Atmosphere > Story > Gameplay
how accurate is this, Sup Forums?
Atmosphere > Story > Gameplay
how accurate is this, Sup Forums?
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Not very.
If a game isn't fun to play its shit. Gameplay should always come first.
you got everything backwards
Gameplay > Story > Atmosphere
Entirely accurate for casuals trying to "progress" the medium
>Atmosphere > Story > Gameplay
>posts a webm of VTMB
not surprising
Gameplay > Atmosphere > Story
Story will literally write itself if you have good gameplay and atmosphere
Accurate for Deus Ex. Accurate for BG&E. Story is sometimes a component of atmosphere though.
Gameplay is literally the only thing to consider.
If the gameplay is good, then everything else could be shit and it'd still be worth playing.
A good story is the most atmospheric thing.
Bad gameplay can diminish a good story and world.
Games are full packages.
it's one of Sup Forums's favorite games
together with max payne, the walking dead, planescape torment, system shock 2
and surprisingly
Max Payne 2 was pretty fun imho even though it's the only MP I played. The story and atmosphere were 10/10 too.
TWD was just the first game to do the Telltale thing. Imho The Wolf Among Us nailed the atmosphere and had solid gameplay if you like the Telltale genre.
It's an interactive movie. Some people hate it, others like it. Whatever side of the debate you fall on, you can't accuse them of not putting effort into it (at least with TWAU and after)
Incredibly wrong, gameplay is almost always going to be the most important element. The atmosphere and story need to be absolutely godlike to make up for shitty gameplay. Whereas mediocre story and atmosphere can usually be forgiven is the gameplay is really good. There are exceptions though.
are you saying atmosphere and story didn't save fallout new vegas and vampire bloodlines?
Those games had good gameplay though. At least until the later half of VTM.
game play will always be most important
Switch story and gameplay and I'd agree
I don't see how.
>New vegas has a nice selection of weapons and builds, there's a variety of ways to solve quests, guns feel satsifying, speech is useful to talk your way out of a variety of situations
>VTM has a wide selection of vampire clans to choose from, giving you different abilities and options to overcome obstacles
>both games let you make different choices throughout the story which have impacts on future events
VTM does kind of shit itself in the later half but that's almost entirely because the level and encounter design starts to get really bad
story generally is more important than tone, however a really god story is more impressive than a really god tone because tone usually more about spending a lot of time and resources on the details, while a good story requires all that+ thinking out of the box and crativity
Atmosphere > Gameplay > Story
Gameplay > Atmosphere > Story
These are the only two acceptable arrangements, depending on the game.
>Dark souls
A game with great atmosphere can be enjoyable without great gameplay, but it's harder if story sucks.
Great story can make a game worth playing even if it has shitty gameplay.
If a game has god tier gameplay, it doesn't need good atmosphere or story.
But good luck enjoying a game with utterly crappy atmosphere.
But Bloodborne has both better atmosphere and gameplay than Dark Souls.
Dark Sould story is better though
OP and some people ITT conflating gameplay with combat. They are two different things. OP probably meant Atmosphere > Story > Combat, which I will agree with. The first two are very difficult to get right, and then any kind of combat system should suffice to complement them to make a great game.