Have there ever been any good Robotech video games?
Have there ever been any good Robotech video games?
Its fucking Macross.
My nephew said he liked the GBA one
But your nephew doesn't know skinnerbox from game now does he?
GB3 is not but might as well be.
This one was fun.
Chill out. Let's just enjoy giant space elf women and fucking amazing transforming robots.
yup this one was great, shame the sequel never arrived in my country.
I think this is just so fucking awesome and am considering buying a model.
I have a giantess fetish yet the Konig Monster makes my dick harder than any of the Meltrandi.
Is this game on PC?
Oh hey, its Jetfire.
This, even if it was a glorified fanfic.
I don't even remember that part.
God it's such a shitty scene, but such a cool mech.
Best one is in Macross Zero.
PS4 only
Also on Vita but it's nearly unplayable on some parts so it's a crime to recommend that version.
>Best one is DYRL
Fixed that for you.
Macross: Scrambled Valkyrie is arguably the best shmup on the SNES and a cool ass game.
And here I was hoping I could get into Macross
Is it anything like Transformers Devistation?
>Konig Monster
that thing is a beast in every SRW with a twin unit set-up.
Just pair her up with someone who knows hit & away. I think most of the time I used Michael, except for L (where saving him is a secret) so I used Milidaro
But there was a good one for the OG Xbox I think.
wouldn't know, never played it.
In terms of progression and costumization of wacky load-outs I guess it's similar to EDF4.1?
hard to compare it, really. Better if you just watch gameplay videos.
I'm so tempted to buy it but it would cost me 90 Canuck bucks after shipping.
i could never beat the first boss in this game
>Buying first release of JP games
Wait for the special edition with every DLC included
Best Macross coming through.
The one on the Xbox was great
I know nothing about the new one but I have both Gundam EXVS for ps3 and there is a bunch of single player missions and they are hard as fuck at the end. watch some youtube before importing
Man I got 5 episodes into 7 and it's so god damn boring. I loved SDF and DYRL but this shit is bad. It doesn't help that they reuse the same scenes 30 times an episode
If you want a good macross game get macross 30 youtube.com
"welp, there goes the neighborhood"
my dad was a big robotech fan. so he got this game and we played it together. it was great.
The future is so bright ;_;7
I've only played GB2, and only seen gameplay of Devastation, but they seem similar. Albeit, much better and more customizable than Devastation.
I didn't play Transformers but GB3 is very button mashy dynasty warrior-esque gameplay. It's not very challenging. There isn't much weight to the attacks. The best part is the variety of weapons and parts. You can use pretty much every weapon that's on a suit. Vulcans, arm guns, backpacks etc. Naginata all day erryday.
But the music is so damn good it balances out.
*ahem* Don't forget Southern Cross and Mospeada. Not to mention original Robotech content like the Shadow Chronicles or Sentinals comics.
Captcha: Sterling sale
What are everybody's thoughts about Robotech: Invasion? I thought it was pretty decent for a Halo clone.
well fuck, might buy a ps4 pro but I just want to play these type of games with a solid framerate
I actually had it, but its been so long since ive played it I honestly dont remember much. The bikes where cool, but I always wanted to be in a mech instead of a power suit. Some levels were bullshit. 2 that come to mind are the snow level and the flooded highway level. There was a magnum pistol I think and an smg that I always used. It felt like shovelware but it wasnt that bad.
Robotech is better simply because it has less idol bullshit.
You realize the DLC is free, right?