Just bought this. what are some games? Already picked up Uncharted 4, InFamous Second Son and First Light, Ratchet & Clank and Bloodborne.
Just bought this. what are some games? Already picked up Uncharted 4, InFamous Second Son and First Light...
the order 1886
just kidding, you have all of them
the waiting game
>Just bought this. what are some games?
Catch, tug of war with a sock or something, tag, obstacle course.
Boy, get ready to get bored to death. Not too sure about Uncharted though, not too sure about buying it.
I think you just got every exclusive that isn't anime shit.
I liked all the previous InFamous and Ratchet games. why wont I like this one?
Should probably be playing those now instead of asking for more games...
Street Fighter V
Dragon Quest Builders
Until Dawn
Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
You will, don't mind the memes.
Because he said so
Post more of your dog
Oh fuck yeah I totally forgot about Until Dawn.
Did they release any pro patches for old games?
Uh they release a list yesterday of Pro games. sorry I dont have the link but lurking will get you there
RE games if you don't already have them
FFXV once it gets out
You bought the Bloodbourne console and you got Bloodbourne
all else is shit
Well what about Driveclub?
Should of built a dog instead.
Fetch is a pretty good game to play with your new pupper
Download the PS+ version of Driveclub for free if it's still available to see if you like it. It's far from a bad racing game. Has a bit of a learning curve.
Buy a PS4Pro now. Then you'll have the best game, NoLube Consumer - Anal Edition.
Disgaea 5
Omega Quintet
Senran Kagura EV
Odin Sphere
Get drive club
Your dog seems pretty exited about your purchase