The games on the left are games ive played and enjoyed. The games on the left are unopened because I fear they might be bad because I value Sup Forums's opinion on games and they say all those games are shit.
What do I do?
The games on the left are games ive played and enjoyed. The games on the left are unopened because I fear they might be bad because I value Sup Forums's opinion on games and they say all those games are shit.
What do I do?
The games on the left twice, wat?
Top 2 are great. Play them. The rest can be thrown away.
The RIGHT are unopened.
nothing wrong with Bayo 2 and WW HD user, go ahead and unwrap those.
Thanks Sup Forums
>I value Sup Forums's opinion on games
>All this Nintentoddler Damage Control.
Simply hilarious.
also I enjoyed playing through the kirby one but I played through it in co-op where I would draw and my friend played waddle dee. Was fun.
Bayonetta is great. Give that game a try.
I'm not a Kirby fan but Rainbow Curse was probably okay. At the least, it has an interesting mechanic. Most of Sup Forums bitched because of the Amiibo unlocking, but the only things that the Amiibo did was give you absurdly broken power-ups so you're fine without it.
Mario Tennis Wii U was disappointing compared to previous games, and somewhat dull by itself. If you want to return/sell it, go ahead.
If you liked Star Fox Zero then you really should play Star Fox Guard. Although, if you have the boxed set does that mean you've already played it?
Zelda: Wind Waker is pretty good. I enjoyed the sailing, hunting for treasure in the ocean, and figuring out how to get into each island. Combat is very good, too. Unfortunately, the dungeons are fairly dull (and few of them) and the game is overall easy. If you like Zelda then certainly play it, but if you don't then Wind Waker certainly won't change your decision.
>I value Sup Forums's opinion on games
This is one of the reasons why this board is so awful.
You're supposed to talk to Sup Forums, not to listen to Sup Forums.
>I value Sup Forums's opinion on games
>What do I do?
grow a brain
>shitposters losing their minds
>cubs are winning
>Trump is losing
This is going to be a glorious year.
I've only played Wind Waker HD & Bayonetta 2 on the right, both great games in my humblest of opinions.
Although if you're not sure whether to trust Sup Forums's negative opinions why would you trust the positive ones?
don't let anyone tell you bayonetta is shit because that just ain't true
WWHD and Kirby are fine too. Never played mario tennis but people say it's just lacking in content
>Bayo 2
>still sealed
Unwrap it and play it immediately.
Bayonetta 2 is great, to be honest I haven't opened Guard either. Mario Tennis is underwhelming.
holy shit grow some balls OP
play whatever the fuck you want pussy
Yeah the game seems too easy with co op. Id like a challenge in my comfy kirby games.
I dont care about amiibos lol I can enjoy any game without using the amiibo function because its simply just an add on that you dont need to use at all.
I bought mario tennis for Rosalina LOL
Both games came sealed and i only opened Star fox zero because Gaurd wasnt really needed to play the game fully.
WW always interested me and ive NEVER played it before.
Bayo seems to be the god send. I did enjoy platinum games like MGR and Star fox zero so why not play bayo
>WW always interested me and ive NEVER played it before.
Well, I would recommend playing it. In fact, I'd recommend playing all of them outside Mario Tennis. Tennis is going to be a fine game as well, just likely that it will end up repetitive and get boring quickly as a result. I suppose if you have other people to play it then Mario Tennis would be enjoyable for a lot longer, though.
>I did enjoy platinum games like MGR and Star fox zero so why not play bayo
I think that Platinum only worked with the graphics on Star Fox Zero.
>I value Sup Forums's opinion
Why would you openly admit to this?
Huh, you liked Star Fox Zero. That's refreshing to hear. I liked it too, but most people seem to disagree that it's a decent game.
This is true, Platinum only worked on the graphics.
Bayonetta is so boring. The only people who like it are sex starved teens.
>OMG she is so hot
Half the damn game is hit the timed button for an attack or defense. It is closer to a rythem game than hack-n-slash.
Give Bayo a try, it's masterpiece.
WW is great, too. Especially if you never played it, this is the best version.
Spoiler alert That was bait Sup Forums tards
Which leads to this. Yes because Star fox zero was a fucking great game 9/10 at least.
I guess the shitposting can take over now. FUCK YOU DUMBASS FAGGOTS WHO BITCH ABOUT CONTROLS
play bayonetta 2. Its great.
After that go buy Wonderful 101 and play it. Its phenomenal
>It is closer to a rythem game than hack-n-slash.
A true master uses his gamepad like an instrument.
You fucking dipshit bayonetta is fun as fuck
I think most people never played it and just shitpost about it.
Like the most threads on Sup Forums
Initially I didn't like it because I sucked the big one due to controls being hard to learn. After 5 hours with it, I began to like the game.
Shit... shitaki mushrooms look like... your gaymez.
>Not playing Wind Waker HD
>Twilight Princess HD not in the collection
>Not just playing the games on the right and forming your own opinion about them rather than listening to what fags on Sup Forums say
Play Rainbow Curse. Then buy Captain Toad before they stop printing it.
Windwaker, while being my least favourite Zelda, is still a good game.
Bayo 2 is Bayo 1 with less flaws.
Mario Tennis is too barebones to be any real fun.
Rainbow Curse is alright.
SF Guard is not bad but it's a tower defense.
This thread is actually good, no switch shitposters in it.
Why do people shit on the Wii U when there are plenty of solid games? Compare it to PS4 and Xbone which have only a few worthwhile games between the two.
AYYY get Super Mario 3D World. And where the fuck is Dong Freeze m8?
Shitting on the Wii U has become a meme, and on this board it's the absolute worst due to a dedicated group of IRC autists.
I believe it was Voltaire who said "well, then fuck them."
I love my Wii U
Voltaire's got the right idea, I'm with you by the way. Finished up Tropical Freeze on hard mode and now moving on to finishing up 3D World.
Don't care what anyone says, I'm putting my console to use. Got my gamepad right here while I post.
>Yes because Star fox zero was a fucking great game 9/10 at least.
The campaign in Zero is dogshit. Horribly designed bosses. Only a few good levels, and several are re-used. Half of the levels are Star Wolf fights. The final boss fight is garbage too.
right on, man
haven't played mine in a while since I lent it to my nephew
>plenty of solid games?
There's really only about 10. Wii U has a lot of shovelware, don't kid yourself.
Its worth owning just for Xenoblade X, Bayonetta 2, The Wonderful 101, DKTF and Splatoon, but it has the weakest library of any nintendo home console by far.
Sup Forums has been mocking Nintendo from the start. When the Wii was dominating, people loved to mock the Wii. When Wii U didn't do well, Sup Forums mocked it.
The irony is, Sup Forums loves to be contradictory for attention. And we're at the point now where liking Nintendo would actually be the contrarian way to go.
I you value Sup Forumss opinion you wouldn't own a PiiU
Does he take care of your shit? I'm always wary of lending people my games. I lent my friend my PS2 and one of the cables came back slightly bent.
>>Twilight Princess HD not in the collection
Can you really blame him? WWHD obviously had a lot of effort and care put into it. TPHD looks lazy as fuck by comparison. TP looks like a 2006 game, TP """"""HD""""""" looks like a 2009 game.
Tantalus usually makes garbage ports too. TPHD is their best and its just meh as far as remasters go.
It's true. I remember Sup Forums in 2008. Wii was considered a joke by most posters. Sony fags and X bots were fighting among each other, while PC mustards were acting all high and mighty. Nintendo, and by extension its fans, were just sitting quietly in a corner around that time. The board was filled with nothing but stalker, TF2, etc.
In 2011 or so, they got a bit more vocal, but for the most part Sup Forums still treats Nintendo like a joke.
Wind Waker is fine, its basically just OoT again like every 3D zelda. If you dont like mind numbingly repetitive shit you might not enjoy it.
Bayo 2 is good.
Mario Tennis is shithouse.
Kirby is alright.
Dont even know what the fuck Star Fox Guard is.
I'm posting from my gamepad. ;)
fuck off, there's more than 10
Well enough, I suppose.
He might leave discs out of the cases sometimes but that's about it. Oh, and getting the controllers dirty. He's 5.
5?! God damn nigga. I lent mine to an 18 year old and he still managed to damage something.
>there's more than 10
You sure convinced me with those hot opinions
Over the years i lost
>Game Boy
>Game Boy colour
>Bomberman 2
>SM all stars
>some more i don't remember right now
But I also collected some good games, controllers, etc.
Give and take, i guess.
> I value Sup Forums's opinion in games
And if Sup Forums told you to jump off a bridge you'd probably do it you fucking faggot
Fuck off back to Sup Forums. The Walking Dead sucks by the way, Nigen is a faggot too.
I bet I can top that. I got all of my Game Gear games stolen. The guy I lent them to just bolted, never talked to me again. I had about... 7 or 8 games stolen? Maybe more. He took everything. I hope that asshole got hit by a truck.
Fine, name 5 more exclusives besides the ones I listed, you fucking crybaby.
and GOOD exclusives not shit like Mario Party 10 or Color Splash.
Don't say Hyrule Warriors or Woolly World either since those are on 3DS with bonus content not on Wii U.
What parallel Sup Forums do you come from that like CoD Black Ops and Star Fox Zero but not Wind Waker or Bayo 2?
On one condition, you don't greentext them with some smarmy response. You give constructive criticism, to each and everyone. A well thought out response to every game I list.
Otherwise, we may as well just go back to shitposting each other.
>On one condition, you don't greentext them with some smarmy response. You give constructive criticism, to each and everyone.
Fine, agreed.
Here we go, I'm ready for you. GIVE ME YOUR BEST SHOT.
Super Mario 3D World
Mario Kart 8
Super Mario Maker
Super Smash Bros 4
Pikmin 3
I agree those are all good. But with the 5 I posted and the 5 you posted that's only 10.
You said there was MORE than 10.
Star Fox Guard is a better game that Zero.
Bayonetta 2 is tight.
WWHD is far superior to the original in everything but art style (which sometimes also looks fairly pretty, but other times looks pretty horrendous).
Haven't played Mario Tennis - I would trust literally everyone else saying that it's boring, honestly.
Rainbow Curse is alright. It's got some really good ideas, but it bogs itself down with some really poor choices, and the soundtrack feels like a bit of a missed opportunity in some places, imo.
That's really bad.
Lately i consider to rebuy the Game Boys for nostalgia, I can still replay the games on Super Game Boy.
I thought you said post 5 more?
I like the way this thread is going.
Well are there any more besides that?
Alright nigga, I'm gonna list more. I'm ready, GO GO GO!
Captain Toad
Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Pokken Tournament
You probably won't be impressed by me listing Captain Toad, but personally I loved the shit out of that game.
>fucking cod blops for Wii
>bayo2 unopened
what the hell are you doing?
This is how threads should be.
Bayo 2 is boring because it revolves around witch time. You cannot combo anything unless you have witch time up.
Bayo 1 is like the direct inverse of boring. You aren't even safe during cutscenes, but the QTE input is garbage.
Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water. GO GO GO!
>Captain Toad
I don't really have any strong feelings either way. It was just boring and forgettable to me.
>Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
This game is pretty lazy, it has six worlds and three bosses that are each re-usesd twice. And being forced to only use the gamepad is kinda retarded. I liked Triple Deluxe and Planet Robobot way more.
>Pokken Tournament
This game is pretty meh to me mostly because the local multiplayer is fucking shit. I guess there's online but a lot of people have bad internet connections.
>digital only
Never played it.
he's not like other kids his age, so it's all good
Alright, you gave me the criticism. Thank you.
I feel like a fucking masochist here. I love this better than the typical shitposting.
I'm thinking of rebuying some SNES games for the very same reason. I want Super Metroid and Donkey Kong. It's just that my local antique shop is always Jewing me.
It's crazy how expensive some games became.
Have a look at ebay, worldwide search, with some luck you can make great deals.
Is there anything I'm missing that's worth playing?
It is, they're really gauging us on games that would normally be like, 30 or 40 dollars cheaper.
Dragon Quest X
Isn't it japan-only?
Lego City Undercover was fun.
NSMBU + luigi u is also worth a play.
I used to have NSMBU + NSLU but I sold them to a friend because I couldn't really see myself replaying it.
What is Lego City like?
A friend of mine sold Spawn for SNES on ebay for around 400, there people willing to pay this.
Really makes me think about my own collection and if prices will increase in the next years.
But I just couldn't sell anything.
Imagine GTA with Lego and movie/videa references. There are about eight costumes, each with individual powers. High replay value.
Same, I don't have the heart to sell my shit either. I have a pretty rare game for N64 called Bomberman 64 the Second Attack. I hear it goes for hundreds of dollars. I'm never giving that up.
You already own the games, you literal retard. Just fucking try them. If you really gave a fuck about anyone's opinons on them why did you buy them in the first place?
I have the original Bomberman 64. :)
Didn't know about second Attack, to bad it's that expensive.
I never really checked the value of my games, I just saw prices of some games i also own and realized that there is something going on.
Don't find the time to make some researches.
Yeah, Second Attack is incredibly rare, they had such a limited print. Barely anyone knew about it. Good game too, a nice seqel to 64.
Breath Of The Wild
Maybe i should emulate it, i really enjoyed 64 back than.
>WWHD obviously had a lot of effort and care put into it
Open Wind Waker HD, Bayonetta 2, and Star Fox Guard. Watch some gameplay videos of Rainbow Curse before you open it to make sure it is your type of game. also
>not owning pikmin 3
>not owning nintendoland
>not owning game & wario
>not owning DKCTF
>not owning super mario 3d world
>not owning the wonderful 101
>not owning xenoblade x
you are missing out on a couple of really good titles also
>valuing Sup Forums's opinion on games
It's a little hard to emulate that game, last I checked there are some problems that arise when you try. But give it a shot, it's a great game.
That's a Switch game silly
Bayonetta 2 is probably th best game for this system.
Pikmin 3
Fast Racing NEO
Affordable Space Adventures
Super Mario 3D World
Pokken Tournament
Tokyo Mirage Sessions
Nintendo Land
Hyrule Warriors
Mario Kart 8
Captain Toad
Super Mario Maker
Color Splash because its actually fucking good you pleb