Have you ever tried to scam someone Sup Forums?
Have you ever tried to scam someone Sup Forums?
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Scammed tons of people in Everquest when I was like 10. I was such a fucking idiot, still feel horrible about it.
hey its me ur brother
Nope. The worst I've done is accept some one-sided trade offers without correcting the dude, but I've never scammed anyone and I don't even especially jew anyone. I get unreasonably pissed off when people try to rip me off to the point where I won't trade with 'em even if they later make a decent offer, so I don't do it to others.
hey its me ur brother again
>hey its me your brother
Im going to force this new meme if it kills me
I am a scam
i'm with you brother
Me too!
I ninja looted a ton, and even managed to steal 800k plat from someone in luclin era.
this has been a meme for years.
I used to scam people in habbo all the time way back in the day.
Best I did was got some retard from here to give me all the New Vegas expansions in exchange for those Steam summer sale cards a few years back when everyone was hoarding them thinking prices would skyrocket.
Buying low and selling high was my business in Runescape pre-GE.
I quit around 2008 when they removed the wilderness.
Holy shit that reminds of my friend.
>spams in chat about getting free Habbo shit
>link them to a website where all they do is put in their username and password
>me: "come on man, no one's THAT dumb"
>people are THAT dumb
>friend logs into their accounts and takes all their shit
>leaves a rubber ducky behind as a symbol of "the rubber duckie thief"
>sells all that shit in some Diablo 2 trading forum for credits
That was at least 10 years ago. I was honestly amazed how dumb people were.
Goddammit I still have those.
That is just standard mercantilism.
>peopling actually buying habbo shit
Only people getting scammed are them
But that includes lying to people about prices.
I used to scam people in TF2 back when there were a shit ton of free scamming sites. Managed to do pretty well, sadly it was before marketplace or I would've made a fucking killing on earbuds.
This kind of
I would go on TF2 servers with an unusual hat scanner thing that detected if anyone on the server had an unusual hat.
If the player is new I would trade them whatever piece of shit they wanted for the unusual.
Made a decent amount of money off of this, even built a decent computer from the money.
>buying a computer with virtual hats
My inventory is worth almost 3k where do I go for this
Its not nearly as easy now, but I guess you could trade your items for ones you can sell on the marketplace. There used to be a ton of site where you could just sell items for IRL money, I have no idea if they are still around though.
Only if they're stupid enough to offer more than what an item is worth.
I was an OG scammer when I was 10 and Neopets was the hot shit. Codestones (is that what they're called?) were pretty valuable yet somewhat easy to come buy. They sold for about 10k.
What I used to do was post on the message boards that I have a great way to make lots of Neopoints and to PM me if you wanted in on the secret, but it would cost you one Codestone as a fee. I actually got loads of people to send me Codestones and I'd just tell them the secret is to post on message boards and ask people for codestones in exchange for a secret technique for racking up Neopoints, then sell the codestones.
When people got mad and started calling me a scammer, I'd tell them it wasn't technically scamming because I delivered what was promised, a good way to make lots of Neopoints. Got banned a couple times.
>can I just see it
Take a screenshot of it next time and give him that
Back when Paypal was an insecure hellhole i used to trade in-game currency for burger dollars
I really hate that appeal function they have now, i can't spend the money right away anymore and abandon the account
>tfw got the Sketchy paint brush
Although not technically a scam, I did sell my Star Wars Galaxies game account for $400 or something like 2 days before the New Game Enhancements took affect (which killed the game)
I feel sorry for the sucker who was willing to drop that much money on an account doomed to die a horrible and painful death at the hands of SOE.
Also, for those who played SWG, read this:
Shit link, but the original dev post got taken down years ago
It's how I would pay for my Xbox Live time when I was 14 for MW2. Once you knew the gimmicks for the 10th Prestige 70 instant hack thing for a JTAG you could convince people that you hacked it and that you could do it for them. It helps that I was 10 70 in like a month of the game coming out and had a ridiculous KDA and was top ranked in Dom, SnD, and TDM.
>5 man lobbies, one person pays 1 month XBL time
I would log onto an alt account so that they couldn't report my main and q up a lobby, the second I was PM'd the code I'd D/C my internet so the XBL Party Chat would shit out and just relog my main.
I feel really fucking bad about this. When I dropped my xbox for PC I still had about 2 years of time left and I had stopped paying for time about a year before that. The thing that eats me alive is the time I had a lobby of 7, doing a "discount lobby since I had to reset my JTAG and wouldn't be able to hack for a while" but no one had a time card, so some dude took 30 minutes and drove to walmart to get a time card. I linked him a guy who could legitimately 10-70 him about a month later.
I still regret this. But I got to play a fuckton of MW2 on a bunch of accounts.
>MFW 2 of my accounts were top 1000 SnD players
I had a friend who got scammed $200 in CS:GO, then he became a shut in scalie (who wants to have sex with spyro) and dropped out of school.
Good to know you just turned 14 because this has been around years you cocksucker
>bragging about it
Literally the lowest common denominator
People who let themselves be scammed are partly to blame but you should feel bad for stealing from idiots.
I'm disappointed in you all.
No. I think my name was ConcentratedPanda or some shit. It's before I got into pro scene and had to change my name a few times.
No, but I've got a friend in Finland who pretends to be a girl to get free CS:GO skins.
no it doesn't
Stole a bunch of RuneScape accounts back in the day by pretending to be a Jagex moderator. I didn't even use them, I just thought it was funny to steal accounts that people devoted their lives to. Feel pretty guilty about it nowadays but it's too late to make things right.
Man, what a slippery slope
First you lose your knife
Next you find yourself dead in the street with your dick in your hand and a Spyro game in the other
Not even time to get addicted to a drug
No but I'm getting pretty good at wasting the time of people who try to scam me. This kinda shit went on for days on and off. I know it's wasting my time too.
His actual picture - i.imgur.com
What I showed him - i.imgur.com
I sold some completely useless shit items in d3 RMAH for 25 bux each, that I bought from the normal AH for like 20k ingame gold.
Scammed a salvaged crate in TF2 once. 50c worth of weapons for $20.
One time some guy bought me discounted game from shady website because I can't really buy games outside of steam. Then we realized that I can't repay him because of a region lock and he forgot the whole ordeal a week later.
No, because I'm not Russian. Years ago I did have a guy trade me his Bill's Hat for 3 worthless weapons, but he did that on his own accord.
Could you make your post larger please I can't read it!
well at least I know you don't browse leddit
>steam summer trading cards
>Remember people going crazy for them
>guy gifted me HL2 for my trading cards
>got pissed at me weeks later when they didn't become valuable
>My vision is like 25/25
Fucking killed me
doing god's work user
Kinda warms my miserly heart to see an old-school TF2 jew these days. I pulled it off to a modest extent back when the scanning sites were openly accessible and I made a fair bit of bank off of lifting unusuals from the oblivious.
Back when the official servers for Phantasy Star Online were still up, I used to make parties in the lobby where I would offer to dupe peoples rare items for photon drops.
People were actually dumb enough to trade me their rares, so I just stole them and ignored anyone who tried to message me about it. Sega never banned me for this shit since they didn't care.