Do you get high when you play video games?

Do you get high when you play video games?
How much do you spend on pot every week/year?
What's your favorite game to play high?




i'm about to go through dishonored at least buzzed
i don't like being really good and stoned while i'm playing, it just makes me bad and it's a waste of the high

I get stoned and drunk before I play any competitive Overwatch. I'd highly recommend it.

How much do you spend on pot every week?

20 euros per month or less
anything other than fighting games.

Yeah... I do... Everyday maan... costs a bunch... but totally worth it dude.

oh only like 20$ in a month usually
i live in WA but i buy tax free home grown shit, it's perfectly serviceable weed and really really cheap.
if i was to play a game while high i would just take a little nug and that would do me just fine

Maybe about $20 every couple of months.
Playing BF1 is intense as fuck with everything on ultra. Especially when you put the gas mask on.

wow dude like totally its so fkn awesome hitting a sweet bong rip before playing some epic vista xD errday and I spend 420 a month on it LOL only true stoners will get the joke! ;)




I recommend playing the Beginner's Guide

I played stardew valley while high once, it was kinda neat

I don't really smoke alone though, I only really do it with my co-workers before we head off to bed during the weekdays. Maybe we can hook up a console one night and try something out but they mostly just like to chat shit and listen to music which I'm content with

>oh only like 20$ in a month usually

>Maybe about $20 every couple of months.

You niggas do not smoke reefer

>all these obvious future stoners who will be that guy who gets way too into weed culture

strong possibility at least one of you is just a sour grapes social autist



I just want to know how much true potheads spend every year, I honestly do not care what video games you play

How do you people spend only 20$/€ on weed in a month?
I mean I don't smoke a lot of weed but I need about 0.1g to get high, you get 2g for 20 around here.

i just don't need much
also because i want to be functional most of the time and not live in a haze
i don't see the point in blitzkrieging myself into being one of those guys that smokes dabs like hits of a joint

I'll play some overwatch and Gmod prop hunt. Kamari damashi is fun too.

gta v sp modded

The stoners I know spend about 50 bucks every 2 weeks on their stuff IIRC and they smoke it with tobacco- a pouch of which is about 10 bucks and they need to buy one about once every 2 weeks

So they spend about 120 a month on that sort of thing, not counting papers and roaches

Not too bad I don't think, especially if you have a job

Yeah dude fkn losers amirite *takes sick bong rip* wooaaah

when i smoke i spend about 50 dollars for a big weekend then usually lay off it for 2 or 3 months
keeps it fresh and stops me from turning into a retard

dude so devoid of personality I need drugs to enjoy anything lmao

This. I tried the "high at all times" way for a little while and it just left me feeling like shit. Much rather just smoke it every now and then when I can sit back and relax or go out and do something.

I mix weed and tobbacco when I roll a joint.


that's almost $1500 a year

Been playing resi evil high
Trópico 5
Conkers bad fur day

Has anyone played video games on shrooms?

Also if you want to safe money weed buy a vaporizer. You get high with 1/10th of what you usually need. And it's better for your health.

I like to smoke weed before playing first person RPGs or just RPGs in general.
It gets me a more involved in the world/story/characters because of the increased empathy.

I'd never smoke weed before playing a MP game because I don't want to be "that guy"

I have a TV mounted over my bed so I can get all comfy in bed while playing my consoles, perfect for playing baked.

Currently I play Paper Mario every night.
Some other good games are Alice: Madness Returns, Pikmin 3, any Pokemon, Fire Emblem and most turn based games since you can go at your pace

50€/week when abroad, at home it's less than half since I buy directly from growers, games + weed really does do the trick for me

Why would anyone ruin a good shroom trip by sitting in front of a screen and playing video games?

In my "off time" I am constantly high and playing games. Spend $200 fortnight on pot which is pretty high price in NZ but dealers are in short supply lately across the country because of busts.

I play anything really but I'm a sucker for survival as well as Dwarf fortress and rogue-like adventure games mainly to get comfy.

I played SMB All Stars on shrooms once.

I had to stop playing because luigi wouldn't stop looking at me

How many video games/PC components/console accessories does the average Sup Forums goer buy a year?

People got different hobbies man

I like to play comfy games like Firewatch when I'm baked.

Luigi always knows.

I do everything high. I am addicted to dabbing Wax/Rosin etc.
This is the first time I admit I have a problem.

I purchase between $150 -$300 worth of weed/wax a week. I usually make 2 trips to the medical shop a week and spend an average of 100-150 a visit.

I do everything high, I have not been high since I was 14. I am currently 23. IF I try to stop I will feel like shit or extremely stressed and literally be unable to eat anything .
It's gotten to a point where I get stoned and do nothing. I do not watch tv. I do not play Vidya. I do not read. I just get high and space out. I do not have the motivation to do anything what so ever.

I feel like dabbing the amounts that I do a week are going to effect me sooner or.later. I mean just looking at my piece it is dirty and gunky as shit so I can only imagine my lungs.

I spend between $600 - 1200 a month on just cannabis products so probably like 10k a year.

Roughly 85$ a week.

Aren't we already ruining our lives sitting in front of a screen and playing video games?

shrooms is so shit for vidya

pressing buttons while the keyboard is fucking breathing is hard shit pham

better to put a movie or music on and chill out so you can think about the deep shit

Just like edgy teens who think they're cool for inhaling the fumes of a plant.

Is it different than edgy teens who think they will be cleancut forever?

I used smoke hash, later moved on to skunk, now I'm happy i don't blaze anymore.

get help man. The first week is gonna suck but after that everything gets better and you'll enjoy not being high.
Having motivation and energy is pretty fun.
I won't tell you to quit cold turkey because that rarely works but get help, do something

Check yourself in. You're still young.
Do a hard reset. Stop.
At least start thinking about it.

I'm saving my first VR experience for when I move somewhere where pot is legal, so I'll have less terror, and also VR will be a little more advanced. unfortunately im super picky when high, so ill probably shit all over it and ruin any chance of enjoyment i'd get

I won't go out of my way to, but i have in the past, usually leads to me wasting the high or just being shit at said video game.

$300/month with 5 months of the year set aside for tolerance breaks. So like 2.1 grand a year roughly?

Turtles in Time, any side scrolling beat em up. Dragons Crown has been the latest one. Shogun 2 is surprisingly fun early game if you really know what you're doing or play on lower difficulties.


My man the lol ebin stoners I know spend (converted to USD) around 400$ a month on weed. Work out how much that is a year.

>I am addicted to dabbing
Well not wonder you spend so much, your tolerance is fucking shot.

You should try using weed with the same frequency you do now, but with much less herb used per sesh, around 20-30% of what it is now. It feels so much better IMO.

High frequency low intensity.

Being high on the quantities you're talking about has some dark psychological baggage that comes with it.

Also the come off will be easier. I'm forced to quit using for 1-2 weeks at a time due to travel and I'm always functional.

You sound like my now retarded "friends" who do exactly that, dropping out of university and fucking their brains up in the process. My advice is stop now or become a degenerate shell of a person

I thought that I was looking at a box with a remote controlled Marcus Phoenix toy inside of it and the flying tentacle monster might jump out. Pretty dope.

>I only really do it with my co-workers before we head off to bed
What kind of Chinese bitcoin mill do you work in


You and I are definitely addicts. I miss being the best version of myself. Let's quit together one day, user-sama.

We all work and live on a farm, it's pretty comfy

I smoke throughout the day. Immediately when I get up, and at night. A couple times in between if I'm not at school or at work. I usually vaporize my weed with the Da Vinci vape, or I hit the bong. Definitely have a reliance.

What do you mean are going to affect you sooner or later? You're already being affected by it in your very daily habits. Don't get me wrong, I can understand that it can be great recreational, but moderate it more mate.

I know what you are thinking.

I am not a spoiled rich kid.

I have been indipendent since I as 17. I think that might be part of the problem is that I have always dome what I want.

I actually have decent job but my addiction has never been an issue for work, (since Ive been stoned since I was a child)

I smoke more than I used to. I go through an 8th every 2 days when I can afford it. I originally bought it so I could mellow out to some SP games but I just finish work, roll a joint and play MP games or watch youtube shit for 7-8 hours. It's ruining my life. I barely go outside anymore. I know it's my own fault for being a lazy cunt but I don't have much else going in my life except work.

I work a lot so I guess I have a free pass to do what I want but it's beyond a joke.

Yes. I play and enjoy them without it, but whenever I have some down time to myself or have friends over for some games a puff can be fun.

I'm a very light smoker so maybe two grams every two weeks? Thats about 40 bux every month.

Anything. I like playing intensely atmospheric shit like Bloodborne to help with the feel of the game, or stuff like FFXIV where it helps alleviate some of the grind. Today I think I'm gonna play some BF1, or playbe try to platinum RE5 since I got it on sale last week. Its one of my favorite games ever.

I'm scared anons. I don't know what to do. AND I don't have friends who can help me. The only one I have if my gf and she is as addicted as I am.

I never really understood the depth of my problem

Diet, exercise, and lots of willpower.

Many addicts can only replace their addiction with another, try to make it something somewhat positive you get addicted to.

Just stop spending the money, let it build up.

I know I'm feeding your bullshit by responding, but seriously dude, this shit deserves a ban. You're worse than those Facebook teens who repost memes from 10 years ago.

How much weed will buying a vaporizer save me?
I don't need a lot of weed to get high anyways (one hit of a one hitter is more than enough).

>where it helps alleviate some of the grind

I feel this. Playing OSRS while high seems to take the edge off the grind. You log in, check it 2 hours later and realize you've advanced 10 fucking levels and have almost 3-4mil in mats

Just stop smoking faggot

>smoking the herbal jew

Good goy,keep lowering your IQ and never reproduce.

none, vapes for plant mater don't work worth a shit

Usually I don't smoke when I wanna play games. I hardly build up a tolerance so any time I smoke I get too wasted to wanna do anything but sit in my chair and watch 40 year old commercials. But I will consume an edible. Usually gets me just high enough to enjoy the game twice as much as if I were sober but still feel alert.

Speak to your gf about it and try taking a break together, having another person in the same situation supporting you helps a lot.

Take your gf out for dinner or a movie instead of spending all that money on weed, get out of your house so that you can get your mind off the weed


Yes. around 50 a week from a caregiver that gives me a half ounce for 50

you need to get rid of the bitch, she'll just keep you swirling around the hole.

Either she joins you or she leaves you.

Take the money you would spend on pot, and take a small vacation to somewhere nice. This will be your first week where you don't smoke at all. Get a nice hotel where it's clean and you can just relax on the beach. Think about life and how you want to live it and when you return you'll be ready to start picking up the pieces.

Stop calling your lack of willpower an addiction. I've been smoking wax exclusively for about 5 years and still spend only 60 bucks a month. You're just a dumb faggot with no self control.


Why the fuck would you mix tobacco with Marijuana? Tobacco is shit for your health. Trust me unless you want to die with cancer and die young don't ever mix tobacco with the almighty marijuana.

Probs doesn't exactly count, but I played fighting games with my buddy on dissociatives and acid.

Good fun.

It's like you get your information from the "drug facts" that they used to throw in the corner of the pages in school issued planners.

>impersonating Quintin

It's called a spliff and is for dumb stoner faggots. It's how they smoke in Jamaica.


At least i don't get my information from weed addicts

Generally speaking, inhaling anything into your lungs that isn't pure air is pretty shitty for your health

also the nicotine buzz feels nice while you wait for the weed to kick in

Here in europe pretty much everyone smokes their joints with tobacco in them.
It saves a lot of weed in my experience and I smoke anyway so whatever

>Wasting shrooms playing video games
>Wasting shrooms on an indoor activity

yea dude they dont really kno that the herb actually opens ur brain up and makes u 20x smarter and cures ur cancer also

the MAN is just trying to hide it from u

That's the problem we have a beautiful functional relationship and we always go out but it in some way we will always have to take a dab before and after everything

Like we take 3 dabs of some pure ass shit and go for dinner then come back and 3 more dabs then we have sex and 3 more dabs. It's so toxic

I don't know anyone I can buy it from ;_;