Let's chat about her. Her design, her body. All that good stuff.
Zero Suit Samus
>that pose
jojo reference?
i don't see her under my g.e filter, work on that
no, but this is
what happened to the diplomatic posting
Not sure if I follow.
is she trying to fart?
Powersuit or bust.
post more spread samus butts
She's pretty funny
This work?
yes its amazing
i want to worship that butt
Original power suit and fusion suit are pretty cool.
This is one of my favorite lewd pics of Samus
It's a wonderful ass.
It's pretty well done.
Now, are we talking purely aesthetics, or does the fact the OtherM one fucking vanishes when the wearer is scared count?
Light suit fuh days.
justin bailey zs best zs
Phazon Suit
Prime Gravity Suit
Super Gravity Suit
Light Suit
All forms of Varia
Gravity Fusion Suit
Other Fusion Suits
Dark Suit
Power Suit, both
PED Suit
Seriously, though, as edgy as the Phazon Suit is, it looks the best, no contest.
Best final boss in the series? For me it'd be a tie between Metroid Prime and Mother Brain in Super. Didn't particularly like Emperor Ing or Dark Samus, and Queen Metroid was great in AM2R.
Would people want another game like Zero Mission where you have to play as a less armed Samus and require stealth?
What's the program people were using to make the jiggly-gifs? it's been a while since I've seen these
That depends on how good the level design and weapon selection is.
Only if it's an H-game, that's the direction metroid really needs to take.
with a shy shota bf for samus
No, I think forced stealth sections are really hard to do well and mostly miserable.
another thinly veiled porn thread. remember video games?
barely vidya
just leave
kill yourself sybb
Only if she's really mobile. I hate slow stealth sections, and those are far and away the most common.
It could set up why Samus lost her powerups between sequels.
>don't want to fap
>go to Sup Forums
I make this mistake every time.
>creepy obsession over a hot fictional girl and her great ass
W-what's creepy about that, exactly?