Despite the online drm, I can honestly say this is my GOTY for 2016
Despite the online drm, I can honestly say this is my GOTY for 2016
The episodic release model is a complete dealbreaker for me, however I could see myself buying a retail copy on ps4 in Jan when it comes out.
>game released in tiny shitty fragments is GOTY
eat a dick
I said the same thing being an avid pirater, but then I broke down and finally bought the game. I can tell you the content is worth the money. Besides now its all in one package for 60 bucks.
Early Access really hurt this game. End of story. Episodic would have been cool if they were actually competent enough for it, but they were not.
It's such a hard game to judge, the levels, aside from some exceptions, are absolutely fucking spectacular.
But the core game, the "platform" is kind of bad no matter how you look at it. Hopefully there will be some patching prior to the retail release.
Also, inb4
>hurr durr u didn't play it
Quality thread, IO.
Hand was too far to the left typing "OP", but that works even better.
>episodic release model
Get rid of that always online bullshit and I'll reconsider
>Episodic would have been cool if they were actually competent enough for it
How were they at all incompetent? This is the best episodic game that has ever been released.
Also, why do you fucking mongs still live in third-world countries such that always online is an issue? I've never had a disconnect while playing.
>Early Access really hurt this game.
Except not only is that not true, but the release model helped the game stay relevant for over five months.
Considering how people don't even fucking remember Deus Ex MD which came out like last month, and HITMAN is a niche title, that is incredible.
You can deny it all you want, but the release model literally saved Hitman by allowing IO to play to the series strengths in a world where PS2-era gameplay has been all but phased out.
>It never happened to me therefore not an issue.
Just play offline then you fucking imbecile.
I would've bought it but you can't shoot your way through the entire game so I just got bored of it.
bought it from gmg for 32 bongdollars
was this a mistake?
>le episodic is always bad meme
>le cucked by the industry
there is literally no way you have a normal job, life, SO, etc.
Just absolutely sad
Everything is always online these days. If it drops, boo hoo, you just take it from the top. Runs take no more than 20 minutes.
Saves aren't interchangeable for some weird reason.
>no weapons unlockables/outfits/gadgets
>no scores
No thanks you Jew nose kike.
>helped the game stay relevant for over five months.
Not really, unless you're the kind of person who just puts a game down after one playthrough. The game has shit sales as it stands, hopefully full release will pick up, but it's only keeping it relevant to mouthbreathers who bought it to not play it.
And you're full fucking retarded by the way, because you're describing a way episodic would help it, I said episodic would have been cool, early access is the problem here and you said "nuh uh" and offered no points as to why it wasn't a problem.
Things as basic as completing challenges or getting a rating require you to be online. If the connection is interrupted you get booted from the mission. Requiring online connectivity for single player functionality is one of the most disgusting practices a publisher can engage in.
I'd say this game is one of the rare instances where it's perfectly fine to pirate. The online DRM is fucking annoying, it slows down loading and saving.
you tell me when you finished downloading it
>early access is the problem here
There's nothing "early access" about it. It was polished at launch apart from transient server issues (like every other game has) and every episode that comes out is complete and polished.
That is unfortunate but it's more likely for my computer to outright crash than it is to ever be offline for a minute, and the servers are completely fine.
The game certainly doesn't need to be always online, and it would be better not, but it would also be nice if you third-worlders could fuck off and die with your pithy poverty concerns so we could actually discuss the game for once instead of the tragic realities of living in the third-world.
>every episode that comes out is complete and polished.
Top fucking kek
>Not really
>Is literally talking about it an a thread five months after the games initial release
>Following a couple of threads that existed just yesterday, one of which had over 450 posts
Are you actually brain damage-
>but it's only keeping it relevant to mouthbreathers who bought it to not play it.
Oh my, you genuinely are. Must be hard to live like that, my condolences. Like I said, the episodic nature of the game directly reflects the high quality of it. A full release wouldn't have been nearly as good.
>you're literally not allowed to talk about games after their release
>Like I said, the episodic nature of the game directly reflects the high quality of it. A full release wouldn't have been nearly as good.
Well, you've made it clear you're the one here with brain damage. This appears to be all that needs to be said, but I'd fucking love to hear your pathetic attempt to rationalize that.
Imagine if in blood money you could only play missions with the most basic gear unless you connected to the publisher's servers. And when you finished the mission you wouldn't get any rating or feedback instead just throwing you back to the intro screen. That's the new game in a nutshell until and unless SE comes to their senses.
Gamers today are special sums you up quite nicely.
Game has some of the best levels to date, but I don't get why people are lying about the release being polished or this nonsense about how episodic somehow made it better when it actually made it worse since they couldn't balance the schedule. Well, either that or they're just incompetent devs and episodic had literally no effect, which is worse, and still offers no way for episodes to be a positive on the game itself.
For the record episodic would have been nice, if they actually released polished content. I will never understand Sup Forums's bizarre stance on it for this game.
>constant bugs, bugs that can ruin entire runs
>crashes on all systems, more after patches than before
>Elusive Targets are a retarded idea if for no other reason than that you can fail them due to bugs outside of your control
>marrakesh sucks
>47's iconic weapon is not only useless but invisible
>everything about VO designed to break immersion
>mechanics break immersion and hurt design, none of the rules that apply to you apply to any NPCs
>music is a joke
>no human shields
>no plate carrying or weapon smuggling
>attention to detail only applies to targets and easter eggs
>online only, which for those of you too retarded to understand, makes the game worthless in a few years when the servers go down
>episodic release was rushed, making every patch a buggy mess, patching back in bugs in some cases such as NPCs having X-Ray vision
>rating system is nonsensical
>shooting sucks
>some unlocks are useless, most are redundant
>head-turn creates luck based scenarios
>some enforcers are completely random, Bangkok is the worst offender
>AI is inconsistent as fuck, ruining one of the primary points of the game
I don't know if there really are shills or what, but if you mention anything negative about the game in these threads these retards just lose their minds and attack, despite all evidence.
Love the game, but fuck you faggots.
This a hundred times this
I bought the game when colorado episode came out. Finished Hokkaido today and I can say that it is fucking amazing. Looks damn great too.
I do hope they make a second season of content. Easily my favourite hitman game in the series.
Not a GOTY for me though. Shadow Warrior 2 takes that spot with ease. SW2 is the most fun game I have played in years.
How did you get it for $32?
While I agree with the stupid scheduling and I don't like square enix's fetish with episodic releases, I didn't have an issue with most of the things you listed
>constant bugs
The only bugs I encountered was when I shot a guy and his ragdoll bugged big time, launching him air and everyone saw him
>crashes on all systems
I haven't had a single crash in 100hours of playtime or any server disconnects
>marrakesh sucks
Probably one of my favourite levels, but I did find it annoyingly difficult at first though.
>shooting sucks
Its tricky dicky, but very manageable still. Might be hard on consoles, but haven't had any issues hitting 3 dudes in the head in a row before any of them managed to let out a peep. If it was any easier it would be even more of a breeze to murder everyone in the map.
They probably should have added some reinforcement wave system where if enough dead guards are seen, they would get replacement guards and additional guards at key points.
I did find it dissapointing though that there was no weapon smuggling outside of dropping a gun for a guard to see and then have them carry it inside. It was a silly oversight. Frankly, there arent enough frisk points in maps.
Overall most of the main missions are too easy, but like any other hitman game, its as hard as you make it and doing certain challenges is where its at. Still I wish the base challenge would have been higher.
But yeah, its by no means a perfect game, but the best hitman game overall in my opinion. There was literally no point in buying it when it first launched since the episode releases were so far from eachother and the elusive targets were a bit too rare aswell. A neat system, but underutilised. One of those system that if you are going to do it, go balls deep and just keep making more of them, more often.
>The only bugs I encountered was when I shot a guy and his ragdoll bugged big time, launching him air and everyone saw him
"It worked for me" isn't an argument. The only Elusive Target I've ever failed was due to NPCs seeing me through a wall. And that scenario has happened multiple times for me. Also, you've encountered no bugs? You've never punched someone instead of subduing them? You've never used the fiber wire?
>I haven't had a single crash in 100hours of playtime or any server disconnects
I didn't have a single crash in 100 hours of playtime either, then Colorado dropped and I can barely play the game anymore except the rare handful of launches that just happen to never crash. Again "works on my machine" is not a valid argument.
Is opinion based, I won't argue this one.
I didn't say it was hard, I said it sucks, it's just not fun and has no real feel to it.
>Frankly, there arent enough frisk points in maps.
I was kind of baffled by this last round of unlocks being based on going through frisks when there aren't really any problematic frisk points in the game, honestly.
>Still I wish the base challenge would have been higher.
>the best hitman game overall in my opinion
I disagree due to the current state of the game, with some more levels and a better core it will easily be the best though.
>I didn't have an issue with most of the things you listed
That doesn't make them any less valid. I don't really give that much of a fuck about the lack of accents like everyone else does, but that doesn't mean I think it's a worthless point.
Also while not everything I listed is a "big deal" the redundant unlocks, head turn and random enforcers are pretty bad, even if you aren't particularly bothered by them. The inconsistent AI is indefensible.