Nintendo is not as good as you all might think they are maybe they are actually kinda bad?

Nintendo is not as good as you all might think they are maybe they are actually kinda bad?


tell me more

are you okay OP?

Name one good thing in the world faggot

I don't trust any big name publisher/developer any more

Nintendo once was good but now are not as good as once was thought about them in recent past for they are not very good anymore so I am very displesed.

haha is this a jojo reference?

name one nintendo game

I got you senpai.

thank you, I understand

... Jackie Chan?

I hold nintendo to standard very high but for they have no reached expectation of this I am not of very much plesed so I will continue to support them but I will not be happy switch is good idea but I am gamer who does not go outside for i fear others and redicule i am like shinji ikari from evangelion if you have seen it and I am like to stay home and play video games and not going outside to play video games so i wonder if the outside video games will effect my inside video games?

family goy

Heh, I knew this was gonna be posted the moment I saw the thread. Never change, Sup Forums.

I wouldn't worry since other people's games don't affect my games now.

no I'm just hoping they are in a bit of a rut right now

but will handheld part make bad on console part will i be able to play game good or will handheld bad it?

that's a really good question. we'll just have to wait until we learn more about it

good thread

nintendo makes dumb games for kids also im 12

name 300, i'll wait

Well... they haven't been great lately.

Are they on their way out, lads?

Wait a minute that pose...


Is that...?