You want the new best skins?

>You want the new best skins?
>Well FUCK YOU, play our shitty moba

Elaborate. Are they finally going to start shilling their other crap with exclusive unlocks?

>this overdesigned garbage
>a good skin

what's this?

You need to play 15 hots games with a "friend" to get the skin

they always did this

You need to play atleast 40 hours of HoTs to unlock ranked play then proceed to get gold by the end of the year then you can unlock the new skins being sold for an additional 3000 coins in overwatch

What, you can't just buy them with a DLC pack anymore? What the shit, this is why videogames are dead.

I meant for Overwatch, specifically. That's why I said finally, I figured they would have been doing this shit since the second month.

So you need both the other game's gold rank and 3000 credits?

>new best skins
OK, are you going to give me an example?

>Your challenge, should you choose to accept, is to party up with one or more of your friends and play at least 15 Heroes of the Storm games in Co-op vs. AI, Quick Match, Unranked Draft, or Ranked modes between November 15 and January 4.

>Co-op vs. AI

Thanks at least for that

>A special skin for Overwatch hero Genji is coming exclusively to Heroes of the Storm, Blizzard Entertainment announced during BlizzCon 2016’s opening ceremonies. Playing the MOBA will unlock both the new skin for Overwatch, as well as a playable Overwatch character for Heroes of the Storm.

>After 15 games of Heroes of the Storm, players will unlock the Oni Genji skin to use in Overwatch, which transforms the character into the ninja with a demon mask. They’ll also get access to Zarya, one of several Overwatch heroes available in Heroes of the Storm. Genji himself remains absent from Heroes of the Storm in the meantime.

>Blizzard added Zarya to its franchise-spanning MOBA back in August. Tracer, the game’s unofficial mascot, was the first Overwatch hero to make it into Heroes of the Storm; she arrived in April, ahead of Overwatch’s May launch.

>Heroes of the Storm is also getting two more playable characters from World of Warcraft as part of a new content update, which Blizzard also showed off on-stage during BlizzCon. Ragnaros and Varian Wrynn are available for testing next week, before their full debuts in December.

Taken from Polygon, because search engines are hard.

>Just play 15 matches

So what's to stop me from just AFKing or putting in absolutely zero effort

You need a friend

Thank god I don't play Genji.

Skin looks shit anyway.

What if you don't have friends that play video games anymore?

All my friends moved on to other entertainment

as a genji main

I dont even want it

feels like one of those "were so cultural TEHEHE"

Here's your (you) I guess?

I have a friend

Is that it? Just fire up some games and watch retards nerd rage because I'm not farming the lanes or whatever it is you do in ASSFAGGOTS?

That skin looks like fucking shit, why would anyone even bother with it?

>I have a friend

Sure you do

>watch retards nerd rage because I'm not farming the lanes or whatever it is you do in ASSFAGGOTS?

If you've got enough friends you could all just 5-man AFK in a co-op vs AI match, if I'm reading the requirements right.

Just 2 that play Overwatch. That should still be enough to tank any game fast enough that 15 of them won't take long, right?

The biggest issue I see with this is having to download a new game at 3mb/s


>15 games played

I don't need even win them

Blizzard haven't realised that they've just encouraged players to ruin the "community"

>using shuriken and a sword

Jojo reference?

but I have played hundreds of games with friends in HOTS already. does that mean I get them instantly?

its time to hate blizz now, even if they just want you to play videogames to unlock things

Finally, a skin I don't have to pay for.
I can just lose 15 games of Heroes of the Marx and get a free skin, thx

you have to play a shitty moba to get any skin in OW though

>you have to play a shitty moba
So nothing changed for overshills.

>Game already treading water is now even more ruined by Genjifags only playing to get a skin.

Ha ha ha what the fuck are they thinking?

FUCK, I really want to play as best ninja.


Kill yourself


Holy shit fuck offfffffffff

>playing overcuck at all

>Game already treading water
the general is faster than dota and the leddit page has over twice the amount of dota
which has like 14 million unique players per month

> Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)05:35:11 No.356846475▶
>File: HannyaStandsInWait.png (822 KB, 1063x799)
> (OP)
>FUCK, I really want to play as best ninja.
>Hannya Stands In Wait

This, honestly. Genji is literally the only character I have no games won/lost in, I just dick around as him in Skirmish.

also the amount of posting on Sup Forums as well
you don't need exact numbers to make out that this game is still huge, especially when it's actually big in gook internet cafes

Lies, you can just buy lootboxes without playing a single match.

Fucking Blizzard not even fucking original with their ideas. Kek.

>New Shen

OG Splash my nigga

gee you fucks will complain about literally anything

>Well FUCK YOU, play our shitty moba
arent you already playing one

Are you high? Its better than his legendaries.

Oh no, am I going to have to play videon gamames in order to earn meaningless cosmetic upgrades that doesn't really matter?

Welp, might as well off my self. Been putting it off for weeks anyway.

>Pretending you don't know what a MOBA actually constitutes
>inb4 every multiplayer is a MOBA

>Its better than his legendaries.
Fucking sandnigger Genji is better than this weeb shit

>weeb shit

Doesn't matter if hes dressed like a sandnigger, genji is still a weeb.

I didn't know Blood Moon Zed was announced!

>oni mask
>original idea
this is bait, right?

Reminder that Young Genji is possibly the worst skin in the entire game. Only punk Tracer and goth Zarya rival the shittyness.

What's this?

are you me?

>2 swords
>only 1 of them has a sheath
why though?


what did he mean by this?

>target market is retards and a business plan based around the ignorance of said target market

>Black eyebrows
>green hair

fucking why?

>every multiplayer fps is a MOBA
Called it


>Multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA), also known as action real-time strategy (ARTS), is a genre of strategy video games that originated as a subgenre of real-time strategy, in which a player controls a single character in one of two teams. The objective is to destroy the opposing team's main structure with the assistance of periodically spawned computer-controlled units that march forward along set paths.

>have to play with a friend

I don't want to subject my friends to that shit game. Fuck you blizz

>taking riots shitty acronym literally

>it's an "autist argues about genre naming conventions" episode

Hey guys Legend of Zelda is an RPG because you play the role of Link XD

It looks like that fruit ninja mascot.

I have the grorious nipon skin so I'm fucking set

In 2040 all the cool kids have weird colored hair, and wear their pockets inside out. It falls back out of style by 2070 but by then Zarya, Genji and Sombra aren't "with it" anymore.

that should have been his halloween skin.

If you don't want it being applied to games it describes, don't use riots marketing term.

man i sure do love paying 40 dollars to not even have access to all the content in the game i paid for

This is why you should call "mobas" by the more accurate term "Aeon of Strife Style Fortress Assault Game Going On Two Sides"

or ASSFAGGOTS for short

You also forgot. In 2040, there will be a entire country of SJWs and chicks with dicks..

Not him but it does look like shit. Cool idea, very poor execution.

If it changed his sword to a kanabo I'd actually consider it.

>Blizzard rips off Marvel's Ogun
>OWbabbies won't even notice it

>complaining about new free cosmetic content

Stop trying to fit in, dumbass.

Oh fuck off retard you know damn well what it means and it's concrete in definition.

you're a fucking idiot
am i wrong tho

i wish i could still get a refund

no i dont and no it's not. It's a marketing term. please use the correct label ASSFAGGOTS

Is HotS not free to play?

when i googled it it said 11.99 was the cheapest I could get it
and i kinda don't want to pay 12 bucks for a shitty game i'll stop playing after an hour

>Marvel rips off revenge of the Ninja
>Marvelbabbies won't even notice it

It's free, you fucking idiot.

It's free to play, you stupid piece of shit.

This is the first time Blizzard has


crossed the line

HOTS is actually not a bad game and can be incredibly fun if you want to enjoy a less serious moba

why are they fucking selling it then?
how are they selling it???


It must be a bunch of skins and shit like that.

??? I don't fucking know, read what you found yourself.

He didn't bother to dye his eyebrows?