Post yfw no man's lie was such a huge disaster, Valve has had to change another policy.
Post yfw no man's lie was such a huge disaster, Valve has had to change another policy
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The game that keeps on giving.
Laughter that is.
is there proof that nms was the cause/motivation for valve's policy changes?
Yeah, they fucking cite it in every article and their developer only guidelines.
This is a far more serious problem for shit developers like Ubisoft, who won't be allowed to use mega ultra super beast screenshots to present their ugly console ports.
>it takes one company massively misrepresenting their game to get Steam to ask developers to not misrepresent their game at all
Humanity was a mistake
Fuck ibtimes.
Don't have that problem with uBlock Origin
No man's consumer rights advance is probably the only time ever something good's been crafted in a hipster office like this.
Even if it was unintentionally.
You're using an adblocker that has sold out. You can still get on the anti-adblock sites with your current one, but it requires some script blocking and is much harder than downloading uBlock.
Oh and block ads while you can, in 10 years ad blocking will be theft and you will be arrested for it.
All procedurally generated.
Did anyone try out that doom map that's no man's sky, but with doom graphics?
Sony's slander campaign against Hello Games and No Man's Sky is fucking pathtic and a perfect example of how easily you fools are manipulated. The game is actually good, Sony just got butthurt it wasn't exclusive to the PS4 and went on a campaign to make gamers hate the game despite never having actually played it. You got played like the fucking sheep you are and now Sony has successfully bullied an independent developer out of the industry because of it.
To get Valve to change anything at all you basically have to fuck up so hard that it changes the way the earth looks from space, so that's pretty impressive
lmao honestly this game's release might go down in vidya history as a defining moment for it
Yeah, a defining moment where Sony managed to ruin independent game development.
>two microwaves
>three fridges
Is that what I'm seeing? How much do they fucking expect to eat and drink?
What did they mean by this?
Yeah it was all totally their fault right guise! Pic related.
Thanks Doc
Hello, Hello Games shill.
What part of this do you not understand?
>Sony and Hello Games sign a deal
>Hello Games makes NMS as an "exclusive" for the PS4
>Sony gives them advertisement and funds
>Sony didn't make the deal tight enough and Hello Games announces a PC version
>Sony gets pissed, blatantly lies and advertises the game falsely to start a hate campaign before the game is released
>hires paid shills to make anti-NMS memes on Sup Forums and Reddit while conveniently absolving themselves of all guilt
>game comes out and it's actually good
>Sony goes into overdrive and spends MILLIONS OF DOLLARS to make people hate the game
>Sup Forums defends this because LOL BASED SONY PS4 4EVER 4 THE GAMERS
I was just on facebook and liked a cute girl's new profile picture. Then I switched to Sup Forums and after seeing your picture and agreeing with it, I went to hit the thumbs up which wasn't there.
Should I kill myself now? I think I should.
But I have uBlock Origin.
yes, but only for thinking that was worth posting
>implying it wasn't their fault for falsely advertising their own game
Kill yourself, Sean.
Th retards who fell for the hype wouldn't have been so angry if Sean hadn't lied so much.
Eh, game looks cool, but isn't that great. Seems like it could get boring after a few playthroughs.
>devs lie about features.
>Sony publishes the game.
>one party has done their part.
>Hello Games suddenly goes dark and only the contracted sound engineer feels like talking to the community.
Good job, Sony! You sure fucked up that indie game by releasing it.
Right click -> inspect element
>there are actually people who call him Sean.
>these people think the random game developer guy is on a first name basis with them.
>they're upset and saying that 'Sean lied.'
Preordering is indeed absolutely retarded, but Sean is still a piece of shit.
>the game messed up so badly that Gabe stepped away from his snack bar to do something
Nothing short of the apocalypse could create such an event. Let us cherish it.
fucking redcoats
This applies to EA and Ubusoft who use bullshots
I don't preorder, do I get to make fun of Sean Murray?
thanks doc
Thanks Doc.
Are you fucking retarded?
Sean lied to Sony. There's a reason they had to go back and fix the boxes which originally had an "online play" option listed.
Sean is such a massive, underhanded faggot that he actually outdid Sony in terms of anti-consumer fuckery.
Of course. He's a critical and commercial failure.
I rage every fucking time I see that photo
S-Sony dindu nuffin! They're based! Let's blame the small independent game developer instead of the massive, dishonest megacorporation that fucked him over and started a hate campaign against him!
Did you waste your bandwidth torrenting the game?
This can only be a good thing.
Maybe Hello Games just took one for gaming's future. Now we can say "Hello" to honest games.
>I can't hate both the lying corporate and the asshole who made false promises
You stupid fucking cunt. I never said Sony is based.
Sean is the definition of a conman, though. If you deny this, you're fucking stupid.
>goes out of his way to lie in interviews, even on TV once
>muh Sony
Has anyone made a porn mod for this, where you have procedurally generated tits and asses for you to rape?
How is it the publisher's fault when the developer promised something but delivered something else?
Even if this was all on Sony, why the fuck have HG vanished, and refuses to talk to anyone? Why does their tea and noms office building look like it's abandoned?
>hey, guys, so we didn't ship with these features, but they're coming.
Then they'd fail to deliver, but that'd be a much better scenario for them than what we have now. This shit game's literally forced consumer protection and Valve policies to change.
Most porn games with a character maker have a random function.
I like playstation, but that doesn't mean I think Sony isn't also(?) at fault here.
Pre-release leaks made it look boring as hell, and post-release reviews didn't inspire confidence, so I never even touched it.
It still made a shit ton of money.
Face it, he won
Hey, leav Donte out of this
Perpetuating the hate campaign against Hello Games is absolutely the same as supporting Sony, as Sony were the ones who started the hate campaign. Don't try to talk your way out of this one, I know you've been shilling on Sup Forums, NeoGAF.
>wah I preordered and dont want to accept responsibility over how retarded I was
All companies use false advertising, remember Ubisoft?
It's usually a net loss to cash out all your dollars in a single run. You want the slow, steady bleed, or people will catch on.
He scammed people once, but won't get to do it a second time. Now this guy, he knows how to do it properly. It took almost 30 years before he fucked up.
>Perpetuating the hate campaign against Hello Games is absolutely the same as supporting Sony, as Sony were the ones who started the hate campaign.
Crap, you're right. You know what else? Sony also breathes air! I better stop breathing too.
Dude you're not even trying anymore.
You don't believe your own bullshit and it shows. Very poor trolling on your part.
> implying this is the first time that any console loses an exclusive
Have you never worked in an office or something?
Post yfw you didn't buy it
>tea and noms
I don't hate Hello Games, I just don't think NMS is a long-lasting game for me. It looks as entertaining as MineCraft or Terraria are, and then people get bored of it eventually, while others stick to them.
Neofag sucks, they don't take MSN as a valid email address :^(
doc im sick i need a dose pls
There is no hate campaign you down syndrome fuck.
People hate him for lying. Hating Sean isnt some stupid meme.
I preordered Space Hulk instead.
All yours.
>The game is actually good
Except it isn't you shill.
>pirated the GOG version
>played for 30 minutes
>lmfao this is trash, deleted it
>mfw the massive shitstorm that followed
>mfw the sorry fools who bought it
>Sup Forums is unironically on Sony's side now
I never thought I'd see the day neo-Sup Forums won, I'm so fucking done with this board.
get anti adblock killer + greasemonkey.
>when you imagine how bad the people that spent like $70 on this game must have felt
Just play Elite Dangerous.
It's been great since release.
At least those two are sandbox
Haven't even touched this shit game. I'm just not giving the dev a free pass for doing unethical, illegal shit just because "we built the system that they exploited."
Even if this is ironic, this is a whole new level of delusion.
someone post that stupid looking dinosaur going for a walk hahahahah
Elite Dangerous is fucking garbage.
I mean it's better than NMS but the devs are so incompetent and think that a bunch of 50 year old guys know what's best to do with a spaceship MMO.
Also every update just makes the game worse and breaks everything even more. Engineers corpsed this game. AND they charge you $45 on top of whatever you've already paid to play it.
>play Elite: Dangerous
>posts a screenshot from Arena mode, which is dead except on the weekends and even then there's like 20 people on it
thanks doc
>mfw I pre-ordered it
>been great since release
Why do you lie
Sean? Is that you?
where do you live that you have never seen this before, some backwater europoor country?
thanks doc, I needed another dose
Where the fuck is Sean?
>make yourself vulnerable to adware, dumb g-goyim!
>open Sup Forums last week without an ad blocker
>get a virus
Gonna have to be a bit more specific.