Face it, if it had gore it would be a 10/10. Without it it's easily a 9 and the best BF since BFBC2.
Face it, if it had gore it would be a 10/10. Without it it's easily a 9 and the best BF since BFBC2
its ok but needs more content and different guns.
It doesn't have gore? That's kind of sad, it seemed like they were trying to be realistic with it. It did look great though. How long is the campaign?
I think it could have used 2 more maps for another operation, but otherwise they were already extremely stretching the limits of what could be put into a WW1 game. The DLC will add more weapons which I assume were just prototypes drawn on napkins
How fucking dare you. Can you not understand the messsge about respecting those that fought in this war?
In all seriousness though, fuck me do they try and ram that down your throat.
>bc2 was good
I fucking hate console peasants so much
yeah it's too bad there's no real trench warfare map. The guns feel so samey to me atleast. I can live with them but there's always that one that outperforms the rest so why even bother with the others.
>best BF since BFBC2.
well, its not hard to top the worst game in the series.
>How long is the campaign?
There are multiple "Stories". I think 4 maybe?
They don't take very long to do. You could beat all them in an afternoon easily
The beginning 2 points of St Quentin Scar is trench warfare feeling.
I don't think a map comprised solely of trenches could be good for balance or fun. Would make supports more overpowered than they are because they just hide in a trench firing mortars
>someone enjoys a game
>"I fucking hate console peasants so much"
You're what's wrong with gaming today.
>I like thing that is objectively bad because I was a child when I played it
go away
Yeah a purely trenches map would work. I hope they do something to the mortars since they're aids in operations. Same with gas grenades.
Have we reached a point in technology where dead bodies can just remain on the ground and not despawn after several seconds?
Or do we need to wait several more years to be able to do this?
We can do this, but most computers won't handle it. Especially in like super long conquest matches
I would really really like to buy all of these latest Triple A titles.
I would say something like, "Eh, it's $60, I'll probably get 60 hours of fun out of it," but none of these games are 60 dollars. They all have fucking tons of DLC already planned before the game is out and they require fucking shit Origin.
BC2 was trash though lmbo
Don't bother buying the game right now. Sitting here playing with my dick because the servers are down every night due to DDoS attacks.
Yeah, I agree there aren't enough maps. Also, I really want a map/mode that is nothing but trench warfare. Hopefully the Verdun DLC provides this.
Name three things wrong with BC2 that don't have to do with the fact that its different from BF2.
I'll wait.
Why are they getting DDOS'd?
Operations needs a bit of a overhaul, perhaps a MANDATORY tutorial to explain how to win, because the majority of people are fucking awful.
MG15 needs a buff, bolt action infantry rifle should be for every class
hardcore mode needs more to it, not just gimped health
it needs to replace elite kits with just automatic or semi auto pick ups, and commanders should be allowed to call in smoke or gas barrages like verdun
If you took a bit of verduns mechanics (such as how automatics are used) and applied it to BF gameplay it would great
linear maps with copypasta buildings
started 3d spotting and hardcore/normal split
every gun is laser accurate
it was on console
and uh
it didnt have 24/7 karkand
and uh
i couldnt jet whore
The game is already kind of GPU heavy.
This would be nightmare, especially if you wanted to draw shadows on them.
Now imagine this:
>Ballroom Blitz (Conquest)
>near the gate between point C and D
>high throughput area
>an absolute MOUND of corpses
>around 50 bodies in a heap
>dindus losing badly
>get a welfare zeppelin
>said zeppelin crashes
>wreckage lands on the pile
>he thinks I like BF2
lmbo both are shit faggots
>its a lets pretend 2142 was good episode
Because whiny little Sup Forums NEETs can't stand others having fun
>Operations needs a bit of a overhaul,
I think just giving the attackers an extra battalion would fix things. It's too easy for defenders to win.
>it's a "lets keep strawmanning" episode
>every gun should be an inaccurate piece of shit with random spread so everyone has a chance
Found the CS kiddie
The gun damage balance is all over the place
LMGs shoot spuds, despite all the LMGs firing rifle size cartridges
Scout rifles have tarded "Sweet Spots" where they do 100 damage bodyshots, for no other reason than to validate scopeniggers shit lifestyle choices
Slightly different versions of the same rifle have completely different damage stats
Assault has a gun with one of the lowest close range TTKs in Battlefield history
Assault also has a tight spread shotgun which appears to be capable of reaching out 20 metres for one shot kills
Medics get a great selection of various self loading rifles which lets them dominate mid range with no competition
Tanks are nowhere near as lumbering and vulnerable as they should be, and faggy auto-self-repair makes a return too, ensuring tankfags will camp and stat pad all round
Planes are fun though, and AA is not overpowered - skyniggers need to learn to clear AA sites
Mortars are an anti-fun mechanic
Overall a well produced game with game balance obviously derived from casual playtesters
Is domination the only infantry only mode in this game?
it would be a 10/10 if the fucking servers didnt keep going down
>light machine guns should be capable of firing 200 rounds in one burst with zero deviation
>Shotguns are actually deadly past 5m
Remember when bf4 shotguns had some of the most realistic ranges? Fun times.
Someone got turbo mad about Fifa
That may be so. But I would never buy it as I do not support dice's fantasies about bbc or crudely inserting the heroic negro into any possible situation.
the harlem hellfighter dick sucking is fucking weird
why them?
out of all the minority only units why them?
they hardly did anything
BF3 shotguns were good
BF4's shotguns behaved very strangely, as if half the pellets didn't register
it's shit, have you seen how many people are currently playing it?
Who knows man, I seriously doubt dice even thought about it before they rubber stamped everything with shit skin.
>You literally play as a nigger in ONE mission in the campaign. And they all die.
>The only niggers in multiplayer are scouts
Oh my god man, it's like DICE is literally OBSESSED with niggers. I can't fucking stand this shit, it just triggers me so hard. These fucking niggers all up in my games all the time, fucking shit.
not him but I really dont see why we cant have customization
It does seem a bit oddly fitting to be fighting as a team of Scottish Accented Sikhs vs a team of Schwartzenkaisers in the ruins of Amiens
>implying they don't already with a bipod
>play the beta
>have a lot of fun
>Sup Forums constantly shits on the game
>every thread/discussion turns into Sup Forumstier autism
>buy the game for next to nothing from a key reseller on launch day
>been addicted to it since
>having a fucking blast playing it every day
why is Sup Forums ALWAYS wrong?
ive never fucking got that
Not sure how you can say that after they were right about Battlefront which just came out before that.
Battlefield died when they let players spawn on squad mates.
It kills support and medic class and makes them useless. It also makes the game annoying as shit at times, because there's always that mobile spawn point faggot camping somewhere.
You're wrong, Battlefield was always shit.
What do people find in BC2 that makes them jack off to the damn game so much? Yeah, it's a good game, but nothing spectacular. BF4, BF3, and BF1 are better in my opinion.
First time they got to play with destruction. It's a nostalgia thing. Go back and play it now, it's pretty bad.
>enemy behemoth spawns
>everyone goes assault
>I get out my mortar and ammo box
There's a game for trench warfare, it's called Verdun.
Its player base its indicative of the fact the majority of gamers aren't engaged by said trench warfare mechanic.
So let me get this straight.
Whichever team is losing at a certain point, the game will spawn them an iwin button?
And people are saying this is the best Battlefield yet?
> 2/100 times we're right.
No one talks about the first Bad Company, what happened?
Will you not be able to play multiplayer if you don't buy the DLC?
And that a majority of gamers prefer low skill games
And that a majority of gamers prefer well known IPs
And that a majority of gamers are easily swayed by advertising and hype
And that a majority of gamers prefer to get fleeced by DLC and buy yearly installments
weapon balance was god tier, they should just take the weapon stats from bc2 and rename them all to fit their game.
Honestly im not sure why modern shooters like cod and battlefield have no gore(with the exception of red orchestra 2). i hope in the future they have a gore systems similar to soldier of fortune or killing floor
It doesn't usually help. I've never seen them actually use it to turn the game around. Mainly just makes all the children that were playing sniper on conquest pile in for muh KDR.
Genuinely failing to see your point.
Are you angling for the
> you think you do, but you don't.
i.e. you think you don't like trench warfare because you're [reasons you listed] therefore we should implement it.
There's a reason why a team is losing, and summoning behemoth to my playthrough at least more than 90% didn't make any differences
>That one Bezerk execution where you punch a Hell Knight in the side of the head and rip it off
I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
I'm agreeing with you.
It feels counter intuitive.
>there are now fewer people capturing flags on the losing team
If it spawns early enough it will win them the game
Suez for example is easy because only 3 flags, you 3 cap them, they spawn a train at like 120-0
Extremely odd way to agree with somebody.
Adding tangential almost non-sequitur remarks as if it's innately clear what your point is.
I would actually not like the gore personally, I don't need more flair getting in the way.
Maps are too small for 64 players
No custom servers yet so you can't even play 40 players
Game encourages game-losing zerg behavior by making flag capping worth so much, but flag defenses worth almost nothing
How do you see class specific exp/lvl? I only see the soldier exp
customization screen for that class
top left
if you learned how to interpret shitposting and autism you'd see that the Sup Forums """"""""consensus""""""""""" is that BF1 is a surprisingly solid shooter that thank fucking christ brought back destruction and to a whole new level
Sup Forums is never wrong
Sup Forums is never wrong
> if we're right we called it.
> if we're wrong its ironic shitposting.
Because they hate fun.
Hell i have no friends andi still find it hilariously fun the bugs make it 10x funnier
>he thinks this is about predictions
no, there was no reason to think that BF1 would be any different than BF4 or Battlefront. There was no reason to think they'd make it as good as it is. We were right to be skeptical and shitpost it, but also right to actually judge it by playing it
same thing with Doom. Anybody excited about it prior to launch was a brain dead retard. The multiplayer beta was worse than halo, all single player footage released was slow as fuck, then suddenly nvidia uploaded a video of somebody actually skilled at the game playing at a fast pace in one of the best arenas of the game. then it came out, people actually played it, and most genuinely loved it
>I like thing that is objectively bad because I was a child when I played it
Fuck off, BC2 was great. Great destruction, gunplay was much more satisfying than the next two sequels, and the Bad Company series are the only BF games with decent campaigns.
Give attackers an extra battalion whenever they beat a stage and the mode is completely fixed.
Did they really dial back the frequency of blacks in multiplayer?
It really seems like on the first couple days the ratio of black to white soldier was 3:1. Looks a bit more even now
come to /vg/ battlefield thread lad we have some good fun.
all the bf4 and cod fags are gone so its actually legit good discussions
I couldn't tell you, I'm not autistic enough to pay attention to the skin color of people I'm playing with.