When will gamer goobers stop sexually assaulting gamer girls in online video games?
VR sexual assault
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When there is nothing left for people to be offended about and all the world's conflicts have ceased.
>womyn are trying to stop VR
Oh yes, please hurry womyn. PLEASE.
I didn't bother watching it but Amazing Atheist had a good point about 'VR sexual assault'
How come girl gamers are fine with the simulated violence and murder that goes along with a zombie game or w/e they are playing because some how they can realize that's not reality. But if some dude puts his avatars hand on your avatars booty or w/e then it becomes sexual assault and they can no longer see the difference between reality and fantasy?
So you mean when humanity dies out completely?
Sounds great!
When are women gonna stop playing the victim?
3DPD women were a mistake.
They'll continue to play victim so long as retards buy their victim act.
When bitches stop complaining about everything.
Well because most Americans besides myself have this weird Neo-Puritan hatred of attractive women being in games and movies.
This is why you can snap/crack babies necks in video games, but a nipple?!? What are you crazy?!?
holy fuck, I had no idea Amazing Atheis was THIS retarded
I don't understand how these girl-room mspaint drawings are supposed to make me feel.
wtf is wrong with you guys
>this is my fucking car..er my moms car
Just take off the headset. I wouldn't mind being virtually sexually assaulted.
>literal children are able to distinguish fictional worlds from reality enough to know that the things that happen there aren't harassment, but some grown ass men and women are unable to come to this realization
the violence is a part of the game so if you're uncomfortable with that you're just not going to play it, whereas the latter is a consequence of the free hand movement from the motion sensors, simulating an act that was never intended to be in there by the devs so it's unexpected, hence why some are starting to implement personal space bubbles and shit like that to prevent shit like this from happening.
If some random jackass makes hand motions at your avatar body in a game, that's not harassment or sexual assault, because the whole experience is entirely fictional and can be suspended at any time. This is a pretty basic concept that most 5 year old kids can grasp. It's not remotely the same thing as being sexually harassed in real life.
that's not how that word is used
>can be suspended at any time
this does not negate something being harassment
>It's not remotely the same thing as being sexually harassed in real life.
Who has said that it's the exact same thing?
>that's not how that word is used
>synonyms: fabricated, imaginary, made-up, pretend, imagined
Seems appropriate to me! Kind of irrelevant either way, since my point has nothing to do with the definition of fictional and more about how events that take place in a simulated game world are not equivalent to the same things happening in real life.
>this does not negate something being harassment
It absolutely does when we're talking about imaginary events in a video game. It's not the matrix!
>Who has said that it's the exact same thing?
The man in OP's video, you silly bitch.
vr is a scam
How is VR rape real
you LITERALLY just have to turn the thing off
>>synonyms: fabricated, imaginary, made-up, pretend, imagined
>Seems appropriate to me!
Well I guess you're a bit dumb then.
>The man in OP's video, you silly bitch.
No ...
You can get raped without even turning it off, while using it. I had my brother's anus and ballsack to my face while in VR. In real life.
Are you pretending to be retarded?
that is not rape tho
when i had a "going into games" machine - this woulve been early 2006- i used to go into majoras mask A LOTand one of my fav things to do was fondle romani at the ranch. one of the great things about fondling video games characters is they don't fight back or struggle because they don't recognise u as a player character..it's like you dont exist. but let me tell you, she smelled like SHIT. in fact everybody i that game did..I got used to it after a while but that first moment when i smelt romani up close..i was almost sick. she looks clean & nice when you see her on television but when ur there stood next to her its a different story. The machine was stolen in the end and im kinda glad. it had started to take over my life
The dude from the Smashing Pumpkins aged like shit.
Poor guy
No. Are you?
Who said it was?
>woman claims she was assaulted
>steam registers one player being the highest number of players at the time of the "assault"
Oh right, i got to listen and believe.
If you put your ass to my face and I don't want it, it's rape. It just is. Any Judge would agree.
>"Duuuuuuuhhhh who said it was?"
>man in video literally calls it sexual assault
>rape and sexual assault is the same thing
Rape is sex without the consent of one of the parts
What you are describing is sexual harassment
sexual assault needs to be physical
Good, because it's not sexual assault either.
>womyn do something worthwhile
>it's incorrect to say that you kill someone in a game because no one actually dies
she isn't physically harmed isn't sexual assault is sexual harassment
>vr sim where you get violently raped in a back alley
yes please
>she isn't physically harmed
>isn't sexual assault is sexual harassment
He says "sexually assaulted her, within the game", not that it's sexual assault irl.
But it's not something worth getting up in arms about, because it's not real. He's talking about it like it's this big problem, and it's not.
why is getting raped such a common fantasy? Specially when rape is such a terrible thing -or so they say- when it actually happens
Look, I'm full on apathyfag. I think almost nothing is worth getting up in arms about. I'm only here to argue against retarded logic and understanding of language.
it's probably a fantasy for me because i'm into femdom and bondage already and i have such low self esteem that any scenario where someone has consensual sex with me is too unrealistic to fap to
plus, when it comes to my life, i like not being in control. i'm always terrified that i'm making the wrong decisions so the less decisions i have to make, the better.
>Amazing Atheist
Banana Boy
How does virtual rape even exist lmao just close your eyes nigga just take off the headset
when carrying out a fantasy you are in control about what happens. You can at any time tell your partner "no pham i am not of enjoying this" and it stops there
>"no pham i am not of enjoying this"
this is such a great safe phrase because even if they'd want ignore you they'll lose all sexual excitement when hearing it
>Women are completely equal to men, physically and mentally!
>Women need to be protected from men.
They have no problem switching between these two points of view on the fly, depending on what's more convenient at the time. There's also:
>Bitch about idealized female characters in games for "objectifying women" or "setting unrealistic body standards"
>Ignore (or even praise) the countless roidasaurus Chad Thundercock characters in games
>Look, I'm full on apathyfag. I think almost nothing is worth getting up in arms about. I'm only here to argue against retarded logic and understanding of language.
Rational and accurate, how ever did you end up in this shithole? Are you a missionary?
Women always have been and will continue to be worthless sacks of retarded garbage, and they get away with it BECAUSE YOU LET THEM, you want to fuck them so you just accept whatever they do.
You won't tell a retarded woman to fuck off, you'll tolerate it because you want to fuck her.
What happens in game isn't assault. It's being bothered by realistic actions that are still fictitious and harmless.
Enough with the trivial objections, you're killing me here.
you're an idiot
Boy you sure proved him wrong.
That is an extremely accurate image, good thing it was updated for current year. No wonder so many people are so fucking angry at that image, it tells the truth.
Okay, but when the FUCK is the DOAX3 VR update dropping? They delayed it and never gave an estimated release.
man sometimes i wish i was a woman just so i could get autists like buttblasted solely by existing
It would be fantastic to be a girl, you have the easiest life imaginable. But I'm on the other side and have to watch them wake up to fuck up and get rewarded for it.
I feel so confused when I see shit like this, because I have never been made fun of for playing vidya. I was born in 1990 and nearly every kid I knew played vidya, whether they were boys or girls. In my teen years I didn't know as many girls that played video games, but I never seen them make fun of people for playing games. Maybe for being disgusting lard asses or pimple faced weirdos, but not games specifically. Nearly all the guys I went to school with played video games, so most girls who didn't play vidya just considered a "guy" thing not a loser thing. Maybe it was just the area I grew up in or something.
Probably where you grew up.
Sounds more like an age thing.
That's not how programs work.
>I think we should be taking virtual assault seriously. The fact that people in this virtual chat can swing there arms at people in way that the dev never intended can cause an accurate simulation of being assault that can cause the same amount of trauma regardless whether it is real or not.
Black chick here born in
'89. I was made fun of by other black chicks for playing video games. It was so weird to them that I was playing games. Now it's weird if you don't play games.