange epic thing?
Is she wearing pants made out whatever they make sneakers out of?
What is your opinion on Paladins Mr. Actual Graphics?
>graphics as the only pro
Graphixfags need to kill themselves.
Because Unreal Tournament 4 is better
because the game gets boring fast.
Im convinced OP is a bot
Is it the same guy making these shilling threads for free? If I wanted to play a game for the girls I would play weebshit since they do it better.
I played Paladins for about three minutes. It does not have actual graphics and plays like a poor man's Overwatch, which is the tumblr FPS.
It's just an extremely advanced form of autism. He occasionally changes the picture and the text, and sometimes post with his trip on, while the threads themselves he likely makes from his phone so he can evade bans.
The word slow doesn't even begin to describe it.
Game has the adrenaline of an agriculture simulator, its hard to tell its even pvp
Stop shilling this garbage
What's odd is that I'd rather take the usual top-down MOBA now.
Is it always you making these threads?
Too bad it doesnt have actual gameplay
Yes. I am the only one on Sup Forums who appreciates actual graphics.
I would actually like to discuss other games, but Sup Forums has shit taste and won't say anything I haven't heard before about most of them, and actual graphics always gets replies, so there you go.
I also didn't make a thread yesterday so I don't know why people are so upset.
please do kill yourself
Paragon doesn't have self-denies.
Tell epic to commission porn or ""leak"" their models to some shady russian site then I will believe the graphic.
>tfw never played a single moba
Anyone with a mic wanna play a match? Discord in name field.
I played one match and I didn't really understand what was happening. It was boring, couldn't tell if I'm actually of any help to my team or not. I was killing everyone but didn't seem to be relevant, no difference between me or minions pushing.
btw I hate weebs so I'll kick you if you be decked like this
kys ys fagstain
Mate, I'd take any player I could find, weeb or not?
how is this game not dead yet? are they even making any money? I'm pretty sure they invested a lot trying it to be the next big thing, at this point I think even that shit amazon football moba thing has a bigger chance of becoming an esport than Paragon.
Would rather use the Epic-sanctioned Reddit Discord than play with weebs desu
I also have dozens of PS4 pleb friends playing it that I left behind when I got my Skylake & Pascal PC.
The game ain't dead. I'm just throwing that out there to bump the thread before I get another three day ban and have to switch to my phone.
zoom in more please
>before I get another three day ban and have to switch to my phone.
This is why mobileposting has to go. But with hiroshima lying about server costs he would just say muh traffic and never do it.
It's still in Open Beta, the entry cost up until August was $20, the skins are expensive and alluring, people really like the game and are eager whales (I personally dropped $170 on it, when I've never spent a cent on a F2P game before), and Epic makes shitloads of money in royalties off of Unreal Engine 4 which this is a showcase for.
Tell Epic to stop paying autists to shill their shitty ASSFAGGOTS and get back to working on UT4.
Good thing I don't play "these types of games".
I have virtually zero interest in the genre outside of Paragon, and once they get the balance worked out it'll basically obsolete them.
HotS is definitely the best & most playable clicker MOBA but I can't stand that anymore either (have less than ten hours on it).
Nobody cares about arena FPS in 2016. Look at how Titanfall 2 is selling on PC. Shameful.
It feels slow and shallow desu
I guess everything does after dota