>lets make the STRONK INDAPENDANT BLECK WOMYN with PROGRESSIVE HAIR the most OP character t. nufag >Okay t.Overwatch lead-designers wife's son
Brody Wood
Jeremiah James
I would fuck Sombra full force in the ass and pussy until she couldn't stand up.
Blake Hughes
She's Mexican and she is just a ripoff of a Street Fighter character because the artist has a hard-on for their shitty artstyle.
Dylan Rodriguez
That's good. Be sure to play her before she gets nerfed and then you can't play her anymore because you'll get banned/flagged by mass reports for playing a "shit character"
Liam Edwards
no she's a ripoff of a JOJO character XDDD look at THAT POSE
Kayden Johnson
>You were expecting a simple shitposter, but it was me dio !
Kevin Hall
Please fuck off with your forced meme from your eternally butthurt e-celeb who still listens to gangnam style.
Luke Allen
>black Further evidence most people of this mindset come from gated communities.
Chase Flores
Sounds like an easy counter. Mei or Rein would fucking destroy her.
Dylan Flores
>3. Can single handedly and instantaniously take down shields by herself. So she's going to be countered by heroes with armor and those who don't rely so much on abilities.
Her ult 100% buttfucks Lucios ult though
Elijah Anderson
You dont have the stamina for that fucboi.
Austin Roberts
>realy dark skin >DURP DOS WAS AN MEXICANO BRAH without any background info, the chick looks like a nig
Brandon Sanders
>mexicans are black >hair style can be political Are you 12?
Jackson Reed
Not even meming that's Jojo's pose
Jack Gutierrez
wtf? i don't even really follow overwatch but wasn't sombra supposed to look like this? a qt masked girl in a poncho?
Dylan Hernandez
Did you miss the part where she takes down reins shield and then guns him the fuck down?
Carson Diaz
>All they keep adding is women to the game.
On the bright side it means I get to murder women.
Isaiah Brown
>Reinhardt countering Sombra I don't see that happening
Landon Cook
>Destroy shields >Stop abilitys Rip rein
Owen Lopez
Her abilities are 100% utility, none of them do damage
Leo Roberts
As someone who lives on the Mexican boarder and thus has almost assuredly seen far far more Mexicans than you: Mexicans can and do have dark skin colors like her.
Ayden Green
is that a jojo reference?
Benjamin Hill
That's Ana.
Jose Johnson
That's Ana. It's even a skin available in the game right now. That's probably fanart because the hints for Sombra came way before Ana came out
Isaac Clark
>tfw the perfect robofu will never exist why live?
Noah Murphy
You forgot to add that they gave her literally a forced BAZINGA catchphrase.
Can't fucking wait to see and hear it every-fucking-goddamn-where from this point on.
William Howard
Thats fan art. In the mexican map some newspaper thinks ana is sombra.
Robert Rogers
Im beyond happy that you skullface faggots got blown the FUCK out.
Chase Sanders
>What was Blizzard thinking?
Nano boost was a mistake and we don't know how to balance it.
Brody Fisher
Sombra still looks less cancerous than Mei / Genji
Isaac Torres
It's DIO's pose, not Jojo's retard
Jaxson Rodriguez
You're just as retarded and paranoid as the idiots who thought Meet the Pyro was made to appeal to bronies because it had a unicorn in it.
Daniel Carter
which is honestely a good thing if it brings DVA more attention, the game has such a fucking meme meta right now, its 6.78 dota all over again
Aiden Gomez
>shitters playing supports She is never going to get picked because you won't get frags and if you play support people will ask you to play healer.
mark my words, garbage tier hero after all this time
Nathan Cox
So her stealth gets canceled when she takes damage. I wonder how that works with automatic aim like winstons gun or symetra turrets. Can they not hit her while in stealth or do they hardcounter it?
Jayden Ramirez
She will be picked because of her Ult, it is extremely powerful looking.
Angel Young
She's an attack hero tho.
Juan Baker
I jack off like 12 times a day. I absolutely could pull it off.
Levi Myers
>So her stealth gets canceled when she takes damage. Doesn't it also turn off if she attacks or uses an ability? I thought I remember reading that in one of the leaks and that's generally how optical camo works in games. As long as all you're doing is moving, the stealth stays active until it times out.
Luis Nguyen
she look like she got a fat ass, so im game
Chase Rogers
is this post a jojo reference?
Leo Parker
Pretty much. The worst part is that blizzard listens to mass-reporters so if you play her you'll get reported and risk an account infraction
Carson Cooper
Its described on the official website. Yeah, it also gets canceled when Sombra attacks. She also gets a speedboost. But still: Does stealth cancel a monkey attacking you or is it the other way around?
Adam Reyes
That's literally a jojo reference though.
Ethan Turner
Why are you even asking this. Of couse symturrets counter her. This is basically Blizzard saying "we failed to rebalance sym to make her useful so now sym is a counter to the most OP character"
Christian Price
wait, what happened? Did Sombra get announced? I cant find anything on youtube
Thomas Lewis
Yeah, if automatic aim wouldn't hit her in stealth it would be a whole different level of OP. If it does, it makes her a lot more useful against slow hitting heroes like Mcree.
Evan Brown
JJBA did not invent that pose. Stop being such a fucking force meming retartd.
Hudson Foster
Her stealth isn't that stealthy at all, I guess it just removes the red outline and nametag
Ayden Collins
Pretty sure this is what allies see, not the enemy team...
Just shoot her. She's not Tracer, has (1) out via teleport and damage breaks stealth. If anything she's more like a Reaper with less HP. Especially since she doesn't regen health via picking up souls and she can't recall like Tracer
>taking down shields via hack People take down shields by shooting. Its not very different.
She's obviously fairly team dependent and requires support, especially if she gets hit even once and has to go back into combat.
Hacking health kits seems amazing though, especially for people who spend the time fleeing only to curse Sombra
Jayden Price
I look forward to the first week of full Somba teams just stealth rushing the point for laughs. This gonna be good.
Dylan Gomez
ITS YELENA FEDOROVA. The second boss of Deus Ex: HR
Her only powers were: HAVE SMGS, GO INVISIBLE, HACKING.
>No Source >Only information we have is a cinematic trailer
Sure pal.
Cooper Williams
Thought the exact same thing when I saw the character the first time.
Ryan Miller
Try the Overwatch site m8
Samuel Myers
Isn't this basically a hacker class vidya trope by now? That one Mass effect class ( Infiltrator ) was pretty much the same stuff.
Daniel Lewis
Are you retarded and/or illiterate?
Bentley Scott
Even the hair is the fucking same.
Angel Powell
>You're stealthed as Sombra >You're low health >Your ally Ana shoots you to heal, scoped so everyone can see the bullet trail >Enemy finds out and kills you
I can see this happening
Luis Wright
Xavier Torres
>taking damage disables her camouflage.
Super sneaky hacker Sombra countered by blind junk spam
Robert Hill
>Blizzard is now stealing from Paladins >Skye is a purple character that can go invisible >Uses a wrist-mounted machine gun >Instead of poison she can disarm >Ultimate is basically TIME'S TICKING but with an ability disable that makes you wish you were dead instead of massive damage
Devs just like to fuck with eachother anymore these days, don't they?
Hudson Fisher
Damn, I don't care about this game but that character looks way hotter than Sumbrah...
Aaron Baker
I know it's bait, but Sombra has been "in the works" for a long as fuck time.
Alexander Brooks
are you purposfully shitposting here, SJW-kun? I said without any fucking background information. Without, meaning Im not aware of the country this woman is from. So the basic assumption is that she is just a black person, which is objectivly true due to her skin colour. The stereotypical mexican isnt a nigga, y'know
>hacking = magic >she is quircky! :D >Russians talking to eachother in english >Zarya looking completely out of place
Nicholas Williams
More pics breh?
Adrian Wright
Skye has been around since 2014 you fuckboy.
Kayden Morales
Zachary Price
Except she doesn't look black.
Ryan Carter
Do you faggots not panic about anything
Go outside
Angel Hernandez
yeah she looks like a nigger
Ryan Hernandez
When is Blizzard going to replace Torbjorn with Barik and add Ying?
I bet they'd make the game more balanced.
Hudson Cruz
And skinny girls with SMGs have been around longer than that. She's a copy of the Human Revolution boss.
Jose Morris
Impeccable taste.
As far as healer go, Ying is a lot more fun gameplay wise than any of the OW supports.
Asher Morales
They were sort of the same character at one point before Ana materialized. After that they could define Sombra better.
John Johnson
well her eyes and facial structure isnt nigress style, I give you that. It looks Barbie-esque, which looks awfull, but thats not the point. Her skin however is very much Afro-american. Its not deep-african jungle black as in 100% dark chocolate, but still
Carson Evans
I haven't been watching Blizzcon. Did this prediction come true?
Tyler James
this, Blizzand is stealing things left and right, I'm also suspicious about Mercy because she extremely similar to Sparks from Dirty Bomb, and Dirty bomb came before Overwarch dirtybomb.wikia.com/wiki/Sparks
Hunter Ortiz
border crosser here
i am not liking the accent, sounds almost puerto rican
Jack Morris
I can see her toes. My new main.
Nathan Adams
that's allied view. when cloaked she's completely invisible
Joshua Barnes
>that pose
Jojo edit when?
Josiah Lee
>disable reins shield >kite him with smg and if he manages to get into melee range just teleport away depending on the damage of her smg she probably wont be able to solo kill rein but if her teammates are around he's fucked
Zachary Parker
>the stereotypical a decent amount are dark skinned, as looking out my window proves. This is simply an objective fact you are arguing against. I have no idea why you reverse-sjws now try to be offended for other races.
Notice no Mexicans are crying saying she's black. It's just Sup Forums types being offended over nothing. Stop whining a mexican looks mexican
Jacob Long
Phara, Ana, and Symmetra confirmed black because they aren't white.
Mason Reed
yeah because overwatch needed another generic looking sjw pandering bitch rather than a qt robot
Joseph Sanchez
Jesus, I play Rein so this character will make my character literally useless
Logan Bailey
I hope we can get a real non lesbian aryan qt somedays
Brody Lee
Go outside.
Dominic Brooks
she has nice feet though
Jacob Hill
Why is she dressed like a Phantasy Star Online character?