Titanfall 2

>titanfall 2
>Source engine
>not on steam


before everyone says it's an EA game you dummy, I'm not questioning that, I'm wondering why valve let an EA game use their engine, they had to know it was going to be locked away on Origin like everything else EA does. From a business standpoint I guess it's better to make money this way than not at all but still rubs me weirdly

Developers that allow themselves to get buttfucked are responsible for it. They choose to take large corporations money for their efforts, as a form of guaranteed pay or whatever, and then can't seem to negotiate a way for their games to be good?

Shit developers.

You are worth what you can negotiate, nigger. This peasant tier whining is starting to get annoying.

Either way it wasn't going to be on steam.

If they lease the source engine they get money.

This isn't hard.

Same mentality that Denuvo's devs have.

Denuvo isn't making games, games with it aren't popular, but are the devs making money?

They are, so it's a sound decision on their part. Same with Valve, who only has to make a new thing every 5 years because they've figured out the perfect F2P scheme for good.

>Source engine
>modified Source engine
really? it looks awesome
Ithough that it was another engine
maybe it's so heavily modified that now is practically another engine

Because it's not a Valve game and EA paid license fees, simple as that.

>make new thing

You make me laugh user.

giving away titanfall 2 keys since i'm not on windows (debian) id on steam is TimeCalm and i only have these keys since we're overstocked at target and the fuckers didn't know what to do with them
i only have 5

it's running on source in the same way that most COD games run on id tech 3

sent ;)

I'm honestly being generous since OP is a steam drone. How old is CSGO by now?

4 keys left


It's the same shit as cs 1.6, which wasn't even valves work originally.

>inb4 cs autists jump at me listing differences only they can notice because they don't play any other game

It's new as in the latest thing they've released. Work with me here nigga.

No, I'm taking shots at valve here.

3 left

Source games are the best
pirates vikings knights 2
double action

>Source games are the best

Not any more they aren't.

Source engine decends from Quake 2 which makes it really good engine for competive gameplay.

And of course EA sells its games in Origin.

Complain after you find any flaw about the game.

I don't know if this is some fake bullshit or not but I took my chances and added you.

It's based on Source but they've rewritten most or all of it by now.
Even the first game was heavily modified Source.