When does a zombie go from "generic boring enemy" to a "fun and amusing" enemy?
When does a zombie go from "generic boring enemy" to a "fun and amusing" enemy?
say what you want but i think the original plants vs zombies did it well
When does a zombie go from "horrific brain eating undead" to "viral victim hellbent on hitting people to death"
When they aren't infected and they actually become other-worldly creatures/monsters.
When you have more to do with them around than kill them by the trillion.
when you build interesting gameplay mechanics around them
Left 4 Dead's special infecteds, nigga.
When they do cool flips.
It's simple.
Is the game set around making them a credible enemy and an actual focus point of the franchise? If so then they are good enemies.
Are they just some tacked on DLC mode to a game that doesn't mesh with them mechanically or in terms of setting that's catering to bleeding the wallets of stupid xbox era millennials? Then it's simply the shallow tripe that people complain about.
zombies are fin, they got popular for a reason. The problem comes when they began shoehorning them into places they don't belong.
Mmmm, nah, because they certainly worked like that in Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army.
>Then it's simply the shallow tripe that people complain about.
But that's wrong. It's what 60's and 70's era exploitation were made of. Modern zombies is what ruined them. They're just crazy people now.
>Are they just some tacked on DLC mode to a game that doesn't mesh with them mechanically or in terms of setting that's catering to bleeding the wallets of stupid xbox era millennials?
What you're describing is actually rarer than you think.
It's only happened to Black Ops 1, 2, and WAW.
Sniper Elite NZA doesn't count because those weren't DLC, those were separate games.
Look, George, there are multiple successful ways of doing the whole zombie thing. It all doesn't have to be your way of doing things.
>If so then they are good enemies.
I've played plenty of games where they were the focus point and still felt like boring, uninspired enemies, like H1Z1, DayZ, Dead Rising, ZOMBI, and to a degree Left 4 Dead.
>28 Days Later
Not about zombies.
Do the enemies in RE even technically count as zombies? Aren't they mutants?
When it's mechanic grow into something more than "follower with contact damage".
Dead Rising did it pretty well by allowing a lot of interaction with them through all of the various things you could find in the mall.
when it interacts with the environment
The T virus reanimates corpses so basic enemies are zombies. The G virus makes the crazy mutants and past 4 theres some parasite or some fucking garbage idk
The zombies in Resident Evil aren't technically dead. They're alive, just on life support. The zombies made by Goldman in House of the Dead 2 are undead.
The T-Virus technically mutates the host but the mutation causes their body to start going into necrosis and they lose all higher brain function so they're pretty much zombies
Came here to post this. The zombies in PvZ are fun and flavorful.
>28 Days later
That movie and Weeks are both good very-short movies with 80-minute long ass-fests tacked onto them.
>It's only happened to Black Ops 1, 2, and WAW.
and red dead redemption
and yakuza
I wish there were more smart zombies like in Return of the Living Dead. They have all the memories and smarts of their past life but any morals are superseded by a hunger for living flesh. They can plan, scheme and operate equipment.
I wish they did that with the Ophiocordyceps version of zombies. Instead of turning a human into a stupid animal, they get twitchy and feel compelled to do things for reasons they can't explain.
Is that the one where you basically cannot kill a zombie in any way? Burning zombies also just creates more zombies or something, that was a fucked up movie.
It's been forever since I last saw the movie, but I wonder if they could be taken out if you just removed all their limbs and head. Like Dead Space necromorphs.
One of the main problems is that their strength is supposed to come not from speed, or power, but just being completely undefeatable. They're hard to put one down. There are ALWAYS more. They don't get tired, they will never stop chasing you or beating on a door to get to you.
It's a bit hard to emulate this in a videogame, especially when people need BIG WEAPONS with LOTS OF AMMO, and the fact that most developers seem scared to put more than 20 badguys on screen ever.
When Crossed is made into a vidya game.
I remember reading this chinese manhua.
Only if they give you a salt shaker.
Nah cause the limbs would just keep attacking you
It's weird that nobody thinks to just tie up the bodies.
When they stop being enemies, and you are the one raising them to fight those who oppose you
What is some essential /this/-core? Dominions is only fun for so long before the autism wears you down.
>good very-short movies with 80-minute long ass-fests tacked onto them
thats an underrated way of describing things
If you tie them up you can talk to them
In-context variety
Doing anything but "walk/run and attack you with melee"
Non-standard use in the story
Non-standard appearance when compared to Zombies in other works
these too
>played the demo on xbox
>loved it
>got it on pc
>it works for nobody
>valve sends me a full refund without me asking
>its still in my steam library
Zombies that are being directly risen from the dead by a necromancer/ghost/witch/politician/etc in the area. Necromantic sigils are located on the brain, so destroying the heads still puts them down, but can be modified by magic or kind of clever.
Zombies that are being directly risen from the dead by same above. Necromantic magic fills the whole body, so the entire zombie must be disabled or you'll still have a headless one-armed torso trying to squeeze your ankles off.
Zombies created by viruses or natural causes. Resident Evil BARELY gets a pass despite this due to the nature of the viruses leaning towards mutation in to things cooler than zombies.
I think the first Dark Souls did a nice spin on zombies, to the point you wouldn't even call them zombies at first, before II and III made them more like classic zombies and thus ruined the magic a bit.
In there zombies are called hollows, and hollowing doesn't make you die or decay as much as makes your body take the appearance that it was hollowing from the inside out. Your eyesockets and mouth would become this dark void, and you'd take this dry, almost tree-like appearance. You wouldn't hunger for flesh, but would be come mindlessly hostile to other beings. And the only way to halt the hollowing process was to have strong enough desires or goals to attach yourself to so that you keep a hold onto your mind and being.
Most of the NPCs in the game go full hollow once you finish their sidequests since those involve fulfilling the "goals" they had which inadvertedly were stopping them from losing their minds.
Depends on the route you want to go.
Dead Rising did well with traditional Romero zombies. They posed a threat to the unexperienced and a fun obstacle for those who have kept with the game. The former is kept going throughout the game by having to manage inept survivors, and they give you enough tools for a variety of interaction with the latter.
Dying Light did well for still keeping Romero zombies a challenge, but in a twofold way with the inclusion of the more modern Infected archetype. The shambling zombies were fun to attack due to the weight of each attack's swing and the variety of moves you unlock to more effectively deal with them, while their endurance brought the Infected into question when having to deal with a problem hastily. Using firearms or firecrackers were effective for breaking the horde, but brought the attention of virals that would attack with persistence, making the idea of keeping volume low imperative despite the majority of the enemy pool being typical Romero Zombies. This becomes even more imperative during nighttime when the ratio shifts to a more viral-focused enemy pool, and it begins to include volatiles.
Zombies just need to be nuanced in order to be fun and amusing. Make them fun pushovers and you end up with something that doesn't keep interest after you get further into the game. Preventing the player from being able to put up a fight they want to makes them just lose their personality.
They don't.
There is no situation where zombies aren't a lame, lazy, boring as fuck enemy.
I give Umbrella a pass because of A - I feel like they're grandfather clause'd in at this point and B - They intentionally set out to create zombies.
That's a couple degrees more acceptable than "we're a cosmetics company trying to develop a revolutionary new anti-pimple cream! Wait! Our test groups are now eating each other!"
crossed is total garbage
physics based flapping parts
You have down syndrome
plants vs zombies was fucking phenomenal, the only casual game I can say I've ever enjoyed that much
its a shame to see the sequel reduced to such a cashgrab
When they're actually dangerous AND THEY ACTUALLY FUCKING WORK LIKE THEM seriously how many games say
and then go and let you shoot them in the chest 1 extra time to kill them
it's true, it is garbage.
i was engrossed reading the one with the carnival/circus and it read like a total b-movie, but it is very much garbage.
the Moore run might not be garbage i don't know. Alan Moore has done some questonable stuff though, pic related, but