Never played The Witcher and kind of interested. Heard 3 was the best. I'm the kind of guy who likes lore and continuity. Do I need to play the first two games to fully appreciate any lore/continuity bits from this game? Or will I get just as much from just starting with 3?
Never played The Witcher and kind of interested. Heard 3 was the best...
Nigger playing two games wouldn't be enough, you need to read the whole book series of you want to know absolutely everything.
So no, go for it, you'll be back to W1 and W2 if you fully appreciated the third one
And you'll buy books if you're absolute lorefag; I have seen normies irl buying the books and reading them while playing The Witcher 3
(it lasts literal months if you aren't an autist, you got all the time)
I'm the kind of autist that learns languages to learn as much lore as possible if I like something.
Not worth it for Witcher series, just play the third one and forget about the rest and the book series.
you might miss some nods to fans and easter eggs, but it's a pretty self contained story and most of the confusing stuff is summed up. I'd say play the 2nd and watch a summary on the first. But then again if you're impatient the gameplay in the 3rd might be worth skipping the first 2.
Play all three games. Trust me.
I'm just a handful of hours into 3 now without ever touching 1 or 2. I got a bit in and there were some really confusing story bits. Watched a summary of the first two games on Tubes, it helped none. My advice is to let it go and just enjoy 3. As far as I've gotten in, they've done a good job of easing you into the things you need to know about
yeah I'd say the factions and geography was the most confusing for me
Play 2 first, it's a good game. 1 is garbage though.
The thing is OP, Witcher 3 takes your save file from Witcher 2 and some cool cross over shit happens. Not a huge amount, but some cool stuff.
Witcher 1 has a pretty poor combat system. It took me about 3 attempts to actually get into the game, because the combat kept putting me off after about 20 minutes. However, I stuck it out and actually grew to really like it. Witcher 1 combat is sort of more about preparation than skill; you need to know which potions to take and which oils/poisons to apply to your swords BEFORE going into an area, because it takes time to complete those actions and trying to do it in combat will get you fucked up.
Witcher 1 doesn't hold your hand for quests, you need to figure shit out yourself. There's a bit of a murder mystery going on in the 2nd or 3rd act that leads you all over town, without a guide.
That horrible ass combat system in the first one though...
I only really liked Witcher 1. Mostly for the atmosphere, which the next two games don't reach at all.
They all have really shitty gameplay
Your opinion is wrong
I only played the first one; I found it so boring I never bothered with the rest of the series.
If you're a storyfag they're great games; if you want to actually play a videogame, look elsewere.
Okay, the atmosphere thing is definately a subjective opinion.
The shit gameplay is a fact though
Play 2 and 3
OP here.
So in Sup Forums's opinion, disregarding gameplay, which one will engross me into the story/lore the most? I've played games with SHIT gameplay and stayed for the story.
Then absolutely play them all
Then play them all in order.
Big fag
Play them all, fag
What are you a faggot?
the whole saga is good
You big happy fag. Enjoy and have a long life.
The gameplay's great in the third. maybe a little repetitive but still very polished
There are a lot of little things (names, recurring characters etc) that you will miss if you don't play the first 2. That being said, all 3 games are pretty good at being their own self contained stories.
(I'd recommend playing 1 and 2 first)
I was someone who played witcher 3 having no awareness of it before that, and was seriously confused at more nuanced times in the story. However they do hold your hand a bit so new people can understand whats happening for the most part.
I would play the game and then pause it when I had questions and bone up on the lore. The books are apparently really good but I haven't read them.
oponions aren't never not wrong
Rolling behind and slicing a few times works perfectly for every single enemy.
That alone ruins the whole combat system
>Rolling behind and slicing a few times works perfectly for every single enemy
>It's okay when dork souls does it
yeah I thought dark souls was pretty shitty too. Also that's not even true there are plenty of enemies that swarm you and most of the monsters have pretty unique and interesting attack patterns anyways
How the fuck am I supposed to beat dettlaff on NG+ DM? He fucking one shots me while having quen and full health. I have the full set of Grandmaster feline armor and I can fuck him up when lands but the bat attack is unavoidable and kills me in one hit.
Only boss fight in this game or DLC I'm having trouble with
only fight I changed difficulty for lol
Currently playing through the first right now, I'm apparently in the worst chapter (2) right now but im still having a blast
If you think Witcher 3's combat comes even close to Dark Souls, you have no idea what you're talking about.
If you've actually played both, compare hit animations, how enemies react to damage, what resources you're using and how you need to time your dodges, and it should be very easy to see why Witcher 3's gameplay doesn't hold up
not saying the combat's equal just pointing out the flaw in your only argument
I think I'm going to do the same, shameful but this fight is absolute bull shit. I should have worn the grandmaster ursine set
The Souls games have garbage combat.
>Raise shield
>Block enemy attack
>Roll behind enemy
>Roll abusing i-frames
Witcher 3's combat may not be the best combat around but feels far more polished, organic and natural.
The difference is that even if you just want to get behind an enemies in Dark Souls, you need to observe their movement and animations and react to them.
The same is a far more dominant strategy in Witcher 3, because you can perform it much quicker and without consideration of the enemy's actions
>Do I need to play the first two games to fully appreciate any lore/continuity bits from this game?
solid point but I think the bombs and magic components of combat make up for that
If you play Witcher 3, for any reason, you will eventually go to a place called Skellige and search for someone who went missing, and his crew. There will be a split path among breadcrumbs of searching for the main guy, and his crew.
For the love of God, find the crew first, otherwise you get a glitch that makes progress literally impossible and will force you to start all over again if you don't have like 30 different savefiles at different times because how the fuck should you know the quest would bug out like that? And there's no solution whatsoever, or bug fix.
I have over 500 hours clocked on my save from taking time to explore and take on difficult challenges at Deathmarch for my first time, and the idea of starting all the fucking way over because of this erroneous bout of laziness from the devs saps every ounce of enthusiasm I once had for this game
>500 hours
That explains being jaded lol. I only have 190 hours and I got burned out. This game just doesn't have that much that much replayability still a great game though. Soilid 8.5/10
CDproject announced there wouldn't be a patch for pspro
tweak my framerate senpai, come on pls!?
I really like all three games but they are really very self contained, geralt and his friends are something you can appreciate more the more exposed to the games and books but you can really pick the series up anywhere and enjoy it
That's a pretty awful glitch if that's really the case. However
>Playing RPGs
>Not making separate save files at least every other hour or two
abuse the alchemy skill tree
the goal on DM is too make the cheesiest build possible
what the fuck..
You ever accidentally type things in foreign languages without meaning too?
>I'm the kind of guy who likes Lore and Continuity
>Can I avoid all lore and continuity and jump straight to the conclusion though?
I hate these fucking threads about casualshits who want to jump on the bandwagon trying to see if anyone will pat them on their backs. You already know the answer you faggot if you want to get into it at least play all the games
oh.. just read a synopsis of the characters pre game
Yen is waifu
Triss is homewrecker
Anyone know why does this game not change my screen refresh rate in fullscreen?
Dark Souls 3 forces my refresh rate to 60hz and I don't mind because the game is locked at 60fps.
But as I can barely pull around 70fps in this game, I was thinking of locking the fps to 60, and force the screen refresh rate to the same number. But for some reason the game doesn't do this, so I end with a choppy mess (60fps running at 144hz refresh rate)
pls help
You back up when you hear him building up bat attack and roll pretty much right after it goes quiet since thats when the bats come