>Game randomly gets political out of nowhere
Game randomly gets political out of nowhere
>the politics part is still more interesting than the combat mechanics
>game gets jojo out of nowhere
>that face
reminds me of Jojo in part 2
Literally SWEP1.
>game talks about racism issues
>inb4 someone quotes Armstrong because they couldn't think of anything else
goes from revenge story to "is it better to have a flawed democracy, a non-intrusive dictatorship, fascism, or total anarchy
>Steambot is comfy as fuck
>Suddenly one of the gangs named after animals takes over ALL the oil in the country
>Prices of everything doubles
>Literally wage a war for oil
>Gang becomes the for-real big bad for the rest of the game
I've been watching DBZ recently, Buu saga. The fight against Kid Buu is amazing.
>game subtley takes jabs at religion throughout the entire game
I'd do the same if DBZ wasn't so damn slow
Well, I skip most of the filler, that shit is boring as hell. I think fat Buu saga is a bit too slow, I prefer fusion/Kid Buu.
>Japanese game deals with race, including mixed people
I think the gotenks fights are really fucking boring
Yeah, you're right, they are. I like Gohan and Vegito's fights. Goku and Vegeta VS Kid Buu was also pretty cool. The part with Gotenks is just too slow and boring
no style pleb. gotenks has style.
>Donald Trump boss
>Builds a wall around you
>Game starts out political
>Then devolves into loldemonsdidit
Fire Emblem.
>reddit boss
>calls you a cuck
>game advertises itself as political
>is just about willingly following the orders of a Saturday morning cartoon villian
I can get why people though Awakening killed the series, but Fates fucked it even harder.
>Game starts out political
Even as a oldfag FE fan, I never hated Awakening like a lot of others did. I thought the story was okay and some of the characters were good.
But Fates made me want to kill myself while playing it. The only redeeming part about the game was some of the characters (Niles, Azama, and a lot of the non-royals were great) and Conquest's gameplay.
I really hated it in XV2 when suddenly Supreme Kai of Time gives you a mission to go back in time and prevent Donald Trump from being named president because Towa filled him with high energy. Seeing SSJGSS Trump was pretty cool though.
Borderlands TPS
>we need these objectives done because reasons