The great debate

The great debate.

claymore in DS3
zweihander every other time

Too bad they went they le slab of iron for 2 and 3


This guy gets it.

Yeah good luck getting that to drop.
Same goes for the falchion.

Zweihander is GOAT

I thought the claymore was supposed to be all silver I fucking hate the gold bits, they get brighter every game

the claymore is literally better in every way and is the perfect weapon, also mel gibson

Not that hard mate.

>got it from the very first flamberge thrall I found
Flamberge and Royal Swordsman gear from DS2 are top tier aesthetics

Zweihander roll r1's are god


>min/max faggot
>anime image
Don't you have a bullet you put in your skull?

Claymore for me

>sexy af
>not slow af
>Touched by dragon flame
>Thematically fitting for my STR/FTH build
>Decent stats

Spadone is a huge poise crusher but it's like the greatsword; too slow and clumsy, almost barbaric.


they were going for le slab of iron as a tribute to Guts and it works well for the Guts cosplays

+10 lightning zweihander every single day of my life, every single game its available in. i love that sword its so cute I love him so much

Ultra greatswords animations are stupid, makes me feel like it's monster hunter or some shit.

I have never seen either of them drop once.
Eitherway I'd take the bastard sword.

Claymore is objectively better, but not as sexy or fun
Pretty sure in 1 you can poiselock fags in PVP to death, at least that's how it worked with the MLGS, which is pure not fun

why from

Baller swag sword is so much better than that shit.

claymore has that fucking awesome sprint swing

zwei, at least in das1, has that awesome splat swing. i can do either or.

It's statistically shown that all people that use the BSS are in fact, fags.

Stay butthurt loser. Your shit sword will never amount to anything. Enjoy your garbage r2s with no range.

I need that zweihander swing in my life
>slam that fucking sword to the ground
>yeah that's the good shit

user we all know straight swords have been about the r1s since time immemorial, who are we fooling

Sounds like youre bad. The BSS is one of the best weapons in the game because its a straight sword with the quick r1s straight swords known for and the massive range on its r2 poke that is comparable to a spear. The r2 is what sets it apart and makes it the best straight sword in the game. It can also achieve massive damage on a counter hit with the leo ring and a buff. Of course you wouldnt know about that just by using that other pleb weapon.

Yes user, everyone knows about your boring ass balder fag sword turtle playstyle

And how to counter it with roll backstabs


You sound mad. FYI the same tactic works on your shitty silver meme sword too. Except better because its a shit weapon.

>all these idiots that use one SS

>no sallet in ds3
the steel soldier helm was kind of close but I'm still sad

>Playing ds3
Youre already the loser here faggot.

Stay trapped in the past, gramps. We don't need poise where we're going.

Didn't poise get a change in the DLC update though, where it's sorta on?

what do you mean

Bastard Sword Best Sword

MLGS best sword any iteration of good games

There's just more instances of hyper armour

I think poise values got changed around but it still does that hyper armor shit.


which one?

They basically confirmed poise to be hype-armor and synergized with heavy armor, but it's niche as fuck as you need to use VERY heavy armor to actually benefit from great weapon poise/hyper-armor. So rinky-dink rusty daggers can still knock you out of hyper-armor if you don't hit a certain poise-break, which is absurdly high.

I seriously fucking hate everything about Greatswords (and therefore UGS') being shoulder-carried in this series.

If it were JUST a few select UGS' like the Zwei, I'd be fine with it, but SO many cool swords are just completely ruined aesthetically because the player character has to rest it on his shoulder all the time.

It just looks like shit. We get it, you like Berserk, but it looks like fucking shit. Pic related is the worst fucking culprit in DaS 2. This thing is barely the size of a regular longsword, yet my character in full heavy armor has to carry it on his shoulder like it's some huge fucking burden. Meanwhile Lucatiel, Watcher and Defender can carry their Greatsword at waist level and look awesome in the process.

So to answer the OP, Claymore. Any time, any day. Shoulder burdened swords look fucking stupid.

Claymore has been my baby since Day 1 of DaSI on PS3. You have no idea how happy I was that you could get it really fucking early in III.

Reminder that Claymore niggers are literal niggers.

You can get the claymore early in every souls game. At most it only ever requires you to kill like 2-3 bosses before you can get to it.



great scythe was so good in DaS1, though I never bothered to look for it in any others.

That running attack was the best

> The Chosen Undead from the first game created this weapon.
> The Chosen Undead was responsible for all of the suffering this blade created ages afterwards.

Neither. I'll take the best great sword

>that nice wide swing after a roll
Best girl

There isn't a SINGLE fucking ANY game.....ON ANY DIFFICULTY that this nigga couldn't solo with EASE

Tell me I'm wrong.

This series has a major lack of samurai clothing, considering how many katanas there are to be found. There are fancy Fantasy-Eastern clothes and Ninja clothes, but no Samurai stuff whatsoever.

Idle weapons animations based what the character is doing or did would be amazing. Something like a GSs or lighter UGSs would be held at a low stance when you have swung it once from your shoulder.

That said, I think the Llyoce GS is the only GS or great weapon in general that's not shoulder-burdened when two-handed. Granted, it's kinda lazy as it just uses a Straight-Sword stance and attacks when two-handed.

About 80% of my ds1 playthroughs usually end up using that or the claymore.
Best swords

This bad boy right here.

I liked greatswords, but I dislike stabs and how flashy looking the claymore was. So even in other runs I use this weapon till I can the weapon I want if it doesn't go against the build I am going for. Which is pretty common since I don't like magic.

I was going to say it's a bit corny and out of place but it worked pretty great in Alonne's set

>Fantasy game based on western europe
>Very little eastern attire
Woah my mind is blown. There shouldnt be any eastern attire or weapons in the game at all but the fucking japs cant resist shoving in their trash wherever they can.

I really want to love the helmet but it has a GIGANTIC FUCKING NOSE ON IT

I'd very kindly like to request that you re-read the "considering how many katanas there are to be found" portion of my post and then perhaps rethink your reply.

True patrician taste sword coming through.

You'll never in all of das3 see a weapon as elegant, strong and just perfect as the loyce GS.

A thrust for a strong attack on a GS. R1s that hit left and right rollers, solid but not retard high or low scaling. Perfection

No my reply is pretty spot on you retarded weeb. Eastern weapons and attire are shit and they dont belong in western settings.

he said there shouldn't be any katanas in the game, not that there wasn't any, mr. fucken smartypants

I think base DaS2 is the only exception, considering that you needed to get a Fragrant Branch which was certainly pass 2 or 3 bosses. Could be wrong, it's been a hot minute since I played base DaS2.

I'm entirely saddened that the Claymore retained it's 2HR2 stab from DaS2. I really miss the 2HR1 to 2HR2 combo where the animation was incredibly smooth and it actually felt like a combo, none of that awkward reset when switching up attacks.

... but Katanas by themselves with no matching attire are okay...?

I've never looked at a player in these games who wore traditional western attire and equipped a katana and said to myself "hmm, yeah, that looks pretty good".

Katanas look stupid on 99 out of 100 builds.

Step aside

>parry someone
>take out zwei and start charging r2 to bait a roll
>guy freaks out and rolls as soon as he's able to
>smash that fucker 20 yards away

I literally said eastern weapons you illiterate fuck.

I'm sorry you had to live in the shadow of the BSS and arguably even the straight sword.
It's okay. Goodnight...sweet prince.

You can find a fragrant branch before you kill any bosses in ds2 in sotfs. On the original ds2 you only had to kill 2 bosses to get access to one in harvest valley.

there's all kinds of demons and wacky shit in the game but you fuckers always complain about the katanas

If we're talking DaS1, Claymore is inarguably the best weapon in the game even after the greatsword nerfs

Best moveset next to the longsword with pokes, sweeps, verticals for easy lunges and dead-angles
Still solid swing speed and equally good stunlock
Quality scaling for huge damage and yet still buffable
Decent weight and excellent 1h and 2h
Looks fucking manly, knightly and stylish as all hell

It's THE DaS1 weapon
Zwei is a noob killer made popular by OnlyTrap

t. 1400 hours of DaS

They're both good desu
I kept both around
Committing to one weapon for the entire game is fucking boring

Because the demons still fit in better than those retarded japanese abortions called katanas.

>1400 hours

you sad faggot

Hyper armor on weapons have less base poise

armor poise increased across the board, so that they actually contribute

Amazing taste glad it was posted or else I would've.

but the zwei was my favorite weapon before i even knew who only afro was
aside from the dragon bone fist