Name a more engrossing, engaging, and enjoyable RPG series to come out lately than this one

Name a more engrossing, engaging, and enjoyable RPG series to come out lately than this one.

Pro tip: You can't

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Pokemon Sun and Moon

Ao no kiseki evolution, it didn't waste my time with bloated school crap and didn't have Towa present during the terrorists attack on Orchis tower.

> didn't have Towa present during the terrorists attack on Orchis tower.


Towa didn't existed until Sen so she wasn't there during the attack and Falcom rewriting history to make her important.

SMT IV Apocalypse

Oh, I thought you were implying towa was a villain. That was a fake spoiler i read and its been in the back of my mind ever since.

She's not a villain, just a Mary Sue and Falcom's Lightning.


And cute. Don't forget cute.



ANIME SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!

Honestly it is a complete disgrace to the series. TiTs sky is MUCH better. Even that has been ruined by fucking EOP anime shitters, only the untranslated games are ACTUALLY worth a damn if you ask me.

I swear to fucking god if I ever see someone like you on the street who likes shit likes this, or modern Falcom (more like animeshitcon) I would fucking beat the living fuck out of. Fuck.


Hah, fucking EOPs, cant even speak English right, can only respond in one word responses.

Is all of that anime shit you have been eating rotting your brain? Don't worry, I will stoop down to your level.


Xenoblade + Xenoblade X


Hey shitposter kun what's your favourite 神機 in those untranslated trails games that you played.

Newfag here, what's the proper release order of these games?

You think I am enough of a fucking nerd to have learned Japanese to play video games?

Listen, I can assure you that even though Iam only 20 and may not speak Japanese or played any Trails games but CS or TiTS, that I am a Trails and Falcom veteran, been playing their games since the 90s. Falcom is just plain shit nowadays, there is really no denying it. Of 20 something EOP anime fans like the shit Falcom churns out nowadays.... These are just the facts.

YES! My brother! Educate these animeshit eating fools!!!

Honestly I've noticed the less concerned about graphics and bloating shit up with big marketing campaigns the better the JRPG typically. It also helps when they acutely design them to resemble one which unfortunately a lot of the bigger companies decided to stop doing. I'm worried Atlus is going to get to the place where Square Enix is at these days eventually if Shin Mega Ten ever gets to where Final Fantasy has been at over the last console cycle

I wanted to like this game but every second I am being bombarded with terrible bottom of the barrel anime plot. If the characters could just shut up and let me dungeon crawl I might like it

Trails in the Sky FC >SC > 3rd (not out yet) > Zero and Ao (not localized) > Cold Steel 1 > 2

Why did they localize Cold Steel before all the other games?


Zero and Ao are on PSP. PSP is a dead format in the West. The only other options are the PC versions created by the Chinese and riddled with bugs, and the Vita versions which are not licensed by Falcom but by someone else.

Because delaying Cold Steel when the PS3/Vita market will die soon would be a bad business move, while the PC market for 3rd/Zero/Ao isn't going anywhere

why did you have to start a coldsteel thread with angryposting

post waifus

>its like playing a bad anime episode

Literally any other RPG to come out lately is better than it.

What about fan translations for the PSP games?

There was something on gbatemp but it got suspended due to drama

The best waifus aren't even coldsteels

anything from the Liberl and Crossbell arcs?

Nobles are for _____.

This game is super comfy. What other jrpgs offers travels on trains, and play cards with your buddies, and harem?

this guy knows what's up

Mfw this guy did a better job with providing a different take on being a former jaegar in the tutorial than Fie in the entirety of Sen.

Objection! Blade is shit and boycotting it by playing a losing move ASAP is what it deserves


So, are we doing this?

>play CS1
>enjoyed it as much as the TitS games
>come to Sup Forums
>everyone hates it



Don't worry user, plenty of people enjoyed them. It is only the bitter try hard contrarians who want to seem special and possibly pretend they have played the much better untranslated Trails games who hate it.

When Cs and CS2 came out there were constant threads about people talking about, playing, and enjoying the games. Then all of the sudden, once most people bet the games, they got quite, moved onto whatever else they were doing with their lives, and the bitter contrarian shitposters took over, and propagated their bitter shitposting as much as they could.

As you know, Sup Forums is full of weak willed, mindless morons who desperately try to fit in with the hivemind, and as such, the "cold steel is bad" meme has spread, and people parroting it are present in every thread.

It is sad, but that is just how it goes on Sup Forums, it isn't super unique to CS or Trails as a series at all.

>CS 1
>Characters have disagreements, conflict with each other, grow and change like real people

>CS 2
>Everyone is the bestest friends ever, power of friendship wins the day

because they had a 70 hour game to build a background relationship off of


But even friends argue and have differing opinions. In CS2 everyone was soulmates that would take a bullet for you, even though they had been classmates for like 6 months. Every decision in CS2 was met with 8 versions of agreement with you.

>Everyone is the bestest friends ever, power of friendship wins the day

But Rean essentially loses all of that at the very end of the game.

Hey it's almost like the first game was about the formation and growth of Class VII while the second game builds off that growth to have Class VII actually accomplish great things or more accurately, watch on the sidelines as more competent and experienced adults accomplish great things instead.

>and harem?

and comfy levels lost

It was okay, not great. And CS2 had the major problem of making me wish it was following the supporting cast rather than the main cast.

because they were in a pretty dire situation and realized that getting into fights over contrived shit would screw them over?

No he doesn't, everyone does their thing but they're still friends. on that point why is everyone leaving when they're still first years?

That's my complaint, that CS2 has no growth.

>current year
>fan translations

It's a dying art user-kun. Fewer and fewer noteworthy ones come out every year.

meant to quote

There are still a lot of projects being finished or worked on, the problem is that the most egregious stuff is already done, at least on exploitable consoles

Fuck you and the rest of you faggots who overrates Falcom games.
I'm currently playing Cold Steel and the only reason I havent dropped it is because I'm two chapters away to finish it.
Seriously this game started pretty fun but there so much useless dialogue and scenes, and it adds nothing to the game besides gameplay time.
Plot also took forever to get somewhere. No fucking idea why I put up with it for so long. Heres hoping the sequel is makes it all worth it.

>There are still a lot of projects being finished or worked on

fucking Alpha translation being at 85% for years

No, its not hated, people just call it out for being a mediocre jrpg after tons put it on a pedestal.

>generic high school anime crew
Very engrossing, Such engaging, much waifu.

>playing a falcom rpg
>complains about too much dialogue

>Dialogue is world building, interesting lives of the citizens, trivia

>I think I'm going to join the lacross club uguu

Dat swimming lessons.

The setting is a school. What would you expect students to talk about?

And the school setting largely takes a backseat during the second half of the game and the entirety of CS2.

>interesting lives of the citizens, trivia
The fuck do you think you talk to random townsfolk about during field studies?

Glad someone get what I was talking about.
Holy fuck theres so much useless dialogue in Cold Steel. It's like watching a really long Slice of Life anime.

I don't like CS1 that much, but I don't get why people pretend that you don't spend the majority of your time doing the same shit that the Bracers and SSS do

>why is everyone leaving when they're still first years?
I think you're supposed to interpret the accelerated classwork in the Epilogue as them trying to graduate early

I missed a fish :c

You can fish them out of the school pond and the town river.

Shut the fuck up. If I ever see you in real life I'll destroy you.


>name something better than generic weebtrash shovelware for autists


>Play blade
oh, also, fuck off dad.

Tales of Berseria, Ys VIII

Started it today. It's alright. I can already see what people mean by useless dialogue but I can tolerate it.
Any quartz set-ups to take note of for later?

not really just trust your gut
Just make sure to give elliot your love and dick because he will save your ass countless times

AOE spells like Cross Crusade
Impede quartz to have infinite turns
Domination on Laura to kill bosses in one turn

It's a wonder that Ys VIII was so good when everything else Falcom has done recently has been so shit
Even the story is good

Will Anton ever get a gf?

Action for attackers, Cast for casters. You can be overpowered, if you have quarts that induce status effects during attacks/crafts. Just check your characters best stats, and decide whats best.

does this game like has a skill that breaks it? Cause I remember Joshua having one that was just extremely broken.

>It gets good after 90 hours
>Dungeons are straight lines
>Harem edgemaster mc
>Memes galore
>Power of friendship to save the school festival

Coldsteel shills are such hypocrites.

them dude did they like murder your family or something? also the series has always been anime shit except this time we have modern anime shit

Ys VIII is a fucking GOAT tier game.

I have hope that Cold Steel III will be good. Cold Steel II disappointed me.

It has mean Rean the delay machine.

Nothing wrong enjoying the story.

I want to know who or what the fuck McBurn is. Where the fuck did Ouroboros find this guy who could apparently spare with Loewe, is on par with the Lance Maiden, casually destroys massive pillars, and gives the Radiant Blademaster a real fight?

I used a Vermillion/Domination equipped Rean and would utterly destroy bosses with a fully charged s-break in spirit mode. Also, Emma equipped with Criminal and Toval's special accessory was pretty devastating as well.


Arc Slash.

I started CS1 and I don't really like Laura's dub voice honestly.

Does CS2 have JP voices?

Laura with Tauros, Domination gem, stacking as much Strength as possible, Strength buffs, and 200 CP S-Break for massive damage.

Rean with his default MQ, Impede quartz, Zeus Gem, Action quartz, and +passive CP regen accessories to loop Spirit Mode and spam AT Delays.

Emma with the MQ that boosts Arts damage by 100% and stack her ATS as high as possible for extremely high magic damage.

It's really easy for Fie to hit 100% evasion to literally dodge every physical attack then the Wrath gem to critical on every counter for tons of BP.

Alfin's S-Craft Sacred Circle with a level 5 Angel MQ is outrageous. If she manages to die, then she'll instantly revive at 100% HP and EP with 200 CP to instantly grant the party Arts Reflect and Crafts Guard; it's not so broken version of Kevin's Grail Sphere and Alfin's Sacred Circle is available only for the final dungeon.


how can you not like her voice? The only one I found annoying was millium and Alise.

I don't know.

I find that everyone else has decent VA's but Laura just grinds my gears.

Go with your guts. I like retarded builds IE evade with critical counter hits, high speed support buffer and anything with Juggler quartz is fun

The Blazing Demon obviously.

I didn't like Laura's dub voice either when I started the game. I got used to it, though. Maybe it's Stockholm Syndrome.

>just finished CS1 yesterday
>the game turns into Xenogears right at the end
I was confused, but it was cool.

In CS2 the VAs vastly improved imho.
especially Alisa's I hated her VA in CS1

I tried Juggler + multiple status effect quartz and that was pretty fun. I don't think it's all that viable, though.

Not really. Stack STR/ATS and SPD. DEF/ADF are useless
More important thing to take note of is that 25% buffs/debuffs can be stacked to 50%. And they translate to more than 25/50% more damage due to the damage formula
Also Delay +x break the game since you can inflict it over and over. You can potentially deny enemies' turns completely

Laura is a fucking meme. Millium has the same STR but a better S-Craft

But Action helps casters too by cutting down both casting and cooldown times