>Xbox Scorpio Backwards Compatibility With Xbox 360 Games Confirmed
Microsoft wins again
Scorpio Xbox 360 Backwards Compatible
Old news
360 backwards compatibility is indeed the shit but I really need that OG Xbox backwards compatibility. Burnout 3, Unreal Championship 2, MechAssault, Midnight Club 3 Remix, I need 'em all.
>Scorpio is literally a faster Xbox One
>BC is somehow surprising
is it full backwards compatibility or is it the bullshit that is on the xbox one? and does it have original xbox backwards compatibility ,because my og xbox is taking up way too much sapce.
shadow the hedgeheg when?
is this you.
>buying a new system just to play old games
pretty sure its just the same shit on xbone.
>Comparing Scorpio > Xbox One to PS4 > PS3
Is that guy retarded?
>can play XBOX games on 360
>upscales them and makes them look great
>only works for a small selection of games
>the rest can go fuck themselves
I'm still mad. If there will ever be one thing that could make me jump on a new system, it's being able to play my old games at higher rez. Fuck I even own a Wii-U because of this, it made Wii games playable on modern tvs.
Most people won't remember but playing Xbox games at 720p in the Xbox 360 settings won't make them play at 1280x720. It will be in 16:9 and have 4x MSAA but it's way below 1280x720 being blown up. The only way to get a clean image is to put it back down to 480p like pic related, but it remains 4:3. 720p also breaks some fullscreen effects like motion blur in Midnight Club 3.
Here's the PS2 version just because I have it handy
It's a shame they didn't take backwards comparability more seriously.
They had to do backwards compatibility on a per game basis, where as Xbox One does it on an OS level just straight up emulating the Xbox 360. It was probably too much money, man power and stress to go around to different developers' games and try to figure out their code back then.
>Worst controller
>Only good exclusives are previous gen
Wish these games got a PC port or Xbox Emulation was a thing.
>worst controller
them hot, incorrect opinions
It's funny because you're implying anything could be worse than the Dualshit.
Original Xbox BC is also coming soon.
Cap this post.
Best controller ever made
Best exclusives
Best online
Best hardware
Now I want to go play DA again...
Ds4 is comfy as fuck.
So i'm gonna put my 360 into storage since the One S can do it all. Whats the best way to store a console?
The xbone doesn't have every single game available for BC yet though. Put it in the box it came on
Original Xbox emulation in HD just might convince me to pick up an Xbone
-Pew pew-
Yeah but its got Blue Dragon and Last Odyssey
>Xbone OG supports BC
>Xbone Scorpio supports BC like how PS4 pro supports everything PS4 OG supports
It's almost like like the scorpio is a souped up xbone and supports everything the OG console supports. Such surprise, many wows. XD
As far as comfort goes, it's right up there but he's right when it comes to quality. Never in all my years of vidya have I had a controller break on me so quickly, even the 360 pads, known for dying quick, last far longer. I've owned two bone pads in the span of a year and both went into the trash.
Literally /Ourguy/
I'm sorry to hear that. Both of mine have worked perfectly for over a year, so it sucks that happened to you. The only thing that irked me initially was the fact that the bumpers couldn't be pressed down from the exact top. But not only did i get used to it, they fixed it and made the newer versions pressable.
Honest question, what's the point of the Scorpio?
All the games it has will be on PC, Neo will play Japanese games not on PC/Xbone
>Xbone claims backwards compatibility
>it isn't
>PS4 claims backwards compatibility
>it isn't
I'll believe it, when I see it.
normalfags don't play anything on PC except MOBAs and CSGO
Sorry but there is only one platform that let's you play Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, The Last of Us Remastered, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Gravity Rush 2, Driveclub, Spider-Man, just to name a few.
What? Xbone has backwards compatibility
Although games are shit though.
t. Sony shill
Is it real backwards compatibility where you can stick a disc in and it just works like PS1 games on a PS2, or is it digital only, because that's not real backwards compatibility.
Not possible because neither the PS4 or Xbone have their previous generations hardware configuration.
>real backwards compatibility
So it's not real backwards compatibility. It's all you had to say user.
It's not real if I can't use the games I have for the previous system on it. The PS2 got it right, even the fucking Wii-U got it right.
I really hate Microsoft but god damn at least they're doing the right things.
Where is my backwards compatibility on my PS4 Sony? You shits.
No it doesn't.
>Xbone has limited BC with 360 games
No shit, what did you expect?
Oh wait, dumbass Xfags think the Scorpicuck is a new console.
Yes it does
>So it's not real backwards compatibility. It's all you had to say user.
PS2 had backwards compatibility.
360 had backwards compatibility.
Wii and Wii U had/have backwards compatibility.
GBC, GBA, DS, and 3DS had/have backwards compatibility.
Xbone and PS4 do not have backwards compatibility.
Xbone has backwards compatibility
>put BO1 disc in Xbone
>it works
Is this some sort of PHONY backwards compatibility? Because even then - it still plays BO1 at no extra cost
This place. Holy shit
his argument is that
>backwards compatibility
is putting your old disc in the tray and playing it
fun thing is, you can put a 360 game in the tray and it'll download the game from the internet since the bone can't read 360 discs.
They're just mad that they can't get access to their PS3 game library with a PS4 without the atrocity that is PSNOW
>is putting your old disc in the tray and playing it
Great, that's not what backwards compatibility means
This ain't Reddit, Pajeet.
20 rupees have been deposited into your designated bank account.
This isn't neogaf either Jamal
>your welfare check has been delivered
What did you do to them? All of my Xbox controllers still work great bruh
The blacks post on Youtube, retard.
The joke
Your head
Now go away Tyrone
There's a Gamecube version that's easily playable in Dolphin.
For real, I think they've laster longer then any other consoles controllers and I beat mine playing Halo constantly
>buy launch 360
>controller from launch lasts me till Halo 3
>buy wired controller once it died
>it lasted me till last year
>still have a 360 controller in the hard plastic
This things are pretty good quality even when the rubber gets worn off the joysticks
I thought PS4 Pro was 8.4tf oh wait tf don't actually matter when the rest of the system's bottlenecked to shit anyways.
If he brought up PS4Pro > PS4 he'd get banned for actually making an equivalent statement at Sony's expense.
Xbone is basically just emulating it. the only thing that it read from disc is the copy confirm which basically the DRM, Once the xbone confirms that your copy is legit then it downloads a whole game with a new CPU runtime since x360 run the game with a different code timing.
so because you download it, suddenly it's not
>real backwards compatibility
>fake backwards compatibility