Which girl is most responsible for getting you into Senran Kagura? Pic related is mine.
Which girl is most responsible for getting you into Senran Kagura? Pic related is mine
I don't know dick about this game series, but I'd like to do lewd things to that short white hair one.
I imported the game for Big Yo.
whats is the appeal of this games?
if i wanted to look at badly drawn chinese cartoon porn with ireland ass i would google not pay 50 dollar to """"""""""""play""""""""""" bad game on asian device
also their face all look identical. why is artist so uncreative and boring?
>Ultimate nimpo doesn't let you control big-O
What a shame
All of them
Came for miyabi stayed for daidouji.
im not into it yet
I see you are a gentleman of refined tastes.
A toast to you, user.
You will be eventually.
Why is the art for this series so good?
Great taste friend. Homu is the best
However, the one that kept me from leaving is Yomi
And the reason I keep playing them.
>good art
>eyes as big as hands
>fucked up proportions all around
>sameface everywhere
>literally 0 zero hips
Either her or Hikage.
Are you okay?
Came for Ikaruga and Homura.
Stayed for them and Mirai.
Left because of Yumi.
None in-particular. I mainly started playing it on the 3DS after talking to a female friend.
That said Crimson is best squad and Homu is one of the best choices. Feel like they are the best developed, but sadly get shit on in the Versus games.
A tumblrina in facebook.
She was ranting about how misogynist the game is, and I thought "If a feminist hates it, it must be good"
Turns out I was right.
Entry leveler here. But after discovering more Senrans out there, I still love Kat the most
>They changed panties too