
Game comes out in less than a week now. Considering there are no other CRPGs worth a shit coming out anytime soon, who else is looking forward to pirating (or god forbid, actually paying money for) this?

Other urls found in this thread:


Skyrim just recently came out, though.

>real time with pause
ain't even touching it.

I dunno man, considering how PoE was absolute garbage I doubt this will somehow be a massive turnaround. Allegedly you're now some evil dude who can't actually do particularly evil things.

I have it pre-ordered. As you said, not much else around.



Pillars of Eternity was great, though.

it has no romance..so i'm not getting it.

>Poorly balanced
>Horridly optimized
>Writing was literally the first draft, full of plot holes, contrivances, terrible prose, outright nonsense
>Your choices had fuck all for consequences
>Most partymembers had no fucking reason to tag along with your bullshit
>You also had no reason to take most partymembers along

Well, on the bright side I'm pretty sure it's literally impossible for you to dislike a video game if you accept all that shit, hell, even calling it 'great'



So, can you rape people in this? This is an important question.

>Poorly balanced
On the contrary, everyone bitches about it being too well balanced and not giving you OP abilities to easily kill everyone with like the classic cRPGs

>Horridly optimized
Had some bad loading times later in the game, but nothing too bad

>Writing was literally the first draft, full of plot holes, contrivances, terrible prose, outright nonsense
It has no plot holes, contrivances or "outright nonsense". Your opinion on the prose is entirely subjective.

>Your choices had fuck all for consequences
They had as big an effect as games like Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale and Neverwinter Nights did.

>Most partymembers had no fucking reason to tag along with your bullshit
This is referenced and a part of the plot by Thaos at the end.

>You also had no reason to take most partymembers along
So don't take them? If you want to roleplay that way, you have the ability to do so.

>On the contrary
No, fuck off, the game had shit balance, especially on release. Shotgun espers or w/e the class was called were broken beyond belief, priests STILL have a level 2 spell that negates every debuff you could possibly get until combat is over (unless you take forever, in which case you can just recast and keep going anyway)

>Had some bad loading times
Understatement of the decade, loading times ramped up exponentially the further you got into the game, endlessly so.

>It has no plot holes, contrivances or outright nonsense
Uhuh, sure thing buddy, whatever you wish to believe.

>They had as...
No, literally most of your choices don't even get acknowledged by the world, let alone having it have more tangible consequences, you can kill Raedric and nobody fucking gives a shit that the local despot and his entire garrison just died, in a world where childbirth is incredibly rare you'd think that'd be a huge fucking deal, but no.

>They had an excuse for this at the end
Doesn't fix the issue

>Do don't take them
Yea no that solves the problem, so the game has no companions unless you roleplay as a retard, wow, what an amazing fucking game there user.

The newest combat and mechanics trailer kinda sold me the game.

The combat, which was PoE's biggest problem, actually looks pretty fun.

But I'll still wait for reviews before buying.

Obsidian is dead to me.

No rape, no killing of children, Obsidian has no balls.

>No, fuck off
The balance works perfectly now and it was never particularly any bad from the beginning.

>Understatement of the decade
Loading times were never above 5 seconds and you could alt tab out while they were loading

>Uhuh, sure thing buddy, whatever you wish to believe.
Funny how you didn't even bother pointing out one of these supposed flaws. Tells me you know your shit arguments aren't worth presenting.

>No, literally most of your choices don't even get acknowledged by the world
Incorrect, all the major NPCs and even the civilians talk to you about your actions, the dialogue changes entirely based on who you sided with and what actions you took throughout the story.

>you can kill Raedric and nobody fucking gives a shit that the local despot and his entire garrison just died
The civilians from Gilded Vale thank you for it and the people that were allied with Raedric fear you.

>Doesn't fix the issue
It's not an issue

>Yea no that solves the problem, so the game has no companions unless you roleplay as a retard, wow, what an amazing fucking game there user.
If you want to play like a paranoid dipshit that feels like he can't trust anyone, that's your call, not my problem and most certainly not the developer's either.

It's gonna be shit just like PoE because the people responsible for MotB are no longer working at Obsidian.

>The balance works just fine!
Ignoring the arguments and repeating the bullshit, amazing.

Come now user.

>Funny how
I see no reason to try and convince you of something you've already dismissed, when you're clearly not open to debate why would I bother? You denied it without hearing a single argument, and I see no reason to believe you'll stop doing so, see the above points, you've denied arguments with bullshit.

>All the major NPCs and even the civilians
Except no, they don't, none of them acknowledge Raedric being dead, and NPC's only respond to your scores and reputation, most of which don't even make any fucking sense to begin with as it's not balanced at all. Killing the caravan at the start, leaving no trace and survivors, somehow earns you this massive reputation for being a dickhead, despite no one being able to know, whereas murdering the local despot does fuck all by comparison.

>It's not an issue
No, not if you stick your head in the sand and pretend it's not, I'd wager.

>If you...
No, any sensible individual wouldn't trust his back to the schizophrenic wizard, the guy everyone in town wants to be rid of for reasons he's not really willing to talk to you about and who only opened up to you after you were staring at a corpse for a while, a mad rambling hobo who refuses to communicate and other such colorful characters. The only way to accept this shit is to not roleplay at all, or roleplay as the biggest cloud cuckoo lander there ever was, completely ignorant of the world and events around him, though I guess you'd fit right in with the NPCs if you do.

If you're talking about the elf fag, then I recall that he opened to you right after the city was burned down and you were on the bridge and he went "Oh I was sent to spy on you woops lol"

>20 hours

The elf's introduction is him literally failing to stop himself from starting a fight with the locals because he can't control his second personality or 'soul', seems like a good guy to befriend when you're new in town, and to have cast complex magic in the heat of battle, right?

He has this big thing where he was actually a spy all along, but guess what? It changes literally fuck all whether you bring him along or not, and its not really tied to anything else, it's so fucking insular to the plot, the world and the rest of your companions that it's just a bunch of nonsense unless you somehow were REALLY interested in his character.

Yeah, I noticed that, too. All companion questlines felt rushed and schizophrenic as fuck and there really was no character in the entire game, companion or npc, that I could care about or relate to.

>none of them acknowledge Raedric being dead
You're outright saying lies. You're wrong and you have to lie to shit on this game.

>No, any sensible individual wouldn't trust his back to the schizophrenic wizard, the guy everyone in town wants to be rid of for reasons he's not really willing to talk to you about and who only opened up to you after you were staring at a corpse for a while, a mad rambling hobo who refuses to communicate and other such colorful characters. The only way to accept this shit is to not roleplay at all, or roleplay as the biggest cloud cuckoo lander there ever was, completely ignorant of the world and events around him, though I guess you'd fit right in with the NPCs if you do.
You're retarded. You can see very easily at the start that the people of Gilded Vale are troubled, paranoid and ruled by a crazy motherfucker. I can understand not wanting Aloth or Durance to come along with you, and if you want to roleplay that way, you have the ability to do so and the ability to hire your own companions, but Edér, for example, is very relatable and sympathetic from the moment you meet him.

>N-no! You lie!
Examples, user, shouldn't be too difficult.

>Y-you're retarded
Yea wow you have me convinced there buddy.

>They're troubled, paranoid and ruled by a crazy motherfucker
Yea, so lets ally with someone who can't stop himself from pissing them off, what a good idea!

>But Eder is very relatable and sympathetic
Yea, except he makes it blindingly obvious that siding with him would earn you the ire of everyone in town, and you're not exactly in a state where you can afford that. "Hey guys, lets alienate everyone in our immediate environment by siding with this random guy that everyone hates! I'm SMART! :^)"

>B-but the town already hated you anyway!
Uhuh, all the more reason to give them more excuses to hate you, right?

>Considering there are no other CRPGs worth a shit coming out anytime soon
Dungeon Rats, assuming you've liked Age of Decadence combat.

They talk about Raedric being a cruel ruler, when you kill Raedric, they comment on it and thank you for it, and then they start commenting when he comes back, talking about the noises they hear coming from the castle, then they thank you again (multiple times if you keep prodding them) if you kill him again in his Death Guard form. Have you actually played the game?

And it's not the game's fault you want to act as a spineless cuck that gives in to fear-mongering. Again, you are 100% free to roleplay that way and hire your own companions.

>Game's story is that the big bad won and took over the world
>you literally play as the Darth Vader of the evil empire

What should i play before release? Is Temple of elemental evil good?

I just want to rape...

>Not siding with based Raedric and purging necromancer scum from the world

Age of Decadence's combat was horrible and that seems to be all they show in their training. I'm passing on that shit. It doesn't even seem to have the extensive C&C Age of Decadence did, which was the only good point of that otherwise terrible game.

Ah, you mean literally only a handful of people in the first town, and they only really offhandedly mention it with no further consequences. Yea, amazing. Also not in the first versions of the game, but nice try.

>And it's not the game's fault if you want to ignore danger and meta-game knowing it's not going to have consequences
Amazing RPG there buddy, what a strong argument.

Lawful good can be the most evil of all, user.

I'll buy it on sale. I just got PoE dlc discounted so that's probably going to suck up the rest of this month. I'm not sure I liked what I saw of the combat of Tyranny, a little to late 90s mmo for me. But there is spell crafting and I masturbate fiercely to that sort of thing so who knows.

>Removed the D&D style 'one per day' bullshit on spells and put them on cool downs

Thank god that system is so fucking retarded and anti fun

Sounds like typical CRPG conventions to me


Been in every single D&D game

I meant the civilians in town, and it was in the first versions of the game as soon as it was released. Are you just gonna keep making shit up?

You're complaining that if you act like an overly paranoid and cowardly cuck, you can't have companions around, I'm sorry but that's just you being retarded.

>I meant the civilians in town
>It was this way on release
Uhuh, so I went around town immediately after killing Raedric and that other fuckhead who wanted to take his place and nobody acknowledged the fact that anything had happened, but they totally did have responses :^)
>Are you just gonna keep making shit up
Right back at you buddy, how about making some claims that you can actually substantiate?

>You're complaining that if you act like an...
Read what I've been writing user, regurgitating the same bullshit over and over to try and win an argument you lost is pathetic. You already tried the whole 'hurrrr durr paranoid' spiel, and I can't imagine your memory is this bad.


For those that haven't seen it yet, the last developer diary. It's honestly kind of embarrassing how low effort the marketing for this game is. Has Paradox paid for a single advertisement source?

>still no preload option

>still no rape

What the FUCKKK obsidian

You're lying, they acknowledge what happened and have conversations about it. You can claim it wasn't in the original game all you want, literally anyone can go verify it themselves. They can pirate the earliest version there is and see for themselves that the civilian comment on it.

You yourself already admitted that they comment on it here

>Ah, you mean literally only a handful of people in the first town

Literally a sentence said by you. You contradict yourself while coming up with excuses for your lies.

What a joke. And yes, the argument hasn't changed, you can act like a paranoid and coward and the game allows you, it forces no companions on you. Don't bitch when you get no companions because you refused them.

The thing is that they don' need to advertise for it. The majority of players don't want isometric CRPGs. Hell, its hard to sell them fully 3D CRPGs. Match that with the fact that the majority of players also want to be a hero not an edgelord and you have a very niche title.

Chances are the people who are willing to buy this game already know it exists.

They said on Twitter that you'd be able to preload the game but I think it's only gonna be starting on the 8th.

There will be mentions of rape, in fact, there have already been a few in the stories, but guarantee you you won't be able to actually rape anyone yourself

Romance is gay.

>not liking romance in his crpgs

It's like you're not even a human

While that's true to an extent (especially if the game is any good, since it will get good word of mouth and shilling going on in every RPG community) you'd think they'd try a bit harder than this. I was a backer for Project Eternity and only found out about this game a day ago by glancing at Sup Forums's catalog and seeing a thread with 0 replies that got archived quickly. It's ridiculous.

>Chances are the people who are willing to buy this game already know it exists.
If you are right then they are in very deep shit.

This game was developed along side PoE and is done by Obsidian's B-Team.

It will be fun but I wouldn't expect a super high quality title.

>Skyrim just recently came out, though.

Skyrim came out five fucking years ago. The "special edition" is nothing but a lighting patch with no new content.

You sure? The production qualities of this game don't speak of much investment. Character portraits are isolated to your character and party members. Outside of that, NPC portraits are just close ups on their shitty in game models. I don't expect it to be a tripple A title. but I doubt that have enough cash invested in this to not see a great return

>You're lying
Get your head out of your asshole user, you're not nearly important enough for me to bother making shit up or forcing a narrative that I know isn't true.
>Everyone can see
So can you, then, go ahead.

>You yourself
Don't be retarded user, that comment clearly mentions that it's only in later versions and that's kind of important.

I mean jesus fuck you literally just ripped a comment out of context, claim to have found some amazing 'contradiction' that was resolved through said context, which you are aware of, and still insist that I'm the liar here? I cannot imagine anything more dishonest than what you just did, seriously, what the actual fuck is wrong with you?

Romance a noose around your neck, faggot.

>This game was developed along side PoE and is done by Obsidian's B-Team.
Obsidian didn't have a B-Team during PoE development because they had to lay off the majority of the studio. Thanks Bioware for breaching contract.

So, that video confirms it.

The Disfavored are about being orderly and honorable in your evilness

The Scarlet Chorus is about being subversive, feisty, chaotic and violent in your evilness

In other words, Full Lawful Evil run with Disfavored confirmed.

That's one aspect of this game that already seems to be a bit of weak point. They show you cool abilities you get for having favor or wrath for factions (or loyalty and fear in the case of the companions) which means you are gonna want to inherently want to try to max out one side or the other.

Hey man, thats what the fat sack of lard in the Tyranny dev interviews said.

I don't know how true it is but I'll take his word over random internet guy

How would I do that?

I might be remembering wrong when I say this, but I could swear I saw SteamSpy tweeting about how their pre-order numbers are basically completely unreliable.

Whatever floats your boat, my man. It wasn't patched in, it was there from the beginning. Sorry reality doesn't bend to your narrative.

Age of Decadence had great combat. It's easily the most complex solo-player turn-based systems. Especially spears are better represented than in any other RPG I've played since they actually require different tactics than other weapons and offer different advantages. In general, they did a great job at giving the various weapons different properties.

I'll look up some reviews but I don't plan on getting it.
Obsidian is shit when they work on their own IP.

You're both right. Before Pillars of Eternity, they had a couple of lay offs after a cancelled project. Because of the success of the kickstarter, they hired a ton of them back and the studio that had finished working on South Park: Stick of Truth started working on Tyranny.

They have like 4 different teams working on 4 different things. Pillars of Eternity 2, an unannounced project by Cain and Boyarsky that is most likely some sort of spiritual successor to Fallout, Tyranny and that mobile Pathfinder game.

>That moment at the very end where you kick a bitch down a tower
I'm sold

>watch tyranny interview
>Devs talk about how stupid most evil choices are in game and it paints you as either Jesus Reincarnate of Hitler himself
>Watch a cuck stream the first hour of Tyranny
>First option
>Invade a town and...
>Burn its crops
>Or enslave the people

Glad to see Obisidan isn't going full Hitler mode, no siree bob

>what is Fallout 1 and 2
If the game is half as replayable as those, I'll be able to spend well over 100 hours on it.

You're a faggot. PoE's spells were god awful because now that they were on a cooldown, there was no reason to make cool situational spells anymore.

Are you retarded? If any game was going to go full hitler mode, it'd be this game. Since its basically showcasing being evil. That's the entire premise of the game

How is that a weak point?

>PoE's spells were on a cool down

False. Only one you reach level 10 do you get to select a single first level spell to put on a cool down and that cool down is 'once per encounter'

It's a shitty system. I'll take a bunch of weak spells that I'm actually allowed to use over having to stand around with my finger in my ass until a boss shows up. If anything. Make the heavy hitters the one time use spells. Oh waits, thats what they do in Tyranny.

PoE didn't have cooldowns though

PoE used vancian casting, though.

If you sincerely had to wait around saving spells for bosses using a Vancian system then you're an idiot who didn't actually read what spells do. Magic is for buffing, not blasting.

Fuck. Okay, you got me. I was just trolling.

To be fair you were right about the spells being garbage

>magic is for buffing not blasting
>When wizard spells only buff the caster

Spells are for crowd control and mild aoes in PoE

>When wizard spells only buff the caster

At least it makes playing a magic swordsman easy/fun

>putting your DPS in melee range

>He didn't play as a Monk with high constitution and might fucking shit up the harder you get hit.

I assume he means that you cant roleplay properly but essentially need to decide if you are 100% good or bad, no neutral thing.

it limits rp for minmaxing

>Evil campaign
>All the companions are snowflakes
Makes sense. Evil characters and people who tend to play evil characters usually end up making the biggest snowflakes
>Just misunderstood
>An orphan ... had a hard life
>An outcast!
etc. Will not be picking up, well maybe I'll get it for free, who knows? Har.

>Fantasy game
>Playing as a monk

Weebs pls go

There are plenty of CRPGs where you party members are made of mundane nobodies

If you're going to play a game where you're fantasy Darth Vader, you should have peers of equal stature with you

I just hope, we can skin kills in shadow

eb is another problem, how the fuck does she join if you're fanatically pro-kyros?

Why do I keep hearing "Fantasy Darth Vader"? Stop pushing this meme. Can I kill Kyros in the end? It seems she's the biggest Dark Sue of all.

You're the enforcer of the evil overlord. How's that not Dark Vader?

You're also Judge Dredd on top of it since that's literally your job description: Law and Order, Jury and Executioner for the great Overlord.

>why do I keep hearing "fantasy Darth Vader" in threads about a fantasy game where you play the enforcer of an evil overlord, while DV's main shtick is being the enforcer of an evil overlord?

Fantasy Dark Vader sounds like a really unnatural thing to say. Stop shilling this game. It looks like trash and from what we have appears to be poorly written, please just accept it and move on.

Let's the """evil""" choices and dialogue are well written. I don't want to play as cartoon villain or shadow the edgehog.

I already bought. I love all rpgs. ALL rpgs. Even Dragon Age 2.

It's a pretty apt descriptor of your role in the game. I wasn't even the person that used the term originally but it fits. Also, it's not shilling if people are doing it for free and have no ties to Obsidian or Paradox, you dumbass.

>game is called Tranny
>can't play as a futa rapist

Smdh tbqh famalam

Is it the same engine as PoE?


Fuck off Paladinfag

How is it limiting to your RP to choose whether or not your armies are chaotic messes or organized jackbooters?

Whats the secret to not getting killed in Poe?

The game started throwing 20 enemies at me in every single encounter so they just circled around me and killed all my non tanks. So I got a second tank and now the game throws 50 enemies at me in every encounter.

I already purchased the Overlord edition.

I'm a bit worried when they say a single playthrough is only around 20 hours. I know they want it to be played multiple times with wildly different outcomes, but getting invested in a character over just 20 hours seems quick for a cRPG.

What do you guys think? 20 hours long enough?

who are you meant to get invested in?

Is there an option to change combat from real-time to turn-based?

Arcanum could do it. Why can't a modern game like this?

I think its fine. Dragon Age Origins was about 20 hours long and was engaging through the whole jam. Neverwinter Nights 2 was about three times that long and felt like a fucking grind abut midway through act 2

When did Crappy RPGs get their own subgenre.

Obsidian must be the worst because all I hear is Obsidian is making another CRPG or they are the kings of CRPGs.

It isn't nice to pick on Obsidian anons.
Poor form...poor form indeed.

>I disagree with faction's a choice and prefer faction's b
>but so far, I've only liked faction's a choices and have a 95%reputation with them, with one more choice I get 100% and unlock a cool ability
>oh well, the choice is stupid, but whatever, the ability would be good for combat