This is disgusting

This is disgusting.
E-"Sports" is disgusting.
Competitive Multiplayer is disgusting.

Way to degrade games to nothing but a bunch of 12 years "pew pew-ing" each other, for muhneeyyyy!!!! XD haha

Video Games are dead. What was once a gateway into unfamiliar lands and incredible stories, is now just nothing but numbers and stats.

>What was once a gateway into unfamiliar lands and incredible stories
video games were never this to me because I'm not a fag who thinks video games are/were books

I think it's more disgusting that one of the most casual shooters out there has a million dollar league for it. Same goes for Heroes of the Storm, the casualized version of a already casualized dota-clone.

you're still a fag.

I can't take "competetive" Overwatch seriously at all. It's fucking even more casual TF2 with MOBA style ults. It's silly.

And I bet you they are going to make bank with ads on streams of this shit.

I almost know that they made at least x2 of their money for setup/venue already from fucking T mobile

The anaheim convention center is small as fuck and isnt really rented that much compared to the LA or SD center

I don't like Overwatch as a game but I like pro-gaming and the route it has taken. I enjoy single player games, but competitive multiplayer forces one to learn how to deal with other people and work hard to improve yourself at something. Granted, it's not the most productive thing unless you get paid, but it's still more productive than exclusively playing single player games. I used to think like you until one day I played a tournament for a fighting game I was pretty good at, and from then on out I understood the hype and action of pro gaming.

So like every other person, you had your ego stroked and now it's ok. What the fuck? E-sports is garbage, right alongside e-celebs.

>implying games were never going to turn into e-sports candy

E-Sports is just marketing. The sooner dumb shitters realize it the better.

Brood War was the one true esport.

>pro gaming is about ego
Maybe for some people but that's not really the fucking point, the point is people like competitions, so game devs foster this and market to that audience, that's how pro gaming came around. What the fuck are you smoking?

Everyone enjoy the games the way they do, seems fine to me. Also e sports are not driving the other games out of existence.

Even Overwatch and Heroes of the Storm are the casualized version of their genre, you must say Blizzard did a fine job at these. At least they give a damn about design quality more than the othe devs.

I can't wait for all the kids to realise they can't make a living off of playing video games in their twenties. Just like the first generation of YouTube personalities.

>unfamiliar lands and incredible stories
It's okay casual-user, Bioware keeps making games tailor made for you where you can enjoy the story without even needing to play well

ummm quake?

esports has been around for a long time you guys are just mad because its popular.

This was disgusting
Blizzard was literally asking people "p-please play our game competitively we'll pay you"
Then i look at real professional companies handling shit like this like EG, Liquid and or Fnatic and i can see why Blizzard is so desperate

>i'm a storyfag that plays games for MUH IMMERSION and MUH STORY, how could anyone possibly play games for gameplay?!

>R.I.P. Silent _Wulf

>t.12 year old

i just hope the game doesnt focus on esports too much. esports has obliterated league's core game, every patch theres some fuckery that fucks the game up so that pros cant exploit certain strats.

i do like the prospect of the game having longevity though, the more money it rakes in the more support it gets

>every patch theres some fuckery that fucks the game up so that pros cant exploit certain strats.
that's just riot being bad at balancing a game, you really want to have as many viable and different strats as possible but riot only thinks about how the game "should" be played and removes everything else.

>i just hope the game doesnt focus on esports too much

Overwatch, from day 1 has been ESports bait.

Fuck Esports. They're the cancer killing multiplayer gaming. Instead of about having fun on pubs, communities being built and friendships being made, players making their own mods, actual fun, it's all about the meta and your stats. You'll get bitched at it if you do anything wrong, because people care more about their rankings than any part of the game.

Fuck Esports.

>Instead of about having fun
here's an idea, maybe the millions of people playing competetive online games are actually having fun, and you are just a scrub?

Right back at you.

Esports only works for a very few games

When developer forces an esport scene instead of the community kickstarting the competitive play, the end result is bound to be awful

a lot of poor balance changes are for catering to the pro scene. they would change stats on towers just so its harder for pros to snowball early game dives or to discourage early pushes. and almost every season the jungle gets fucked to hell because pros only played elise lee and reksai so they do gay shit like those unbalanced as fuck jung items

then you have league, which through carefully monitoring its esports scene, turned the game into a gaming behemoth financially

i dont even get this. league is a bad game and the pro scene is boring as fuck even though the meta is heavily centered around them.

my point is that those changes aren't actually helping the pro scene in the long run, Riot wants LoL to be played the same way it has always been played in every single match ever, by limiting possible good strategies they also limit counters, that's why whenever the pro scene discovers something new it gets so dominant, all the old strategies have been balanced out so they are no longer viable. The problem ultimately is that Riot cannot balance a game worth shit, so they constantly end up doing more big stupid balance changes trying to adjust when if they were competent to begin with there would be a breadth of strategies available keeping the game from becoming a cheese-fest.

How could anyone possibly play Overwatch for gameplay though?

1. Forcing esports on OW is a terrible idea because they game is horrible to watch that said it was always inevitable after embarrassingly missing the boat with SC and DoTA blizz would attempt to cash in.

2. You two sound like massive faggots that are bad at games and instead of getting good you're rather whine about how all people care about is winning. Loser attitude that's why you're losers.

>people like competitions
>people like being competitive

Because they like their ego stroked.

I totally agree with this faggot cause this board is flooded with turbocasuals, poorfags, and "fox and the grapes" happens day and night non-stop.
I wish blizzard stopped pandering e-spots for once, for fucks sake. They even did it for D3.

Agree OP, i fucking hate this. I miss the time when games where about great stories and gameplay.

>are bad at games

as if this even fucking matters or ever will

Riots balance team has 3 core issues.

They prioritise nerfing; Right now syndra is broken instead of buffing nonviable champions that counter her in lane they're just going to delete her damage in a the next patch or the one after.

The double tap; If its an item that makes the champion strong 100% what happens is the champion gets nerfed first so when the item invariably follows the champion is left broken.

They will never admit it is their system; ADCs are weak right now (all season) because they have the have 3 items to even consider being useful so people started playing champions that can cheese ghostblade/cleaver for early power.
Instead of admitting the ie/zeal path is too slow and outdated they're just going to make is so Adcs can't use ghostblade and cleaver.

Because of these three tenets competitive viability in LoL will always be narrow, generally well controlled but narrow.

>once a gateway into unfamiliar lands and incredible stories

Have you heard of the black place with walls and white dots, there are ghosts in there m8, but the dots are delicious.

You wouldn't be proud of having bad reading comprehension and ability and only reading children's novels, why would you be proud of being bad at video games?

because being good at video games is inconsequential. there's absolutely nothing impressive about shooting a guy and then proceeding to dip your balls on his face, stupid fucking mongoloid

>mobas are casual
why don't you become pro and make easy money then?

Video games are juvenile and unproductive, there's really nothing to be proud of.

Don't get me wrong though, there's nothing to be ashamed of either, and there are the exceptions (pros) but those are few and far between.

>this much sour grapes
user why keep playing games if you hate them and get mad at people who play them?

it's because the matchmaking is obviously out to get me by always teaming me up with people MUCH worse than me!

t. Sup Forums scrub

I'm gonna have to call you out on this OP
>What was once a gateway into unfamiliar lands and incredible stories

Nah fuck you, video games should always be about gameplay first. I'm not even the biggest e-sports guy but I'll take e-sports forcing over cinematic experience QTE bullshit that is in most games now.

I don't hate games. I love games.
I just hate competitive multiplayer focused games and the people who play them

I hope this fails hard simply because they killed Starcraft in Korea which was the only entertaining game to watch. Fuck Blizzard.