>teammates always die when I'm 3 steps away
>never have another support healer to pair biotic grenade with
>teammates ignore me on chat and voice

How do I play her better?

Acquire proficiency

I'm TRYIN but I can't shit my team up in comp with a character I suck at and quickplayers never bother with more than 1 healer

Just hip shot everything, don't try to aim if you're not good at aiming, better to throw 2-3 quick hip shots and land 1 than 1 aimed shot that fails. Only aim if there's something stationary like another sniper, bastion, other turrets, or someone who is dumb and stands in one place.

Half your job is to land your ult when someone else has ult up and get a team kill, if that doesn't win you the game just concede.

if you dont have good accuracy just throw ya grenade, and just stay near your team but in the back of them slightly

remember to use your sleep dart its very good in many situations with shutting down ults and taking out flankers

remember that her ult charges fast so dont be afraid to use it and remember the heroes that use it best (rein, reaper)

this is the stuff i go by when playing her and i get pretty decent plays

shoot literally anyone
throw your grenade at literally anyone
now here's the tricky one, your sleepy dart only works on the bad guys so unfortunately you can't provide your team with a good nights sleep but they had to keep her balanced somehow ya know

>pick ana or zenyatta
>team thinks its ok not to have a second healer

This is only permissible with Lucio or Mercy

i hate this fucking shit dude, even with lucio and mercy 2 healers are super important to a competitive team in my experience

Don't solo heal as ana.
The only heroes who can solo heal are lucio and mercy, but even then it's not great.
You 100% need a lucio or zen on your team if you have an ana.

pairing ana ult with 76 ult is pretty sweet

>rarely see 2/2/2
>when I do we lose anyways because the DPS isn't doing their job/tank dies in chokepoint/supports keep dying/everyone is just scattered

Aim small, miss small.

To get the most out of your ult only boost good dps characters who have their ult. Do not nano boost characters like Roadhog when they do not have their ult because Hogs dps is shit and the boost goes to waste. He only has 4 shells and has to reload frequently. Same for Reaper.

>Playing Mercy
>When Zenyatta can apply debuffs and has stupid high DPS on top of healing

Sure his ult is pretty useless at times, but being able to heal someone without having to be right up their asshole is useful.

Also I noticed that teams that don't protect their healer usually have a harder time pushing or defending, and then blame said healer.

Ana is only picked because of her ult and because grenade syncs well with Lucio. If you don't already have a Lucio then just play Lucio instead of playing an inferior support (which is everyone who isn't Lucio).

This is what I dont like about this game

>Look at all these different characters! But you must ALWAYS have to play as Reinhardt and Lucio if you want to win

Cant really play what you want and like.

Just communicate with your teammate and learn how build up your ult meter fast. But seriously I just focus on supporting Rein, fuck those premadonna heroes like Gengu

Oh man it would be so great if you could put the overextending rambos into a little nappy.

You can play whatever the fuck you want.
You're just going to lose.

There are team comps that work without rein and/or lucio, especially at lower levels where people can't take advantage of lucio's speed boost.
You just have to make the team comp instead of everyone picking whatever they want if you want to do well.

Ana is useful in niche scenarios. I've found that it greatly depends on team comp. If you're rolling with at least two tanks (you should be), then Ana can Nano Boost almost constantly. She is also perfect for countering the enemy if they have a Zenyatta, because her biotic grenade can shut down the healing effects of transcendence. This alone is what separates the awesome Anas from the shit Anas.

Ana is pretty great when paired with Lucio, thanks to the AOE healing from Lucio's healing beats and the heal rate buff from the biotic grenade. If you're a good Ana you should land at least 3/4 of your sleep darts when they absolutely matter the most. If you find yourself always missing them, then don't play Ana.

Zenyatta is the overall best solo healer in the game. Harmony orbs do enough healing even on tanks (much faster than Mercy, but not faster than Ana unloading a clip into a near death Roadhog). It is a good middle ground, and as long as you keep throwing out Harmony orbs, you are guaranteed to keep everybody alive.

Zenyatta is also great for solo healing because he can reliably defend himself. As long as you discord the right targets and are able to aim the projectiles you can also work very, VERY well with your team. He can also deal stupid amounts of DPS thanks to the Discord orbs.

I started playing Zen almost exclusively about three weeks ago and I have not regretted it once. In almost all of the games I've played I've hit top damage, top healing, and top eliminations. Zen is also great for taking out stationary targets like annoying tolberone turrets or Bastions, since you can charge first and then unleash a flurry of orbs. This combined with Discord is almost a guaranteed death to whoever you're shooting at.

Zen's biggest weakness is his health pool, however unlike every other healer he does not need to go and seek health kits, since eventually his shields will regen to full HP until it passes a certain threshold.

Zen is the best support.

there is no worse feeling then watching all your friend die inside your tranquility only for you to sit there alone waiting for inevitable death because of a well place ana grenade

>Her pose

Is this a Jojo reference?


She's the primary healer now of every team that's halfway competent.
I don't think we saw a single game at blizzcon without one on each team.

>however unlike every other healer he does not need to go and seek health kits
But every healer can heal themselves, what are you trying to say here.

Ult Rein, Symm, Reaper, Genji when hes ulted


>character used every game for their amazing ult, utility, and healing

I like Zen too but holy shit don't outright lie.

False. Lucio is the primary healer and always will be. Ana is picked because she currently syncs the best with Lucio, not because she's the best on her own.

Zen is probably the worst solo healing in the game.
His 30 hp/s orb is garbage. The only reason he gets picked is for his tankbusting/discord and ult to counter mei/zarya.
He cannot solo heal at all.
He's also the weakest support with no defensive capabilities. If he's alone on the team he's super easy to focus down.

If you're in gold league or something though maybe it works out fine.

>never have another support healer to pair biotic grenade with

This is my sole problem with her.
>Literally made to compliment another healer
>Every single person who plays this game is allergic to two healers
I thought the plebs love to jerk off over whatever the "pros" use, and they take double supports all the time.

>playing support in pubs
that's your problem right there user

Everyone know's you're just supposed to pick dps and try to out do your team on kills so that when you lose you can say that you were the best dps so they should've changed to support.

That or don't play with the pool of drooling retards that play MULTIPLAYER games by themselves. Team up with friends.

Lucio is the primary speed booster.
No pro team picks lucio for his heals.

What I mean by niche is her true usefulness only comes out in specific situations. A nano boost is almost a guarantee at a successful push, but if the other team focuses hard enough it won't work. Or better yet, if they also have an Ana and she sleeps the dude you just boosted.

There are plenty of counters to Ana which is why I call her niche. In the hands of player that really understands how to play her, she's great and can definitely carry teams. It's just, in my experience, as an overall healer I think there are better options. She is more focused towards specific circumstances of boosting and pushing, which with the right team comp can happen all the time.

In the case of competitive, you could say it's not niche and she is a deep part of the meta now. However the circumstances in which she really shines are still few and far between, unlike a more general purpose healer combo like Lucio/Zen.

As far as solo healing is concerned, yes, every healer is able to solo heal. As Zen you should basically be as far back as possible from the fight as you can, since the orbs are basically a sniper rifle. Lucio has the best passive healing when amping, but more often than not you can catch a Lucio just after the amp dies down and it's on CD. Mercy has to be on the ass of anybody she's healing, which makes her easy to kill since she's right there in the fight most of the time. Zen on the other hand, being so far back, is usually only ever in danger from flankers, which once again, can be reliably killed if you are well-aimed with the orbs.

your main job is to get into good positioning to see many team members, build ult as quickly as possible, and then nanoboost the correct target.
she'll only work if you have two healers to share the burden of keeping team members alive since she's kind of slow at healing.

>top healing/s
>mentions that the best way to stop a nano boost is using sleep dart

>better options

She is the best healer in the game in the hands of a competent player. Her ult is the best offensive support ult.

zen cannot solo heal. He can't.
>But in my wood league games we win all the time with only zen!
That's because you are in wood league.
Hardly any pro comp even uses zen as an off healer because he's not even much of a healer. He's a support dps. Really they only pick him for his ult.

But pro teams never ever run a solo healer anyways. Because the best way to lose a team fight is to get your healer picked. And the best way to prevent that is to have another healer protecting them.

If you're in a low SR you can get away with only one healer but they have to be a healer that can escape when the genji/tracer/whoever drops on their ass so the only real choices are lucio or mercy.

If zen gets jumped he's dead. And then they have ~20 seconds to ship away at your team and get picks.

76's ult is too easy to stop.

He's picked for both. Lucio group heals, especially with Amp, while someone else spot heals. It used to be Mercy because of her ult, then it used to be Zenyatta because of his ult + discord, now it's Ana because of her ult + grenade. If Lucio couldn't heal at all then he'd be a KOTH specialist like Tracer and Winston.


I didn't mean solo healing in the sense of only using one healer, my apologies. I meant solo healing in the context of how he actually heals his own health pool over time. It is not instantaneous unlike Mercy or Lucio, but as Zen you should be hanging pretty far back so ducking out for the shield to regen is not that big of a deal.

Any good team comp has at least two healers, I know this. I'm in plat but so far picking Zen has been a good decision overall. He definitely is mostly DPS support with some reasonable targeted healing. Even in games with an Ana on the team I can still manage to outheal, but that was probably just because of shit Ana's on the team.

The only time I've ever died as Zen was when I ended up in a bad position or got surprise buttfucked by a Winston. If I know to expect one I can handle it, it just really depends on the rest of the action happening.

Yeah, but the point is they don't rely on him for healing. He just keeps up with some chip damage.
There is no way in hell a pro team will run him as the only healer except for dive comps where they just accept there will be no healing..

There's no way a pro team will run anyone as the only healer so that's a flawed argument.

I'm just saying you should have another healer to compliment Zen, because his ball heals very slowly for being single target.

Okay well say self healing then.
Because you're just confusing everyone.

In plat i'm sure the ana's suck and the flankers can't get picks but that's not like it everywhere.

Yeah but when they run lucio/ana lucio is almost entirely run for the speed boost and not the healing.

>Harmony orbs
>healing faster than mercy

It's literally half the speed

Lucio's healing is run just as much as it was with Mercy and Zenyatta where he tops up the group while Ana spot heals. This is even more prominent with Ana because of her grenade. Sync grenade and Amp together and Lucio's healing is multiplied by almost 6.5x.

>much faster than mercy
>ana's a situational pick when her kit is a stun and an aoe heal
A+ shitpost

god dammit

Don't play her like a sniper. Stay around your team, constantly moving and hip firing only. Learn to recognize when its more beneficial to attack enemies instead of healing and use your sleep dart thing to neutralize flankers like tracer and reaper. Also use your ult in sync with other ults or in a push.