Do you agree with this picture, Sup Forums?
Do you agree with this picture, Sup Forums?
I've been under a rock for a while. What's anarchy reigns?
Deathball was fun as fuck. They need to put that into more games.
There's an entire game being built around that game mode.
Make them into games that died within three days?
no make them into games console faggots won't play because they're not call of doody uncharted qte cinematic shit
Wait, what's that game on the left?
But anarchy reigns has qte too.
Multiplayer God Hand MadWorld Featuring Bayonetta from the Bayonetta series
Got it. I now agree with OP.
fuck no
anarchy reigns was a terrible online game
its funny to see someone so assmad about jojo that they have to spam every thread about it
Yes. Everyone loves JoJo but you.
They should make both.
Just because I'm not into traditional fighters doesn't mean that people who do like traditional fighters should miss out.
That would just be selfish.
Is that Jojo reference I can make out in that picture?
I like Smash.
its not as cool as it sounds. its actually a pretty shitty game.
people only seem to like it because its got a pretty good sound track and its quirky humor.
Is it worse than Pokken or animu-waifu fighting game #38, though?
>platinum make muh game XD
I mean for fucks sake Anarchy Reigns is fun and all but it sold like fucking shit and no one even knows about it
>Commisoner Gordon
>The Riddler
these would never be in, ever.
they won't even have the entire Teen Titans, the 2nd game is going to be so trash.
So, For Honor?
It's no joke the worse fighting game of this list.
anarchy reigns was pretty terrible outside of multiplayer
Why not both?
Yes but with more craziness
This is injustice isn't it?
I think I read up to year 3, and even at that point I was barely reading. The only good parts were the few panels with etrigan.
I have no idea if comics are turning to trash or if they've always been trash but I've just never realized it
The second one for sure
if it makes you feel better, injustice is deliberately ludicrous on like every level. regular dc has a shred of dignity compared to this comic.
le posing
Is this a jojo reference?
its hardly a fighting game in the first place.
its like a 3d brawler but tried to pass it off as an arena type fighting game.
kinda like what they did with power stone.
but its a fucking mess of a game.
So GunZ?
I miss that game so much.
Iktf, bro.