Post your favorite Overwatch sprays.
Post your favorite Overwatch sprays
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Pharah a cute! CUTE!
>use this spray
>spray it before falling down on a group of enemies and getting POTG
So based
Pharah is so cute.
Why the fuck are Arabic girls so beautiful?
go away ster
>Why the fuck are Arabic girls so beautiful?
fuck off, shill
>not Arabs
fuck off, black cunt
Zen Kick spray, just slap that in the corner of any other spray
the wanted poster McRee one that i'm too lazy to find a picture of
I just like using the red X and painting over other people's sprays
McCree noose if you're an asshole.
or zen taunt for funsies.
I'm not Arab user
What are they then?
Not that guy, but that's a streamer's meme spray?
Damn, now I have to change, I've been using it because it looks ridiculous
>Delusional white bois think dey waz pharaohs in shit
Tracer looks really good here
>Implying they're not
Tracer has shit sprays.
Hanzo and Genji do too, what a shame.
the spray that conveys everything and nothing
As does Lucio
Ever since I unlocked it.
Anything other than YOU ARE NOT PREPARED is incorrect.
Zenny is best Halloween spray. You can't beat bucket head.
Ster is probably the only overwatch streamer who is okay.
He used to play TF2
>spray shoop DVA's movie poster at Hollywood lobby
>we will never see her out of her suit
Loli Pharah doesnt count
Her body type is very similar to Tracer's.
She cut off her limbs so she can stand the G-force of her jetpack, obviously
I want to have babies with Pharah
You fucks are still trying to push that?
dumping fave 3. first was ana.
This man gets it