Inventory space is limited

>inventory space is limited

>items have weight

>not only do you have a weight limit but a volume limit and items have packing efficiency
>how you back your bag/where you put things changes how fast you can take them out

>game starts with limited space
>game has items to increase it

>game has weight limit
>ammunition and various other objects have no weight

>unlimited inventory
>manually have to sort through a million things to find what you want

Whenever I enter game design autism mode, I always ponder about inventory systems first. I find it interesting when a game has a system that really makes you choose between being able to carry tons vs. mobility and such.

Fucking Demon's Souls

But unlimited inventory is overpowered senpai


How is carrying around a load of useless junk that you were probably never going to use anyway overpowered?

>You have to go ont Bullet Sponge mode to make them have weight

>inventory space is limited
>items have weight
>item space and weight defined by placing physically rendered items into a functioning backpack in-game and depending on its weight the backpack breaks
>shit moves around in the backpack and you have to search for it and click on that item to pick it up or use it
>how many weapons you place on your person affects not only how fast you walk but whether your movement is responsive to your input controlls

I can't think of any time that would be the case. It's just more convenient, as long as it's organized. In cases where items have combat use, they have their own limit to how much you can carry.

>older rpgs
>killing large group of enemies loads of loot
>suddenly someone dies has a lot of stuff
>it drops everything onto the buy and they get back up naked

>people who complain about weight limit
How is it even possible unless you are a casual?

>every dungeon and house has a bagillion items, each with between 1-20 weight points
>can only hold 200 weight points

but this is a necessity for survival horror. Name me 1 (ONE) good survival horror game with an unlimited inventory

Fucking Borderlands 2.

>magic bag where you can hold an infinite number of items

literally best solution

>Yosh is a fucking hack
>It has been five months so far

>extremely limited inventory
>selling items is a hassle
>game color coats items to determine their worth
>tfw color blind

What is inventory space management? It only becomes an issue when it's the kind of shit you had in old Resident Evil games where you'd run back and forth between the chests a million times because you needed puzzle items but could only hold a few at a time, and weapons took most of the slots.

>limited inventory weight
>shops are hard to come by
>can throw items at enemies to damage them

MHs without ammo bag.