Don't remember, they made the mechanics worse and fixed absolutely none of the major complaints people had with the first game.

It shouldn't have even been sold as a new game, but as DLC because that is all it is. They literally just added shit to the first game and shipped it as a new game and errors that were in the first game (like grammar and spelling errors) are still in this one.

Yeah what the fuck man I'm just as pissed off

That's not true, they also made a lot of things worse.

its literally the same story it just involves some time travel shenanigans this time.

They made the mechanics much better honestly. It's still got room for improvement, since it still feels button mashy and has you doing the same combos over and over again, but it's still a lot better than the first game. The new hub world is pretty big and there's a lot of quests and missions to keep you busy. Story mode is alright too I guess.

The game still feels incomplete though. There's not a whole lot of new moves, outfits, or characters. Like the cac's have the exact same moveset as XV1, which is lame. The transformations for Frieza race is boring as fuck since it's just a golden recolor, rather than one that would take actual effort, like a 100% or fifth form. The Buu race transformation is complete shit, since you basically just turn into kid buu. Some PQ's are just recycled from the first game. The AI is pretty braindead for most of the game and you can't change their difficulty setting. Also lot of clone characters that are just to artificially swell up the roster since they were too lazy to actually put new characters in. Like Goku has
>Goku Black
>SSJB Goku
>SSJG Goku
>SSJ4 Goku
>GT Goku
Granted that SSJ4 and GT Goku each have their own moveset, but why couldn't they just put Goku as one character and just have each form be a variation. They did that in XV with Gohan and Great Saibaman, who had a completely different moveset than regular Gohan. A lot of forms for characters are missing, like semi perfect cell, 2nd and 3rd form Frieza, base teenage Gohan, base super Goku and Vegeta, and some characters have transformations as different slots rather than as a skill they can do, like Frieza, Cooler, and Cell.

Overall the game just feels like an expansion pack, rather than a completely different game. It's not worth the 60 dollars. Thank god I pirated it. Online is alright, since I've been playing it on my friend's ps4, but everyone just tries to spam the stamina break the whole match to win, and don't bother doing anything else.

welcome to anime games, have you not played any of the Naruto Storm games? each one is just a character DLC.

What's wrong with that? Successors should have the stuff that made the previous game good plus additional content and improved game mechanics.

If they fucked up on one thing it's the stamina break stuff.

isn't that the same progress that Tenkaichi 3 had to Tenkaichi 1 and 2?
Or Budokai 3 to 2 and 1?

>didn't play, lol

>Budokai 3 to 2 and 1

Absolutely not. Budokai 3 had vastly improved gameplay over 2 and 1. Each character actually had some uniqueness to their movesets and combos.

nigga they weren't as this bad before

Your Naruto example for instance. The Storm games were not only absolute shit and shallow, but only just adds new characters.

But the PS2 games? The Ultimate Ninja? They're pretty great that they used to have a tourney scene, and each iteration was great until it went downhill after going PSP. Each update balanced characters, altered the mechanics, changed moves, and even altered existing stages.

It's really sad how it went from Ultimate Ninja to Storm.


slightly off-topic: but do newer Naruto Storm games feature the diagonal fighting on walls that was featured in the first Ultimate Ninja Storm? i know that NUNS2 lacked these.

Thanks, doc.

In 15+ years of Dragonball games, what the fuck did you expect it to be?

Aller vous faire enculer

Are you fucking stupid kid?

1986 was 30 years ago

I am a massive DB fan but I don't really bother buying the games.

>and fixed absolutely none of the major complaints people had with the first game.
You haven't played the game, have you? The biggest thing they tried to do in this game is FIX THE COMPLAINTS

So glad I skipped the first game to get this with all the previous content and new extra content.

Why aren't you fucks at least waiting for part 3? Part 3 always makes all other games inferior in DBZ games.

in many cases you are right op.
Transformations are still lame, and combo aspect needs work. If they want a fighter that does well in controls they should look at Dissidia.
All of dissidia controls are like the Xenoverse controls but waaaaay better.

Story is the same, but thats not new wit dragonball games since all they do is use the same story Over and Over again.

Anyone playing this on a RX 470 and wouldn't mind giving info on the fps?

And Budokai 2 didn't have unique characters with very different movesets? We aren't talking about Tenkaichi here, with its 3 characters and hundreds of models they have.

I'm finding the best part of the game are the missions for Frieza on board his ship since every time you complete one everyone on board has new dialogue in reverance of your rise in ranking.
It's so much better than the shitty dragonball collectathon for Nail or the random Saiyaman missions which may as well be PQ's.

Guess we're waiting for Xenoverse 3. Same shit again.

They brought it back for 4.

Played 1 was OK.
See stuff about 2, not interested.
look into it only minor changes non of the BS button mashing crap is fixed, I'm coming from a Mortal Combat school of thinking.

Good thing I didn't play the first one.

How about a different sorry?
Add a multiverse not completely illogical time travel crap.
>Its bad to time travel
>Except if trunks time travels then it is A OK.

I think it's fun.

I've asked this several times before, but apparently no one is actually playing these games.

Is there any way whatsoever at all to consistently deal with multiple opponents? Or do you just have to accept that you sometimes lose 10 minutes of progress just because there are three enemies at the very end of a quest spamming Kamehameha one immediately after another while you are still in hitstun, or alternating escape moves and arena-wide Super Electric Strikes?

the worst has to be the online matchmaking. how is this still a broken pile of shit?

i hate to say im still enjoying this, only because i like the battle system so much

i dont know. theres some random mission where you fight 3 guys and they rape my shit relentlessly every time. Maybe there is some skill that can help cheese this shit.

Trunks's time travel is sanctioned by the literal god of time, and he does it to minimize the timeline differences in the first place.

The roster is a mess. I mean overall I don't give a shit about the roster when CaCs are a thing but really. Things like Supervillains, Meta Cooler, Masked Saiyan should be costume swaps.

>Supervillains, Meta Cooler, Masked Saiyan should be costume swaps.
What difference does it make?

...and yet, plebes kiddies still lapped it up

git gut.. no seriously or change your skills to more useful ones, generally you just fly to enemy knock him to ground and use your ultimate that cannot be stopped by attacking you, repeat that till everything is dead.

Yes it can be stopped, and even if you pull it off once (that's assuming they don't use an escape skill that they always have the stamina for) and take off like 1/5th of only one of the enemies' health (since everybody else will avoid it one way or another), you then have your empty stamina bar to recharge somehow, while they spam their ultimates that cannot be stopped for real.

>I'm coming from a Mortal Combat school of thinking
That's, uh, not something to be proud of.

>Ultimate spam
>In Xenoverse 2
Git gud

So I can just pirate the first one and I'm not missing much? Perfect, Denuvo fails again.

I mean, you could post 1 (one) way to deal with it if it existed.

The only way to deal with 3v1's is anger, luck, and cheese.

It's a massive pain in the ass, but it basically just comes down to waiting.

Use Giant's Storm

I needed that doc, thanks