reminder that witcher 3 was the best game in years
200 hours of max comfy
reminder that witcher 3 was the best game in years
200 hours of max comfy
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Easily game of the decade
>max comfy
Not with that haircut, its not.
Ear length loose hair master race.
I recently finished this game, glorious. I want more of the main story but this is the last one, yes? I got the ciri becomes a witcher ending which im happy about. Hopefully cyberpunk will be good aswell and hopefully ciri will make an apperance too since she mentioned it
I haven't felt the same magic in game for years to be honest family, ever since Oblivion which mind you I was 12 and it was my first RPG and mom got it for me on release and let me use her PlayStation I have it for PC now and play it once in a while, anyways I am sad I am almost done with tousaint and the game itself I haven't even done the last mission and i won't till I get everything else done because autism. I will also buy it since i pirated it, I will buy the disk because I like physical copies.
you got the best ending. and witcher series is done. it's all cyberpunk now. ciri will be in cyberpunk though, that is pretty much confirmed. cyberpunk world is one that she travels to.
did you finish the dlc?
ciri ending in the dlc is GOAT. where there screens are from. sry if it spoils it some.
Cool setting, memorable characters, decent writing, It's just a shame the combat was so terrible.
>I will also buy it since i pirated it, I will buy the disk because I like physical copies.
i bought 2 copies. one digital and one physical. you are not alone.
it's meh. could be better there is no doubt. I wish it were more like witcher 1 desu senpai. clicking combat was elder God tier.
where these*
I love this goddamn game dude it's also 40 dollars for the complete edition that is what sets CDPR apart from the others they love making games not money.
Oh fugg off the combat is fun have you EVEN PLAYED TW2 OR 1 It's awesome
No i haven't played them, im afraid if i have to start all over again if i wanna play them though, can i just pirate the dlc's since i have the game on GOG?
CDPR's graphics just blow my balls off. When the sun rises and the blazing orange lights up the sky, while the wind blows and you hear the creak of the trees and the sway of the grass. The clouds roll back and the rays of sunlight penetrate through the tree cover.
Its not graphics for graphics' sake. It creates an atmosphere so beautiful it puts you right there in Geralt's shoes.
Just stand around in various locations for a few minutes for once, just observing and listening to the game. Its really amazing.
>Daughteru and Gwent Simulator
>Best Game
if would be a great game if the combat had more variety and weapon and armors were not OP even on death march. Good thing they made a dedicated Gwent game so that I don't have fucking deal with those selfish cunts
top row, third from the right master race here
I've never played this game but is the girl on the left the guy on the right's daughter? They look similar.
Either default hair cut and full beard or that slick elven cut and clean shaven master race.
she is his ward
time to replay it user. it will be worth
that is their relationship. they are not of blood relation though.
No. Her hair isn't supposed to be white. They probably couldn't pull off ashen hair in the engine.
it is such a comfy game.
When should you do the dlc parts then?
Do you still have the eredin battle
>not having a qt hat
Still can't believe how much i enjoyed this game especially the DLC.
do the dlcs after you have finished the main story. do hearts of stone then blood n wine. blood n wine is the closure of the game and story
Heart of Stone is mod-campaign, I did it before departing for Skellige (although I was underleveled for the HoS content, it gave Geralt a good opportunity to close his pseudo-relationship from the Witcher 1 with Shani before really reconnecting with Yen).
Blood and Wine presumes you've finished the main story already.
So i don't actually have to replay the entire game again then? Since i got my ending i think i can't do main story anymore. Ng+ may be worth it but armor upgrades and stuff..
No you don't have to replay the whole game to play the DLC.
You don't need to replay it, although I myself enjoyed doing the full NG+.
Not him but I should finish the game THEN do the DLC i am at the very last mission on the very last part, all i have to do it talk to yen's ass then there i go should i go back and do it im also on the last mission of blood and wine
you better. if you don't finish the main story before blood n wine you goofed.
That massive gap between Geralt's chestplate and armplates really says: stab me here cunts.
You are right, ng+ here i come
Nothing stopping you from playing without the HUD. Only takes one button stroke to toggle it.
why would you bitch about something you can take off the hud? in witchrar you can take off literally every single God damn bit of hud. stfu double nigger. play the game before you come here spewing this shit. it's set with all those hud options on for the casuals
The quest are clearly designed with that shitty feature in mind.
30hrs of boredom hoping it gets better
it doesn't
too bad it shat the bed as a sequel
You can turn off the red trails?
If so, maybe that stuff should have been incorporated into the difficulty setting. Everything on the HUD and showing you where to go, that would be easy mode, while on the harder difficulties you'd have to use the right kind of potion, and on the hardest actually just follow barely visible footsteps etc.
lol idc. it was funny being detective geralt
In a trilogy, nice.
>too bad it shat the bed as a sequel
it really did. my elf play through in witcher 2 meant nothing. what a waste.
That's what you get for going with that nigger Iorveth. Roche a best.
Witcher senses are almost identical to old school point and click adventures that had a highlight feature so you didn't have to pixel hunt. It's a convenience. How else would you expect the game to convey Geralt's heightened senses?
Point and click adventures sucked too.
best bro
They could've just skipped that part and taken us directly to the awful combat, which could've been skipped as well and taken us to the dialogue and story - which was actually good.
I use the third one because it's my haircut irl
Witcher 3 was an incredible game, it's pity a lot of retards on here can't see that. CDPR is at the level a lot of developer used to be a decade ago.
The story was very good overall, and the characters/lore was absolutely top tier. The combat was obviously it's weakspot but still serviceable and nowhere near bad like some memeing shitheels suggest.
It's a shame we will likely have to wait 5-10 years before we get another Witcher game from CDPR.
>all over again
Did you delete your save? Sheit nigga.
Even then, you can literally start the DLCs with a pre-made character, so no need for saves.
Buy that shit, it's literally the only physical PC stuff I've bought in 10 years.
user, why would you discount an entire genre. Adventure games are great for lateral puzzles and investigative/detective work.
meh, i've played all three and a bit over it desu. wticher 3 was a good end.
i'm ready for cyberpunk and I think cd red is too..
From what I've read on forums, the artists were sick of working on witcher shit and ready to move on to sci fi
If I didn't like Witcher II (Gameplay/pacing, not so much story or style) will I like Witcher 3?
witcher 2 is the worst one of the three. so my guess is yes. Up to you though.
There won't be another Geralt Retires andddd Ciri is in Cyberpunk 2077
Because they all sucked, every single one.
If you didn't like it for its gameplay/pacing, then Witcher 3 will be fine, because its gameplay and pacing are totally different, for the better (even if the combat still isn't amazing, its serviceable).
The story and characters are better than ever (better than most games in existence, actually).
120 hours in. It's pretty good. OST is amazing.
ayyy lemow. have my you
Witcher 2 is excellent. Jump to a river and drown.
its ok. not as good as 1 or 3 though
I bought one and 2 during their anniversary sale and pirated 3 but ill buy a disk version because why not support these magical devs
The combat is fine; it's simply the weakest aspect of an otherwise near flawless game, which is why cucks like you cling to it as your only semi-legitimate point and exaggerate like a pack of morons.
Outside of Dragon's Dogma, is there any RPG out there with actually enjoyable combat? Basically every RPG's combat is a total slog.
I'm not saying that somehow makes the Witcher's combat good, just that we have suffered through decades of bad combat systems and I wonder why this one is the breaking point for some people.
dogma has great combat, but man. that atmosphere is so bland and boring. hated that
>mfw the peasant ass game on point
Hm, would I have trouble understanding whats going on if I didn't play the first two?
>Their poses
Is this a Jojo reference?
Your first in-game glimpse of fine ass is definitely Tomira and her red tights.
>got Witcher 3 for free
>still never played it
there are videos you can watch such as
as for witcher 2, there is a video somewhere.
witcher 3 is really a standalone, but still relative to the prior two. But no, you wouldn't have too much trouble understanding what is going on. but of course you would know more if you just layed the games or did some research. I'd watch that video I linked if you actually give a shit
Really, the only two things that game did right were pawns and combat.
Combat had all these great fights with creatures straight out of a d&d monster manual and every class is fun to play.
Pawns were fucking stupid and useless but they were like dogs in people form or something. They'd be good for some unintentional comedy.
Everything else was so fucking bad.
>bought 2 copies
>gave one key to a random user on the internet
he was so happy and promised to pay it forward.
I bet he did, too.
Haven't finished Witcher 3 yet, but playing through it has made me excited for Cyberpunk. Especially with how expansive the world feels. Makes me hopeful that they'll pull off Cyberpunk well.
skyrim is better
Prologue>Velen>Novigrad+HoS>Skellige>Ciri Shit>End Game>BnW
Literally the best progression.
Skyrim isn't even as good as Daggerfall.
The Witcher 2 was the best out of the three. The first game was great for the story, but the story really was close enough to almost be considered a bad retelling of the books. The second game succeeds in telling an interesting original story in the Witcher universe that is separate from the books while also expanding on aspects of the books that were not fleshed out well. Witcher 3 was an unorganized episodic trod through the land, with a comparatively boring plot to the other two games. It retreads ground from the books, although not by a ton, and it lacks a focus. The same could be said about the gameplay. The open world is fine, but it lacks a certain feeling that the open areas in the Witcher 2 had. Its probably just the fact that I prefer handcrafted environments with lots of objectives and things to do and discover to a big empty field where you run from question mark to question mark doing the same thing over and over.
Combat was fun in both games. They could have seriously benefited from removing the quen spell.
Gwent was more fun than dice poker, so I will give it that.
>The Witcher 2 was the best out of the three.
stopped right there. it's too linear to be the best. at least for me. far too short of a game too;.
Id bet you 100 shekels they will make a Ciri game eventually.
>captcha:Pays Camelot
BBI wasn't too bad in the atmosphere department.
Press the "Home" key you fucking savage. Learn to take SS as well.
I would be cool with it honestly but she is in Cyberpunk 2077 as another user said she travels to it in with her meme time travel powers
Yeah I definitely see her being in 2077 as an Easter Egg but I dont think she will be anything but a VERY small sidequest at best and a glimpse of a cameo at worst.
We'll see, I'm hyped for it and BANNERLORD only
It sucked that the only way you could get the ciri ending is if you ended up with geralt being single. I'd trade the yen ending for the ciri ending in a heartbeat.
> best game
> best
> game
Considering the actual GAMEPLAY was an atrocious pile of burning garbage, this statement is incorrect.
Good storytelling, acting, and art direction? Absolutely.
Good game? Not even close.
Good meme fellow redditor did you learn how to use greenarrows like that from ur momma after i put my penis wenis in her?
Seriously it's not that bad name an RPG with good combat fagger
>good combat
Spot the underagefag.
>name an RPG with good combat
That's a trick question; there isn't one.
Witchers 1 and 2 are in my top 10 favorite games. However, I have not played TW3 yet. The autotarget system in its combat looks horrible and is no doubt thanks to the influence of consoles. Is there a way to disable this shit and make the combat as great if not better than TW2? Thanks.
Where is the meme? Do you even know what that is? Do you know what this community was like in 2004, newfam?
You want an RPG with good combat; or at least, better than Bitcher3? OK:
> any Elder Scrolls game
> any Fallout game
> any Guild Wars game
So that's, like, at least a dozen games.
Follow up question: can Witcher3 really be considered an RPG, considering you play as a predetermined character with predetermined skills?
>Good combat
Spot the underagefag.