Why is that lawfag characters in video games almost always the least morally correct? See: SMT

Why is that lawfag characters in video games almost always the least morally correct? See: SMT
Shouldn't it be the other way around

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Depends on their moral alignment. You can have lawful evil. Most authoritarian figures like what you mention can be classed as Lawful Neutral or Lawful Evil, and thus why they're considered cunts.

Because what's morally correct is entirely subjective? Wasn't that the point of most SMT games?

>Ever incorrect
By definition this cannot be the case

>morally correct
uh, okay. the problem here is that you're retarded

Because writers tend to be shit. It is hella easy to write a morally grey character who can say "no we must obey the law" one minute then go "we have to break the law to do the right thing here!"

Conversely, writing a character who is obligated to uphold the law even when it means the bad-guys get an advantage, AND still have them retain audience sympathy, actually takes work. So usually the hardcore Lawful-whatever alignment either is written hilariously bad to the point of coming off as a inept retard, or the writer pussies out and makes them the "WELL INTENTIONED BUT WE ALL NEED TO LEARN A LESSON ABOUT HOW DOING THE RIGHT THING IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE LAW" type character who exists solely to show a moral lesson.


cause bad writing.


Do not forget his name.

>the least morally correct? See: SMT

because morality and law are not the same thing. The law is unfeeling, it is unmoving. It is not flexible. Morality is flexiable, a specific action can be good or bad depending on the context.






but Javert was the good guy

filthy bread thieves need to pay for their crime

russeel crow?

can i pump his rump?

Law doesn't mean piety. You can have Lawful characters with an Evil alignment or Neutral


You cannot fathom how excited I was for this remake. I thought it was going to be so amazing based off the trailer. It was a C+ at best. What a shame.


>Russel Crowe starts that weird ass singing career during the Gladiator hype thinking it's a good idea
>everyone makes fun of him
>still gets casted in Le Mis

who the fuck

>Russel Crowe starts that weird ass singing career during the Gladiator hype thinking it's a good idea


In SMT, many (not all) Law endings are seen as restrictive of freedom and forcing obedience, which they technically are. Strictly speaking, they aren't "morally incorrect" but many people see it as very undesirable. There are a few that are less like this (apparently DeSu1 has a good law end but I haven't been able to stomach the game enough to see it.)

I liked it

>morally correct

Law in SMT is not about being morally correct, but order.

If you want the proper version either see it in stage or watch the 10th anniversary version.

Stage seems like my only option to wash the taste of the 2012 film out of my mouth


I don't know about C+, but I loved it. Then again, I didn't even know about the play until then so I had no expectations.

This one has GOAT singing at least: youtube.com/watch?v=ZG-gojr493E

But yeah, see it on stage if you can. It's just better.

As an example, one day more has all the characters on stage at once, which doesn't really work for the film.

Hey *Record Scratch*, if you're so great, why don't you solve all of my problems for me?

because being on the side of the law but also being morally wrong is enticing same reason why anti hero characters are so cool compared to the main character

Thank you, I'll watch this tonight

It's just a performance of the songs, so don't expect all the action of the play. It's got the best One Day More ever though.


You're a dangerous nun

Boy I can't wait to play a game where some chiding busybody reminds me that the establishment and boring common wisdom are always right. Then for a second it seems like life is more complicated than that but in the end the boring asshole is proven correct after all and I as the PC learn my place in the system.

If Uther and Jaina didn't puss out, we wouldn't have watched Arthas turn evil and become best antagonist.

This is how I feel about the Phantom of the Opera movie. I regularly see PotO live annually and watching the movie was fucking painful.

There is a general view in Western societies that since laws are not based on morality, strict obedience to them requires abandoning it.

Because when you become too orderly, you pass into the realm of excessive authoritarianism. When they're reasonably orderly, people don't really think of them as a law faction. They just think of them as rational.


Chaos was just as bad, if not worse. At least under order, everybody has three hots and a cot so long as they're willing to bend the knee. With chaos, you basically have an unsustainable shithole where everybody gets fucked.

Of course, we're comparing a turd and a pile of vomit here. In order for people to lead happy, productive lives, certain activities need to be punished and people need to cooperate without plotting to stab each other in the back, but free thought and ambition also need to be encouraged. Absolutes are broken.

>Conversely, writing a character who is obligated to uphold the law even when it means the bad-guys get an advantage, AND still have them retain audience sympathy, actually takes work.
Well, yes, because dogmatically following the law even when it goes completely against what's morally right is an inherently unsympathetic thing for a character to do. You might as well be saying it's hard to write a character who commits random acts of torture and still have them retain audience sympathy.

I'll also add that the philosophy of chaos is a bit ironic, because without a system of order and powerful enforcers in place, you lose freedom.

You can't leave your property at home. It'll get stolen.
You can't take a walk by yourself, because you'll get jumped. Also results in your property getting stolen.
You can't start a business, for the reasons already mentioned.
As a result of all of the above, you lose access to goods and services.
Your existence is one of fiercely protecting what little you have.

The idea behind laws are to stop individuals from oppressing other individuals. Third world shitholes are shitholes largely because they lack order.

But you get freedom with power.

No, a very small number of people at the very top get freedom with power. Everyone else gets neither.

You're just one faggot. It takes a village cooperating to stop people from crossing lines that have been laid down for everybody to ensure freedom from theft, vandalism, and violence in the name of creating more freedoms, such as those brought by industries.

Unfortunately for chaos tards, they've deliberately set up a "society" where everybody is looking to backstab everybody else for short term gain. Good luck stopping people from picking your shop bare while you're away. And this is assuming that you're the strongest.

Not even those people truly have freedom, as outlined above.

Do not forget my mum

>morality means "do things I like or else!"

It's literally Sup Forums


>Not even those people truly have freedom, as outlined above.
Yeah, that's true. Even they live a life of constant fear and paranoia.

Thanks for your input.

>morality means "do things I like or else!"

Literally how the world functions.

Best moral girl coming through

They'll starve again


I mean of games with law endings, there's only SMT1, 2, SJ, Raidou 2, DeSu1, and IV.

The only one of those that's really guaranteed to be restricting is SJ, where it's done by a bunch of new dumbfucks in a universe where YHVH is dead so he can't lead them and they're worried.

it's not for lawyers to be moral, it's for the judiciary/the courts.

Yes, that's literally what morality is.


Sad thing is, behaving like a scumbag and turning ridiculous feminist legislation on women at every given opportunity is probably what it will take to destroy it.

People are hardwired to protect women and see men as disposable. So long as men remain the primary direct victims of feminist legislation, it'll be an uphill battle to get those laws revoked.

The progressive agenda wants you to hate the government while also ensuring you never actually attempt to run the government. So media only portrays the heros as outlaws and criminals so kids grow up to be degenerates who think they are fighting the system.

saw it recently
had no problem with his singing

i bet it wasnt better than the one with liam neeson

did this one atleast go all the way to the end of the book? i think the liam neeson one stopped aboot 3/4 -3/5 of the way
(yes i've also read the audiobook which is why i wanna know how far this newer movie goes