ITT: Games still great to play 10 years later without the need of a remake/remaster.
ITT: Games still great to play 10 years later without the need of a remake/remaster
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I'm playing through Strange Journey right now, and while I love the setting and atmosphere, I think if it had gameplay more like Nocturne and wasn't limited by the DS hardware it would be near perfect.
Also, most classic PS2 games are fantastic without the need for a remake or remaster.
Fuck the Kalpas
Aside from the fact that you're not allowed to recruit demons from there, I thought they were fine. Travelling between them was also a bit of a pain.
Hey, is this a law-sanctioned thread? Just so you know, no chaos discussion is allowed in here you guys.
Keep it clean or discuss it on /chaos/.
i mean it doesn't need a remaster but it would be cool if they did nocturne and dds1/2 on the ps4 bc i don't feel like emulating them
A remaster would be great for nocturne though. I can't stand that blurry post-processing effect you see throughout the game and I'm sure a remaster would take that shit out.
this gem
underrated game that needs a threequel
Which version of Nocturne is definitive? In particular, which one lets me hold hands with Chiaki?
also read the main post for some good patches
>ITT: Games still great to play 10 years later without the need of a remake/remaster.
It desperately needs a remake or at least a re-release with a bug fix.
>wanting to hold Chiaki's hand
Sasuga, user.
Playing this on and off lately and sided with those chaos dudes on the first chance. Wasn't sure it if was the right move but then I got to the assembly of Nihilo and those guys are smug cunts. Fuck em.
Get out.
Strange Journey went back to the series' roots by going full dungeon crawler.
Aside from vending machine MC, the series does a good job adapting and innovating for the DS hardware.
A solid 8/10 entry in the series.
dude I was playing nocturne, then started playing SMTIVA, then a friend who was watching me play wanted me to finish playing Nocturne. So I went back and wound up bitching the whole time. They can definitely update the game, and as it stands, the version we got was an overhauled version of the original.
Law and chaos doesn't matter. In fact, it's generally subverted in SMT: Nocturne.
I agree, and I appreciate that they mix it up, but I just think the press turn system is much better than the battle system used in SJ, and it can be something that is difficult to ignore.
toot toot
He wasn't that hard, but it was one the most fun battles in Nocturne.
Yeah, when I fought him I thought I fucked something up sequence wise because he was pretty easy compared to how people build him up to be. Still a really cool fight, and I love his design.
He was the hardest Fiend though.
The only problem is that it's locked to 480p
>tfw no original xbox emulator
Good to know. This game is hard as fuck at first but has gotten easier. I regret picking hard difficulty on my first run too.
Strange Journey is literally perfect the way it is. It is the best SMT game ever.
Demon co-op, while not as good as press turn, actually made sure that your choices and alignments mattered.
>vending machine meme
Dont bully doomguy-kun please
I'm moving along in my SMTIV playthrough, up to Shinjuku. I finally had to leave a challenge quest behind, I'm unable to do the first tournament battle at my level. I can barely get through two, but four is murder to the point I don't have nearly enough MP to get through it without even starting to worry about healing.
I do think it's great, but I just wish it wasn't limited by thee DS hardware and had something more like press turn. I appreciate that demon co-op lends alignments more importance, but I think the sacrifice of the press turn system for it is to the detriment of the game overall. I would also have loved if it weren't limited by the DS. It works with its limitations well, but it really deserves better than to be so limited in the first place. I don't know much about the development of it or anything, but as far as I know, it isn't too popular in Japan, so it'll probably never get anything like a remaster,but if it did, I think it could be bumped to one of, if not my single favorite RPG. The atmosphere and setting is just so engaging and immersive and there's nothing else quite like it.
>but I think the sacrifice of the press turn system for it is to the detriment of the game overall.
Atlus does things well by balancing games around what they intend to be the main focus of the game. Because they did not have plans for press turn, they balanced it accordingly. Nothing in that game is so overwhelming to the point where you feel cheated because of the "lost" turns. The game has way way way more importance of a good team composition than any other SMT game I've played, and I really appreciate that.
Any game that's actually good.
I just wish I could play Nocturne on a fucking handheld