It's been four an a half years since ME3 came out. Was its ending truly so terrible?
It's been four an a half years since ME3 came out. Was its ending truly so terrible?
Yes, and if that's the current trend with Bioware then Andromeda will be worse. Only way I'd consider giving them my money again is if Manveer Heir came to my place and I got to beat the shit out of him with a piece of rebar
>man babies still upset over a child's video game
From a strictly literary standpoint, yes.
We were foolish to think all of our choices would actually change the end
>It's been four an a half years since ME3 came out.
Now that the BSN is shut down where's a safe space to talk about BioWare games and keep up to date on their news?
storywise, no, the reaper's plan was pretty sensible and created a hard decision
>they cull life of extremely advanced races and reseed so that artificial intelligence doesn't completely end all life in the universe
>let them
>stop them hoping the predictions don't come true
the problem was that the ending was just too short and didn't include enough based on past choices
Yes. I'm still mad.
>current trend with Bioware then Andromeda will be worse
That makes no fucking sense though. Bioware's worst games are Dragon Age 2 and Mass Effect 3. Inquisition and it's DLC was the last thing they worked on, and that ranged from "okay" to "pretty great".
Assuming you know what sidequests are bullshit padding and thus should be skipped, Inquisition is well worth a pirate. They wrap up some of the questions I've had since Origins in some pretty satisfying ways, and being able to romance the villain was cool too. Regardless of whether or not you enjoyed it though, Inquisition is objectively better than the dogshit that is DA2. So don't even fucking talk.
Yup, and it broke whatever faith I had in Bioware. The choices didn't need to change the ending much for me to have been satisfied. Pulling a new character out of their ass in the last 5 minutes and then giving identical green, red and blue endings was just fucking terrible.
Nope. Even without the extended cut+Leviathan it wasn't really that bad.
>the multiplayer is still populated (on PC at least)
What went right?
The multiplayer for that game was fun though. There was just something magical about running around as a Krogan and fucking everything up in melee.
ME is explicitly marketed to adults, though.
DA:I was worse than DA2. Shit quests, shit world objectives and an overall shit story.
I agree with you, the inquisition story DLC that ended it proved they could actually end a game in a satisfying way. I'm neutral towards Andromeda as a result, I want it to be good but I won't be surprised if it isn't. Also the asari that looks like Shrek needs mods.
yeah and so was the beginning :V
shit franchise
The fact you could play as pther races.
That vermin race was cool as fuck.
You have a shitty opinion. It is so unbelievably shitty that I have to imagine you haven't even played Inquisition or DA2, and you're talking out of your ass. There is no way you could prefer DA2 unless you're mentally handicapped.
Fuck Dragon Age
>Replay Mass Effect 1 and 2 almost every year
>Play 3 once
>Never play any of the Mass Effect games ever again
DA:I had a good character creator and a better artstyle. That's all it had going for it. Everything else was worse. The main story and villain were the most generic, bland shit ever. The only time the story gets remotely interesting in DA:I is Solas at the very end of the main game and Tresspasser, but that's literally just a few minutes worth of content.
Yes, but you know what? I could even stomach the terrible asspull that is that catalyst boy, if they let me play a bit more a few months after destroy ending, where Shepard apparently survives. See the restored Citadel etc.
Not him but I unironically like it better in every way.
I'm right there with you.
>That Mordin / genophage story
>That Thane death
>That entirety of Citadel
>That entirety of Leviathan
>That Garrus romance
>That multiplayer
>That Javik
It's okay. The ending still sucks huge fucking testicles, takes out any real choice, and gives you false consequences, but as long as you pick Destroy, the game overall is still alright. Assuming you have all the DLC.
Fight me.
all they had to do to fulfill minimum expectations was to provide a brief epilogue for all your major decisions after the main ending.
You know, something to show your decisions made a difference even if it's just a short one line voice over to a still image tying up loose ends.
They couldn't even do that and somehow they were surprised when people were upset.
>DA:I had a good character creator and a better artstyle
Are you fucking kidding me?
they are too damn long and choice doesnt matter enough for anyone to play this crap more than twice
ill just wait for andromeda and play that until i realize just how empty and soulless it is despite its progressive agenda
Oh fuck off. DAI plays better than DA2. DAI has more interesting locales than DA2. DAI has more enemies than DA2. DAI has better sidequests than DA2.
The only thing DA2 has over DAI is companions and a main plot.
I never did finish ME3, how did it end?
yes it was and Sup Forums is so fucking retarded they will definitely buy the new Mass Effect game knowing how awful it will be because all of you guys are cocksucking semen-slurping faggots.
For fucks sake you guys saw how bad Fallout 4 was going to be at E3 2015 but like the shit-eaters you are you just slurp that shit up. You just beg to get fucked in the ass by cancerous game companies because you all love it so much. You crave it.
You guys don't shit on video games. Bad video games shit in your mouth and you put a funnel down your throat and you crave it.
Sup Forums is dead.
"b-b-b-but it's fun" is not an excuse to justify spending SIXTY dollars for a trash game you knew would be bad and having listened to people over and over telling you how bad it is and what a terrible decision it would be for you to make.
>Listening to Sup Forums
I've found games Sup Forums has been praising to high heavens to be shit and games Sup Forums has loathed like they were out of Satan's asshole ranging from alright to legit good.
Fuck Sup Forums.
>"b-b-b-but it's fun" is not an excuse if other people tell you it's bad
Yeah, everyone should stop trusting their own experiences and instead march in lockstep. Wouldn't want to have the 'wrong opinion'.
Bears suck
>Open world will be a bunch of collect x objectives like DA:I
>Main story will be about stopping an ancient evil and uniting the galaxy
>Humans will be treated as the best and most important species again
>Companion quests will be about helping a tranny come out to their parents and destroying a gay conversion camp
>Multiplayer will be a watered down survival mode like ME3's and have random loot crates available for real money
>Game will end on a cliffhanger with a message to buy the DLC
DA:I's sidequest are MMO kill x collect y quests. There isn't a single memorable one.
I'm so sick of this SHIT, it wasn't just the fucking ending.
>Stupid ass kid who only exists to get muh feels even though shepard has seen tons of people die
>Kai leng
>making cerberus the antagonist you fight the most instead of the reapers who barely spoke and take a fucking back seat in the climactic last game
>terrible animations
>reused assets
>at the time multiplayer being an actual requirement to make sure you get the best ending
>making the characters of 2 side quest bitches who's only purpose is to raise a number
>edi sex bot with camel toe in one of her costumes
>You hardly fight on earth, barely giving you an attachment which hurts the urgency one would feel to save it
The ending is bad but its not the only fucking problems. Fuck Bioware those fuckheads ruined their own game.
>if you don't listen and go along with the crowd you should leave this collection of misfits and loners
if the multiplayer is literally copypasted with no races/classes I'll still play it
>Kai Leng
Before i even got to the garbage ending he made me want to put the game down, its not that he was a good villain, its that his writing was utter shit
Apparently Kai Leng was good in the books. Anyone who's read them can confirm?
remember that fucking message you got from him after Thessia?
>lol ebin shepurd u sux cock lolololol t kai lyeng >:)
Never 4get
Good? He's Greeeat!
its a frozen piss desert that follows a shit dinner
its bad, but no surprise given how garbage me2 is
Umm, yeah, about that..
o shit nigga my sides
fucking stupid ass spot light of plot bullshit
I don't know about 10/10 character of the year, but he was an actual serious character who had pros and cons, was treated like an actual person, was fairly important, etc.
Basically for the games they stripped 90% of his character and turned him into a generic elite mook, but with a name and you run into him several times.
It was pretty bad, but again this is ME3 where everything except the Multiplayer was awful.
It was a bad idea to include him in the first place.
He suddenly appeared and you're supposed to care about him.
Oh, he's a big threat - you'd know if you'd read the books!
This... At least you didn't spend untold amounts on buying and framing these... Still, the times we're great even if the ending ripped me apart.
yeah it's funny how the ending of 3 was so fucking bad that it essentially ruins the whole trilogy because you know that there is a pot of shit at the end of the rainbow no matter how good the first 2 games were. DAI turned out to be mediocre and with a ton of warning signs on Andromeda it will most probably be filled with nu-bioware cancer and the game will probably be shit because that shitty lead writer of ME3 is in charge of the whole thing.
do u hav boifrend
>play 1 and 2 at release
>love the series, love the characters, love the world building
>the last words of the mass effect series i'll ever see is 'downloadable content'
What a shit company bioware turned into
>4 and a half years
Holy shit
take a long hard look before you ever buy a Bioware product again.
You mean like well written? I guess so. Mass Effect: Retribution is pretty decent. As a matter of fact all the ME books by Drew Karpyshyn are pretty good, I especially liked Ascension.
DA:I was an unplayable mess, it's literally a shitty MMO with no other players in it to make it at least bareable.
Let's not kid ourselves, the ME franchise went down hill with ME2.
>Shepard 'dies'
>have to work for Cerberus
>Cerberus is Umbrella levels of evil and dumb
>council goes back to dismissing reapers despite accepting it in ME1 ending
>spend all you time dicking around with collectors
>liara is a completely different character
>nothing done to try and stop the Reapers
The companions (aside from Jacob and Miranda who both such) and most of their loyalty missions are the best part if the game. Everything to do with the main storyline is absolute garbage.
the best part about it is how every other character tells you that Kai Leng is super scary and you should be afraid of him, and then the mechanics of his fights makes him pathetically easy. Since he has to be so godamn edgy to use a sword he becomes a joke, the only threat in his fights are other soldiers and the helicopter, and then he taunts you like a child after doing absolutely nothing.
ME2 is the best in the series though.
It also didn't focus on the absolute retarded concept of Reapers.
Reapers were actually good in Mass Effect 1 though. The fucking problem is explaining them in the later games made them become dumb as hell.
Same thing happened with Flood and Forerunners in Halo. As soon as series start explaining the mysterious bad guys things become boring.
ME3 overall i fking terrible, even without ending. They raped most of the characters and lore, made dialogue system even more retarded, than it was and used animatons, that they use almost for 6 years. Andromeda gonna be shitty inquisition clone in space, i can gurantee it
Coming off of DA2, DA:I is at least a serviceable sequel to Dragon Age
>Four and a half years
Still mad
Anything coming off of Da2 is an improvement. I can't believe they got away with selling a fucking expansion full price. The amount of times you go over the same 3 areas over and over makes me refuse to believe were made for a full priced sequel
And the explanation was basically Spirals from Tengen Toppa. Of course with Bioware it has to be a ancient cliché evil that is going to destroy the world somehow.
The Collectors were far more interesting. A minor race that has started kidnapping people from fringe colonies. The premise is a lot better than 'durr lets kill everything'.
In the end both Reapers and Collectors were connected but goddamn if the premise isn't better in ME2.
>if you ignore most of the game its not even worth a buy
Yeah no fuck you, Inquisition was WAY worse than DA2, all those fucking horrible side quests and god awful combat system, not to mention they made item management and character equipment even more shit.
Yes. Fuck you for reminding me about it.
>actually preferring DA2 to DAI
What the fuck is wrong with you?
If the Reapers wanted to stop synthetic life from wiping out all life by purging life in the galaxy before they could develop synthetic life capable of wiping out all life then why didn't they reap other galaxies?
What if another galaxies creates synthetic life capable of destroying all organic life?
he's a normal human being who naturally gets disgusted by how awful DA:I is.
I don't like eating shit user, but you obviously do.
Do know those stereotypical sad nerds who've devoted their entire lives to WoW?
That is still less pathetic than playing Dragon Age Inquisition, because at least their MMO is online.
Ever play the first Deus Ex?
Exactly the same.
DAI is much worse when it comes to pushing lefty propaganda and sjw shit
DA:I was a snorefest. Even the new prettier and bigger world they were shilling so much turned out to be fucking boring. They made a shiny overworld filled with nothing but sand and rocks, but made Val Royeaux a twoworld cell shop-hub.
Aside from the mainquest that somehow manged to be let-down, the sidequest were boring as fuck. They relied to much on the "find piece of paper", "collect items on list", "complete quest" formula and collectathons. Biowares implemented management mechanic failed miserably, as it really had made no impact to the game watsoever aside for some minuscule wall of text in your magic map table.
The writing is good at beast, mediocre at the worst, DA2 was somehow more engaging in that department, half of the companions can be thrown into the bin and nothing of value would have been lost. The story's pacing was fucked as well, it climaxed at the end of thefirst act, had an interesting but slow build-up in the second, then it ended abruptly, like the writers didn't know what to type next.
Overall i'd give it a 6/10.
This is me. I had so many different saves that took different paths, killed different characters, romanced different characters, all that. I considered 1 and 2 to be some of my favorite games of all time.
Only ever saw one of them through the end of 3 and the rest are still in the void between ME2 and 3, never to be touched.
The only bright spot is that people actually think that Andromeda will be good. Can't wait to watch it crash and burn.
>They sold Javik to you as DLC
>They mined the Protheans, the 50,000 year old race, for DLC
No compromise. Not even in the face of armageddon.
adult children you mean
The reason for this is because instead of being in the background of events the Collectors were the main antagonists. The entire game was set up to basically set them up and have you stop them. The parallel for collectors in one would be the geth.
In fact they feel interchangeable
They could have had something more with Reapers but for some reason they gimped themselves and made it all stupid and cliche out the ass.
Fuck what they did with Val Royeaux. You can't spend 3 games going on and on about how it's the jewel of Thedas and then only let us explore the front gate.
I bet he took a swig right out of the milk carton too, the fiend.
Reminder this is what DA:I could have been
>You will never comprehend our motives, you are but insects in our grand design
>We are harvesting you for purposes beyond your petty human comprehension
>organics and synthetics fight a lot so we just kill off most of the organics every so often so it's all gucci
>Play ME1 a year ago. Was alright, mako a shit
>ME2 after, was good, Tali Waifu
>ME3 after, it's shit floating on likeable characters
>Bullshit save transfer system, can't protect Tali's smile without a save editor
>Ending make me get so irrationally angry over a game I didn't really enjoy
To be honest as soon as I saw the demo for Inquisition I realized it was gonna be awful.
>okay to great
>worth to pirate
It's not good if you don't even consider buying the goddamn game
It was the biggest offender for me in terms of the world design. Leliana's description of the city on DA:O made me exited to actually see it. But they gave us a generic back alley with shops and it was the place where they introduce the players to their snowflake goblin archer.
>For fucks sake you guys saw how bad Fallout 4 was going to be at E3 2015 but like the shit-eaters you are you just slurp that shit up.
I didn't though, you little shit.
I liked the ending, in a way.
You're talking to a supremely powerful entity with an army of completely unfathomable capability that has honed the process of mass extinction over perhaps a billion years. If you ever, across ME1 and ME2, thought you stood an actual chance of destroying the reapers directly you were fucking stupid.
I found the conversation interesting but lacking in how your previous choices throughout the series would impact the outcome. Essentially the Catalyst laying down the options for you, including its own destruction. It felt a bit lame but in essence what would actually happen if it deemed a species worthy of peaceful interaction.