Does anyone suffer from gaming fatigue? I just can't find any joy in gaming anymore. The only reason why I play games anymore is to try and see if I can get any fleeting hints of nostalgia of the good old days. I feel like I wasted most of my life every time I play.
Does anyone suffer from gaming fatigue? I just can't find any joy in gaming anymore...
Other urls found in this thread:
Get another hobby to go along with Video Games you literal faggot.
>Girl on the left
She's Posing. Jojo reference.
>flat but doughy
I am conflicted
What games did you play? What games are you playing now?
I can fix this for you.
99% of the time when a person hits this wall, it is because of issues aside from gaming. For me, it was having a physical disorder which wouldn't let me concentrate on anything. For others, its stress at work. Or problems with a social life. Or a lack of a social life, etc.
My enjoyment of games returned after I figured out my physical problems. Figure out what thing outside of gaming is causing you to feel burned out, sad or stressed.
That's it. I'm out. I'm done. Good bye Sup Forums. This is worse than green lex luthor
Yes. It's like any relationship OP. Your options:
1. Find something else for a while (comics?)
2. Buy a new console that's totally different (Switch?)
3. Find games that are comfy and add a new gameplay element
The Wii-U helped me get over my gaming fatigue. After that I started to be WAY pickier about what I played and stuck to 1-2 hour gaming sessions every night or so. I also stopped giving a crap about finishing.
Eliminate everything that is a chore and keep the stuff that makes you passionate about video games.
How about you do something else form time to time. I don't get gaming fatigue because I do other things with my life.
Do something else until you get the urge again.
I started studying Japanese and reading a lot of VNs. Also started to marathon series that I missed like Stargate.
After reading or watching series for a couple of weeks I suddenly found a game that drew me in completely.
I wish the mods would actually ban people like you.
Same here user.
Play new game for an hour, getting bored & never play it anymore.
Doesn't help that there's not really any good games coming out lately. Just take a break and come back when you're feeling invigorated.
I've been having a blast playing Xenoverse 2 and even though it has its flaws, something about it just made me fall in love with vidya again.
It's not fatigue. You literally just said you're guilt tripping yourself for "wasting your life" and no new hobby is going to fill that if you truly believe enjoying yourself instead of working is a waste of time.
did they remove the upvote buttons on this sub4chan? i want to upvote you but i can't find it
I understand what you mean OPhag.
Been playing DOAX3 non-stop. THOSE BITCHES MAKE ME SO MAD.
November is fucking chock full of releases.
Titanfall 2 from Oct 28th, World of Final Fantasy, Infinite Warfare, new SAO, Dishonorabru 2, Space Marine: Deathwing, Final Fantasy XV, etc.
This guy has the right idea. Take a break from the stuff that isn't holding your interest and find something new either in gaming or in another hobby/project, and after some time off the old stuff will likely become enjoyable for you again.
>no good games
Titanfall 2 came out, but since Sup Forums is a bunch of pirates and poorfags, they ignored an incredible game
So nothing worth even pirating again, huh?
Stop playing for some months.
I actually chuckled
Titanfall 2 is selling poorly, I'm not buying an online game with no online.
Happy Thursday
This. The issue may be painful for you to admit and/or confront, but once you do you will feel better.
Hotaru is obviously traced, boner is kill.
ITT: Poorfags
>Triple-Q spamming his meme shit everywhere Fuck off you fat Australian shit
Go play some sports.
I know everyone here has already told you and you're probably annoyed of hearing it but maybe you are less satisfied with games because you long for more meaning on life? You feel like you're wasting your time cause you are wait until you come home one day after working hard or being really productive after not playing games for a awhile and you'll appreciate the medium more. You're never gonna get the same feelings from games you did as a child but you can come close to feeling like that again if you make video games special again like they were when you were a kid. Also don't be afraid to go and play some games you missed out on as a kid. Remember those games were literally made for you video games are for children and you were once the children games pandered to you no longer are the demographic regardless of age rating on the box. Best wishes user hope the best for you.
But what if you don't even know your issue
Does anyone else hate it when you shit in the shower, throw it at the toilet and miss?
Hoping for a long and bountiful one
Maybe that's part of the issue itself. You have no direction and your sub conscious knows artificial fulfillment from games isn't going to help that right now frustration can be a sign that you feel like you should be doing more use it to get out of your slum rather than wallowing in it like the white piggu you are.
>missing the mark
You should leave these things to the pros.
If this was Triple-Q he would be spamming Nozomi / Snow Halation instead. Still would be better compared to this
Nah, honestly my problem is I keep trying to play skyrim and loadit with mods but deep down I just want to play some good ol grand strat
Best pair
this thread is made multiple times a day, but im feeling it more than usual the past few days.
of course its not just video games.
books, movies, TV, art, model building, i dont get anything out of any of it anymore
its not so much boredom as it is an intense existential grogginess that persists 24/7
i dont have any advice
Go do something else.
Get a job or go to school
I'm 100% sure this is a false flag
Look into Magensium Glycinate, this is not a joke. This shit saved my life.
Game fatigue, sure. But then I have anime to help make that cooldown seem like nothing. I alternate between the two extremes of anime and gaymen.
not him but i'm in school and my life has steadily devolved into humdrum tedium despite my involvement with both friends extracurriculars and academics
im looking into getting a job via disability employment services, im just worried it will cement these vague apprehensions i have about the soul crushing quality of active participation in society
>My IRL friends who I used to play Counterstrike and Halo with in High School all grew up and have kids
>My friends from WoW from when I was a High School Junior through College Sophomore all quit the game and grew up and had kids
>My IRL college friends either got married, moved away and/or had kids. The few I have left are mostly single player focused gamers who I see every other weekend to talk about shit we find on Netflix or HBO.
>My FFXIV static died after clearing Midas and Gordias together and either quit the game or have their own new groups
I'm starting to see a reason why I'm becoming more and more indifferent to games these days; it's not so much the games themselves but rather the lack of long-term relationships built around them that's killing me. At least when I become a Wizard next year I'll have you guys right? ;-;
For some reason i dont think he was being ironic nor sarcastic.
This guy's been shitting up a bunch of threads today probably because someone sent him into maximum over-contrarian. It is getting harder to tell if people are false-flagging/baiting though, what with all the newfriends.
>tfw just want someone to take care of and give my life a purpose
It'll happen eventually user. Just remember that you will have to make sacrifices if you want things to truly work out.
Name one thing wrong with shitposting
It won't happen if I won't fight for it
It is not as good as funposting
Currently going through my backlog of final fantasy games starting with X
I've been thinking of going to the gym and losing weight. The switch is too gimmicky for me. Nothing coming out soon seems to scratch that itch.
I've been trying to go jog more, anything to get me out of the house.
I know that feel. I bought the new Dues Ex and dropped it within 5 hours.
Taking a break sounds like a good plan.
Saya turns my dick into diamonds.
Well at least we can share that feel user.
I wish i can take care of Saya.
>Name one thing wrong with shitposting
Mods delete the thread so you can't keep doing it.
I'm just now getting over these feelings, but I wouldn't have called it 'fatigue.' Basically went through some depressing shit in college, and games never felt the same since. I'm just now finally enjoying video games again after 3 years of feeling that way.
If it's honest fatigue, just try to find a new hobby for a bit. Games might start to feel fun later. If it's not fatigue....try looking for the deeper reason why you don't enjoy what you used to.
Been there, experienced that. I had a year of NEETdom after high school (living in a country where university is free, but it's very hard to get there due to very limited starting places and harsh entry exams), spent it playing vidya and after something like 4 months I felt like I could never ever enjoy playing anything again.
Obviously, the games weren't the problem, but the fact that I had nothing meaningful to do, so entertainment started to feel worthless waste of time that I felt guilty of. But when I got into university the next year, I suddenly found myself wanting for time to play vidya again. So ask yourself, is there any way how you could make it so that you can enjoy your free time without any guilt, feel that you deserve your hard-earned breaks?
>le tired gamer thread xd
please do not shitpost in this fine thread
The more free time you have, the less valuable it feels. The less free time you have, the more valuable it feels. So if you feel that your free time isn't worth anything and you're guilty for indulging in it, it should be obvious that you should try to fill it with something else.
I want to fondle her breasts!
literally me on the right
I want to impregnate Hotaru
>its the depressed failure at life making another attention whoring thread because he can't cope with his depression and needs to have pity parties for fulfillment's sake
one year huh? im on 7
scary thing is i can see myself continuing to do it for 7 more. things would have to get far worse for me before they got better. sucks being a masochist
leaving this here
This is probably the most positive post in the thread.
Congratulations, champ.
Gosh user, you're such a faggot.
p accurate
>that feel when have a job and am relatively sociable but I've literally never been in a relationship and haven't even done so much as held a grill's hand or had a kiss
>am so clueless when it comes to the opposite sex I wouldn't even be able to tell if someone was interested
I have a really good job and a girlfriend, yet I can relate to this a lot.
I can't play more than an hour without snapping out and thinking I'm fucking wasting my time.
Not joking when i say to play some singleplayer games for a while, immerse yourself in something relaxing
pls post more flat girl
she a best
Thanks pal!
>tfw learning Japanese
>tfw love Kanji
Well sorry user, I have something to tell you.
Kanji doesn't like you back.
I'm 28 and graduated from college and got a job in my field about five years ago
Life doesn't get any less mundane or boring and almost every single expectation you have for life with fall short. I do find myself enjoying video games more now that I do other things than sit around and be a useless NEET, but I long dearly for the time I could just sit around morning to night and not have to care about anything again.
I love Megumin
Every time I take a break I just end up going back because I'm so bored with everything else
I don't know if I have ADHD or what but I just can't stand not doing anything, TV literally kills me. I have no idea what else to do with my time aside from play video games and browse the web.
It really does feel like a curse
>I feel like I wasted most of my life every time I play.
That is either because of ingrained guilt, or you're a failure of a normalfag
Please post more chubgirls.
Rip Thursday
Please post more fatgirls.
Yeah, I was the same when all I did was play multiplayer shit.
Then I took a step back and pirated some older stuff from early to mid 2000, and emulated some snes games for a while instead.
Feels good.
Child bearing hips.
Fatgirls are pretty good, too.
sauce me senpai
Chub~ Chub~
Yeah, or you could say her thighs are too thick.