Why is Sup Forums obsessed with hard difficulties in games?
Why is Sup Forums obsessed with hard difficulties in games?
>not wanting to git gud
I just love it when game is challenging and punishes me for my mistakes and stupidity. It just hurts so right.
Because games used to be difficult, and a lot of us enjoyed them that way. Then they got progressively easier so that more people could play them and a certain kind of fun was lost. A lot of people who were used to being thrown into the deep end experience the modern hand holding as condescending and irritating.
People talk about difficult games because it's a kind of fun that is more rare now than it used to be, that's all.
You're talking about games with little depth though
There's a ton of those games still being made but they're online flash games
most games are for babies and super easy. So anything that is remotely challenging is all of a sudden "omg soooo difficult." It's whatever. I don't enjoy truly difficult shit that much, but something challenging is fun. Rather than "turn the ring still 3 dots line up" ala Skyrim easiness.
Because an easy game is a boring game
The only reason classic games were so difficult was to artificially increase playtime of something that would normally take 20 minutes to finish
what about a game with a normal difficulty?
Being good at videogames is easier than being good at any respectable trade in real life.
Since the average living failure who browses Sup Forums can't get good at anything noteworthy, mastering a difficult game is the only way for them to feel fulfilled, which is why they praise "difficult" games so much.
Of course in reality difficulty doesn't really affect the quality of a video game.
A game can be excellent and very easy at the same time, see Kirby series or Gravity Rush.
most games are too easy desu, not even being an edgelord or MLG here either.
Real maturity is when you are mad at your own failures instead of the infrastructure of the game.
Elder god maturity is when you laugh at your failures and enjoy finding something to improve on.
So, grats, my elder god
harsh but accurate
nah I just get bored from easy games and drop them after a couple hours
If it's not difficult, it's easy. I've never played a game with "normal" difficulty.
People play videogames because it's an interesting way to challenge themselves in satisfying ways that modern society just can't replicate.
People who are already mentally challenged don't need it and therefore abhor it.
I don't think most games were ever hard back in the day. I think people just remember them as being hard because they were stupid kids.
it's because the average person on Sup Forums has the mental age of a 10-year-old
>Being good at videogames is easier than being good at any respectable trade in real life.
True, but that only makes casuals who constantly bitch and moan over the simplest shit look even worse in the end.
Because they're menchildren that roleplay as shonen heroes.
Gives them a sense of superiority they lack in the real world, to be able to brag about it.
>you want a challenge your mind and skills?
>well then you're a retard, you should be playing real games like COD, talking about weed, MLG, and Mountain Dew
Because they want a challenge?
this would make sense if the "hard" games people were playing revolved around puzzles, but they don't
And? You're assuming anyone actually cares about the intent of the devs. What matters is that it worked and made for engaging, memorable games that were satisfying to master instead of shitty cinematic experiences that last for 8 hours but have like 2 minutes of memorable content. Not to mention all the other benefits those limitations brought like games not wasting your time with tutorials, levels that were densely packed with action and replayablity that came from the fact that you didnt have to sit on your ass for hours to play through them.
>you want a challenge your mind and skills?
>stop playing games and go study or something
Fixed for you.
Most games are about problem solving unless they have no depth and are focused purely on testing your reflexes like rhythm games. Difficult action games will require you to constantly think about your performance and how you can improve.
dark souls isnt even a hard game
you aren't punished meaningfully for your death, your little mistakes can't add up and get you cornered into an unwinnable game, there's no strategic long-game involved it's always just "memorize the attack patterns" while whittling down health bars.
Because anything piss easy gets boring really fast. I enjoy playing tennis in a close match. I wouldn't enjoy playing against a 5 year old.
I guess you're either competitive or you're not, so maybe you can't understand.
Nah they were harder bro. I tried playing some old games for the snes and stuff and found old games were actually harder. I remember as a fucking 5 yr old finishing and beating the game blackthorne and my older cousins couldn't. They didn't know you could dodge the bosses attack by simply crouching/rolling. I remember them celebrating and overreacting to it too.
Anyway I found the cartridge in my garage along with the old barely working snes. I don't think I could pass simply 5 screen transitions before dying. I don't remember the game being that difficult as a kid either.
Games have been getting easier since the 6th to 7th gen transition and devs aren't even hiding it. Just like how Mario devs said they made the games easier since they didn't think western kids would be able to finish it.
I've never beat a Mario game before
Yet my 6 yr old niece beat 3d world when it came. I found 3d world extremely easy except maybe the clone parts
What better way to seek validation in an ever more gated community that shuns at the mainstream trends than a game that supposedly only few can finish it due to its difficulty?
Should all books be written at a 3rd grade reading level? Should all movies take breaks to explain the plot to slower viewers?
Did I say it should?
Is this a Jojo reference?
Losers desperately seek any way to feel superior to other people.
It's one of the founding principles of all internet culture.
>Dark souls isn't a hard game because it isn't poorly designed
>narrow-minded view of gaming
is that really bad though?
Normies get to feel superior at their hobbies
Yep. You literally typed it out word for word.
Because this board is full of insecure teenagers that need validation for their worthless hobby.
Hopefully bait because I hope you don't suffer from reading comprehension this badly.
>dark souls isnt even a hard game
Never underestimate how fragile the ego of a casual is.
there is a special kind of fun on a challenge, sometimes, when the games became too easy, you just dont feel the challenge, how are you suppose to feel as the badass super soldier, if the enemies dies just looking at them, where is the danger that makes you feel you actually kicked the ass of something dangerous.
I think modern games can be challenging too but Sup Forums is extremely specific with everything so nothing qualifies. So damage sponges and gimping yourself on purpose aren't "valid" options although old games were filled with sponge enemies and gimped playthroughs are usually pretty fun for me.
So basically the answer is that Sup Forums just whines about anything.
>where is the danger that makes you feel you actually kicked the ass of something dangerous.
Not in a fucking simulated imaginary video game, kiddo.
It's human nature to find ways to see yourself as better than the people around you. Everybody does it, regardless of how much of a pathetic, lonely, loser they are. It only becomes a bad thing when done to excess, much like anything else.
>So basically the answer is that Sup Forums just whines about anything.
Anything new?
My favorite part is the people who will post "Game X isn't even hard LEL!" as if anyone cares that you didn't find it hard.
It's like I'm back in college where everyone is trying to out-alpha everyone. Quite sad, really.
>True, but that only makes casuals who constantly bitch and moan over the simplest shit look even worse in the end
You're looking at it the wrong way.
Playing vidya is such a "not worth it" thing to normal people, as in, "if i invest my time on this i won't get anything out of it", that these people just give up if the game even as much as bothers them a little bit.
So in fact, the ones who assume gaming is serious business are the ones who look worse, because they generally invest a lot of time on this thing that isn't helping them develop at all as an individual, and don't really acquire any skills and don't have an interest to actually learn something, like an instrument, or a sport, or going to college or working.
>Normies get to feel superior at their hobbies
Are you sure it's not you who's feeling inferior because of it? Because else, you're doing the same as them.
Of course you don't have to be good at games to enjoy them, although for most people it probably helps. But you do have to be good at games if you want me to respect anything you have to say about them. It's for the same reason I don't care what someone who reads at a 6th grade level has to say about literature.
>that these people just give up if the game even as much as bothers them a little bit.
How do these people function in the real world?
>Being good at videogames is easier than being good at any respectable trade in real life.
I hope you're joking. Useful trades in life are not hard, albeit tiresome to master. To me it sounds more like people like you don't want to put any effort into it whatsoever.
games are designed to be beaten
you might just be good.
>Playing vidya is such a "not worth it" thing to normal people,
that's the crux of it. Why is it them who gets to dictate how video games should be played? That's why Sup Forums get mad at casuals. They get catered to at every corner and make games shitty
Preferring challenging video games does not necessarily mean you will spend a ton of time on them. Its entirely possible to get good at a difficult game in far less time than a casual spends doing fuck all in some shitty MMO. Its all about how much you are getting out of the time you do invest.
because they are autistic
It worked only because you were a kid and that's all you had. If cod existed back then youd be a cod baby.
That's my point, it's natural to want something you like to be catered to your taste. I don't goto a baseball game and demand the players make the game easier for me. People get to be good at baseball and stomp the other team. But somehow if I like to play video games at a higher difficulty I'm somehow a human piece of garbage?
Pretty much that.
Also the most challenging a game is the best it feels to beat it.
Noticed this too. Most guys here probably don't even play games on harder difficulties because
>nuh uh that's wrong kind of challenge!
>I shouldn't gimp myself, even if that would make the game better, because the game wasn't intended to be played like that
>But somehow if I like to play video games at a higher difficulty I'm somehow a human piece of garbage?
I fail to see why you should care
In regards to having less game-savvy people review games, why would anyone trust their opinion on the matter? We'd be stuck with 15 year old COD players telling us the newest iteration of what-have-you-4 is repetitive, boring, or just plain trite. Then they would praise a game like Skyrim without any knowledge of the (what 7, I think?) games that came prior.
It'd be like a McDonald's manager reviewing 5-star restaurants.
>implying studying isn't just absorbing information
>Also the most challenging a game is the best it feels to beat it.
Not always. I felt much better when finishing Dark Arisen than Darkest Dungeon.
57 get
Nah it worked for the reasons I listed rather than your baseless assumptions. I dont even like the vast majority of my childhood favourites now
Nah m8, I still play a lot of retro games and a lot of them really are more difficult than anything made today (outside of highly niche games that can still get away with being difficult, at least).
I attribute it mainly to the ballooning of video game budgets. As video games became more and more expensive to make, it became critical that they sell more and more copies. Since most people casuals and don't want to deal with gitting gud, making games simpler and easier to play was a simple and easy way for developers to broaden the appeal of their games.
Niche market games, which tend to have smaller teams and smaller budgets, have been able to resist this trend somewhat, although influence from the vidya industry at large is still creeping in.
Well it depends on how casual you are "hardcore" gamers prefer hard as balls games or games that require an autistic amount of skill in order to be good at it.
because developers make shitty and more casual games, it's an unstoppable downward spiral to my taste, as they cater to side-line fans. all the while we get called dinosaurs and autists vOv
Holy red flags
But if people get to be good and stomp the other team, they get:
>social status
Meanwhile if you play a difficult videogame as opposed to an easy videogame you get:
The more difficult something is the more it engages you and the more rewarding it is to overcome the challenge of it.
In short, it is more fun.
Being good at a respectable trade in real life is just grinding.
You can get both money and social status from being good at games too though but I fail to see why that matters, people dont respect the players because they could get fame and fortune they respect them because of their abilities
this this, people say that you play games, not true, in order for it to be a fulfilling experience the game also has to play you, it should always be a race between the player and the game, if you use a certain tactic the game should pick up on it so you cant do that no more then you have to find ups something new and maybe the game finds something new because that a interactive and fulfilling experience
casual gaming is ,like mcdonalds, its empty, the food looks good on the posters you buy it eat it; nothing you keep going there wery so often but in the end nothing of value is had
I honestly don't care about difficulty one way or the other. I'm less concerned about beating a hard game than having a good time. Although some games I find better experienced on hard, like Fallout 4 with Survival on
The vast majority of people who play sports do so for recreation, not profession, and if some people are having a game and some random guy tries to join in then demands everyone stops being better than him it's universally agreed that that guy's a faggot.
But you getting upset over it changes absolutely nothing. Either be proactive or stop giving a fuck.
I disagree.
Because the harder a game is, you can spend more time evading your miserable life playing it.
You can't be a successful entrepreneur if you don't have charisma, intelligence and perspicacity.
You can't be a good artist if you don't have taste, a unique style and technique and have something meaningful to express through your art.
this, usually il just play through games casually but if i find a game i like you can best be sure im getting that platinum tropphy i dont give a fuck about the 100% completion, its just an excuse for me to play the game more
it's pretty simple, because it's satisfying
what's interesting is that I don't play harder games because that's what I'm used to
when I started playing games, like 15 years ago or so I usually played them on the easier difficulty settings, and as I grew older I started to like the more challenging experiences
it's not like as some user said earlier, that I don't have too much to be good at in real life (I don't even have that much time to play actually), but I'm the opposite of what most of my friends say, if I sit down to play something, I want a satisfying experience, the feeling like I achieved something a bit harder, even if it's just a video game, not just "turn off your brain"
roll for whatever
Pretty much, the less free time I have the more difficult games I play. Arcade games are great because just an hour of playing is enough to completely satisfy me, or even exhaust me.
Neither of those are a respectable trade. People see entrepreneurs as the eccentric weirdos you see on Dragon's Den and artists as workshy hippies, because that's mostly what the unsuccessful ones (the majority) are.
A respectable trade is stuff like plumbing.
I said respectable, not respected.
Artists and entrepreneurs shape culture and society.
Respectable and respected are synonyms and artists do not shape culture and society outside of the circlejerk world of art.
it is fun
Ahahahaha fucked him up
Dark souls isn't even that hard
>actual difficulty is bad design
lmao. god forbid you actually have to think when playing a video game, huh bud?
Making action games unwinnable is a pretty shit idea
rolling for cunt shit
Making a game unwinnable doesn't make it more difficult, just more punishing.