Literally the worst Blizzcon yet

Literally the worst Blizzcon yet.

>SC2 gets 1 new co-op commander and a balance patch.
>Overwatch gets 1 new hero and some game modes.
>HS gets another expansion with P2W cards.
>WoW gets another generic update.
>HotS gets 2 new heroes.
>Diablo 3 gets a boring timed event that is nothing but a graphics filter and some levels and a new hero that will only release at the end of next year.

All these things are just small content updates. Where is the cool shit?

Last year they said that Diablo fans would shit their pants this year, the RTS team said that now that they are done with LotV they will work a on a new RTS, then they hinted at remakes of their classics and then the whole Legacy WoW stuff. Where is all this shit? Did they really have nothing to show?

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Agreed, faggots built everything up for ticket and online pass sales.
Will probably end up announcing them next year instead with as much built up hype.

The only cool thing is the Deepmind setting their focus on SC2, but even that was pretty much announced before.

What's that? A blizzdrone waking up?

>The best announcement is not from Blizzard themselves.

Did I understand it right that people could play vs the AI while it's learning? Because that would actually be pretty fucking awesome.

He said something along the lines of "you can help it learn by playing online". So maybe it will be playing like a normal player on ladder.

>it achieves sentience
>complains on Sup Forums all day about the trenches

>About to get promoted.
>Run into Deepmind.
>Get killed by some perfectly executed cheese at 5 million APM.

Sounds fun.

>People payed 40 bucks to watch this shit.

I'm seriously bummed out that Brood War HD didn't get announced.

The shit for Diablo is a fucking insult.

Diablo 3 is now on life support just like SC2

>literally takes blizzard a year to make a new class
How big is the diablo 3 team? Is it only 1 guy?

I hate that they basically fixed pet ai for necro only and said it's a feature of the class.

>lmao le ebin pixel filter

whoever came up with that needs to be shot

Help diablo 3 is now dead

What makes people like diablo 1 so much? Is it the dark atmosphere? The character system? The itemization? The quests and enemies?

Nope, it surely is the pixel look and the 8 direction controls.

>Literally the worst Blizzcon yet.

>Buy Virtual Ticket
>Panel Non Streamable

Oh fuck this shit, never again, a lot of the stuff that had my interest isn't even being streamed.

I like how the 8 direction movement will fuck over the smooth combat, which is the only strong point of D3.

>he paid for this

RoS was a whole new Act and character, it was $40, i wonder how much it will be for this necromancer

20 at least, they know people will shell out any price for the skellies

I mean, I guess it's not in their interest to kill even more interest for SC2.

The new Hearthstone expansion looks really good T B Q H

i think it will def be min of 15$

i think it will be more than 0.01$


Since the pack includes stash tabs, pets and other crap, Id expect it to be at ~$20.
But who really wants to wait till 2017 for that shit, especially since the game has been a mess for years now?

>lod came with assasin and druid and didn't take 5 years
>people defend necro being buyable because they atleast support the game
>seasons are still 4 day rushes until you start rifts and then do absolutely nothing because there is only paragons to level
>balance is still retarded and only 3 builds are viable out of the dozens
>dude timed d1 dungeon though buy the necromancer
they will get away with this

>buy a ticket


The more i see what they are doing the more i have feeling that everything is scraped from this expansion that was said to be for d3.
We got quiet a few locations kanai cube, now again locations and they show class that would be in xpac to make some money.
Dunno why did they choose necro while wd is nearly the same thing but ok

>get to grift80 on monk within 4 days
>my only upgrades would be some ancients + augmenting
>bored to tears
>couldn't even finish journey because of bugged conquests
I was in top50, wonder how much I dropped.

Because people can't shut up about Necro. No other class would be such a powerful wallet bait.

>play with a group
>hit 70 the first day
>get enough pieces the second day to start rifts on torments
>either have full set and some legs on the third day or such shit luck you just stop
>those that have the set grind gems for a day or two more until they stop
>one week later nobody even comes online anymore
great game

This is how blizzcon always goes
First year they announce a ton of shit, then the year after they have fuck all

Usually the year that they announce a new WoW expac is the year every other game gets major announcements as well.

They switched to doing a blizzcon every 2 years to pevent this but then they realised people are dumb enough to actually give them money for doing fuckall so enjoy the show.

Sets should be nerfed to be only half as powerful as they are now, and the drop rate should be halved as well. Maybe that way getting that one build specific item would feel like an actual achievement that makes you switch builds and progress, instead of necessity to not fall behind on fucking day 2 because you don't have a full ancient set + all required legends like everyone else already has at that point.

Diablo 3 was fucking terrible. I don't know how you think a little content expansion could have saved it.

>Necro is back!
>skellies look more like ghosts than actual skellies, will probably be max 9 on screen
Can post Warcraft 3 Blizzard make anything right other than exploiting waifus for sales?

At least the WCS games were pretty cool. TY vs Byun was the shit.

>Diablo's 20th anniversary is coming up, should we put together something special to release during or after Blizzcon this year?
>Nah, our fanbase are so obsessively dedicated to us that they have full blown stockholm syndrome at this point and will defend anything we do so we'll just drum up some extra digital ticket revenue by hyping up something small, like a necromancer class for Diablo 3
>Yeah, sure that works. Should we dedicate some resources to it so that we can have it ready by the time Blizzcon rolls around?
>What did I just say about our fans? Just put it on the back burner, they'll wait happily and still buy it.
>Right sir.

>This is great, I can't wait to buy the necromancer pack and level a new character in Diablo 3
>I can understand Blizzard doing this, I mean they don't have that much money that they could make Diablo 4 right now, it;s great that they're making this to tide us over while they work on a sequel!

I want to end my sarcastic comment here by stating that the Blizzdrone comments are directly paraphrased from actual Youtube comments on the Diablo 3 Necromancer reveal trailer video. I did not fabricate these unfathomably stupid sentiments. There are in fact people who are this deluded and dumb.

it has been out for 4 years not sure what people were expecting

its a CONVENTION you retards

its to MEET people and interact SOCIALLY

the announcements are just part of it

this is mainly about getting together

but how would Sup Forums know about that


>implying all the things they announced were shit

sucks to be that bitter

I want to believe you but I saw the audience. There was zero interaction between people and they legit looked upset at what was being presented. I'm pretty sure people go for the announcements.

>about an entire year of content announced for WoW, including drastic changes to characters that needed it, re-adding complexity into the game, and showing that the future of wow includes flying off into fucking space
>generic update

>Diablo 3 rumored to have absolutely no content left, completely dead
>wow fuck you blizzard you dont care about diablo 3
>we're adding a bit of content to make sure its not completely dead
>wow fuck you blizzard you dont care about diablo 3

the sticky is actually meant to keep you complaining fuckheads contained, post in the sticky and pretend people care.

>its a CONVENTION you retards
>its to MEET people and interact SOCIALLY
>so they sell online tickets

Nobody at Blizzard cares about making good games anymore. It's all about profit.

The people who founded Blizzard did so because they loved games. The people who are now working at Blizzard are there because they love earning lots of money.

Are there supposed to be Games at Blizzcon? Is Blizzard a Gaming company?

>hyped for necro despite the prospect of having to wait for years to play it
>reinstall and make a witch doctor for season 8
>11 hours later I'm speedfarming torment 7


I mean fuck

I played for like 300 hours when RoS launched and only got strong enough, and now I've got a better character within a day

They've gone and made this the easiest video game of all time


>no new games
>no new expansions

2017 will be the shittiest year ever for Blizzard

Power creep up the ass. Most sets are now buffed beyond imagination, giving you access to easy T6+ with just the 6pc bonus, and you get it with journey tasks instead of praying for drops while slowly going through difficulties.

>Blizzard hypes up new Diablo-related stuff for Blizzcon

>Diablo 1 in Diablo 3 instead of a Diablo 2 remake/HD version
>"Remake" of Diablo 1 is just a Diablo 1 themed rift
>They're adding a fucking pixelated graphics filter (because that's why people thought Diablo 3's art style was trash)
>New class that you have to pay for that isn't even coming out this year

Being a Diablo fan is truly suffering

Ok well try going above T7 and tell us how easy it is.

Still babby mode. I was able to to clear lvl 50 grifts in less than 4 minutes 2 days into the season.

T10 isn't a big deal nowadays, only for T13 you have to actually grind a bit before you get enough stats.

Is the Diablo 1 rift only temporary, or what do they mean when they say it's a
"timed event"?

Annual event that lasts a month.

It'll go away after a limited time and come again next year. They're calling it an annual event

Yes Blizzard is that fucking retarded

Thanks. That's fucking awful. It's like they sat down and thought about how they can make it as bad as possible.

I had such hopes for Brood War remake, since you literally cannot play that fucking game anymore, or at least Diablo 1+2 HD, and this is what I get.

>20th anniversary for Diablo
>It only gets a short update and a dlc character pack
Man, way to blow any and all oppertunities you had to cash in on nostalgia with a Diablo HD re-release or hell D4.

Simply put something happend to blizzard behind the scenes, all the top people have left over the last few years, every game now gets skeleton crew tier content packs designed for a quick buck.

WoW was the only one with significant content details, but even then they've been doing MMO shit for so long they're just going to turd out a raid and a few other things to work at.

Overwatch despite TWENTY MILLION PLAYERS!!!1111!!!!1 still shows development of a phone tier company in that its only getting 1 new hero, an offshoot who cares mode, and one real map and even then not until next fucking year.

Blizzard isn't dying or anything, but they certainly are trying their best.

It was pretty dreadful yesterday. In order
>D1 remake oh shit
>oh wait it's still just a special dungeon in D3
>Necromancer oh shit!
>"going on sale" FUCK. YOU.
>in 2017
>remake screenshots revealed, Cathedral and Ruins of Corvus with silly pixel filter
>for a month

>since you literally cannot play that fucking game anymore
What are you talking about? I play BW all the time.

I installed it like half a year ago and it wouldn't even start, so I got that compatibility software thing from teamliquid and the game at least started, but it still didn't work right. The image was stretched, not everything was on screen and it was bugged so I couldn't finish the first tutorial mission.

I have Windows 10 Education with hardware from mid 2015.

Daily reminder that this is the average nu-male nu-blizzard player the company caters to.

>Windows 10
That explains it.
Stick with 7

Nah, Windows 10 is better for everything except some old games. I use Classic Start Menu though.



>Windows 10 is better

It's faster and sleeker. You can disable all the spying shit in the EDU version I have.


By following the shit art style Diablo 3 already established

>bloated as fuck code
>better than the same version of code with less bloat & spyware

>>bloated as fuck code
Is that a new meme?

>Ywn be this much of a drone
Feelsgood desu.

Overwatch has only gotten 1 map and 1 hero so far which is pretty fucking ridiculous considering how well it sold and how fucking barebones the game mode and map selection it launched with were.
I don't know what the fuck is going on at Blizzard but considering all of their games have had that kind of shitty effort put into them I've got to assume that rather than focusing on some other project, the company is really just complete garbage at this point.

YEEEEAAAA and that why there are never Games beeing announced at E3 or Gamescon ...

yea there counting all the money they made off Hearthstone snd Overwatch because they realized why waste time and effort making a good game when retards buy anything with there brand on it.

I'm afraid that is is you who are new.

they killed diablo for good this time

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At least people are actively disliking this, the fact that its paid, not out until the 2nd half of next year, and without major content is a massive slap in the face to people who enjoy diablo like games and diablo in general.

its just a ploy to get people to spend money without increasing workloads.

If anything its tellling that they have zero plans for the franchise. Same with SC at this point, its just a F2P style market for them now.

>you haven't finished content until you do dailies every single day and farm mythics for a year to max out all three of your artifact weapons :^)

Wow fuck that guy.

I agree with everything you said but I really really want to play that necromancer class

His drones are really retarded tho.
>had you completed all the achievements? :^)

Why is it so bad that its paid? Expansions require you to pay, and this isn't cut content.

>not out until the 2nd half of next year,
I don't even play Diablo but this is ridiculous. Talk about putting a game on life support.

I honestly can't believe they did that, 1 hero and a map in the future for OW and a character for a dead game in D3.

No one plays D3 and yet they waste time and effort on adding the neck romancer to it instead of just going forward and making D4 so they can fix what was wrong with 3.

What is wrong with 3, the art direction aside?

Game's too easy, instant gratification is only good for a short time

because they're not supporting the current game, at least an expansions justifies the money by providing a shit ton of content, something that requires thousands of hours and work done by several artists, programmers, musicians, voice actors, marketing, producers, art directors, concept artists etc. A fucking addititional class doesn't require that much work, and is basically saying "lol we don't give a fuck about the game or people who bought it, here's some new shit that costs money but doesn't really change the piece of garbage game you have"

shallow. Torchlight 2 was better honestl

No. No matter how shitty Diablo 3 may be in some areas, Torchlight 2 will always be worse. I can give you PoE. I won't argue with people about Grim Dawn because I haven't played it yet. But if you say TL2 is better than D3, no, just no.

The writing/story is fucking pathetic. It looks like crap, the abilities are lackluster and the stat system is completely brain dead. The runes/skill system was supposed to promote variety but then everything else they do runs completely counter to that, where set bonuses dictate your play style and the difference between running 'what you like' and 'running the specific skills that the designers tell you to run this season' is literally millions of dps.

Which by the way is another stupid as hell idea, inflating the numbers into the hundreds of millions is just fucking idiotic.

>inflating the numbers into the hundreds of millions is just fucking idiotic
Retards (see: Blizzard audience) love big numbers. Just look at WoW.

Agreed with everything but the WoW part. WoW's getting a massive fuck ton of update in the next patch.

The Diablo news triggered me though. So much of my early youth was put into Diablo 2 and I regret none of it. What a fucking spit in the face though. The game getting the least amount of content has to wait a whole fucking year?

Will this game even have a playerbase in a year? Even the le supreme gentleman over at Reddit are pissed. Reddit of all places. Blizzard's biggest shills who will pay for anything.

At the start?

>Loot is shit
>stats barely increased damage, best stat was +% damage, which meant only a few weapons really increased your damage
>monsters got too much health were just damage sponges
>monsters rarely synergized

It made Inferno hard, sure, but for all the wrong reasons. Certain classes were also shit balance, Monks were worthless as were Witch Doctors.


>too easy, damage is absurd
>loot is still shit, but in the opposite direction. Everything is helpful, but Set Items take the cake when this wasn't what made an item good in D2
>monsters are still damage sponges even at this absurd level and don't have interesting abilities

The only thing that makes current D3 fun is when they actually make set item bonuses interesting. But it's only fun for a little while, because nothing feels satisfying. Running a rift and trying to beat my times and looking for new items doesn't fill me with anything. Especially with Trading gone.

This is why Brother Laz's Mod Median XL, got him hired for PoE. Everything is the opposite of D3 and compounds on the things that made D2 fun. Monsters are horrifying and work together, Resistances matter and you rarely have an ability that just flat out makes you invulnerable, UBER levels that have remained UBER and not been nerfed because of a cry baby community and god tier map design that works in the monsters favor, with large open rooms, or small choke points.

We would never get something like that from current Blizzard with their fucking corridor fetish.

Jay "Fuck That Loser" Wilson is what's wrong with Diablo 3. His direction to this day still hasn't been fixed and I don't know how you can fix the game.

Like this user said though.

At D3 Vanilla
>Items are completely randomized, you can get items that are useful to no one
>An Item Auction house was implemented
>Some inferno packs and bosses were actually impossible and they had enrage timers
>No PvP what so ever excluding the late added "brawl"
>4 players max

Current D3
>You're forced to play certain builds if you want to progress in GR or T13 and even then, it's way too fucking easy
>Leaderboards are full of 24/7 botters
>Most of your gear isn't even from farming, it's from the cube
>Loot is built for a solo player game with no real option to trade
>Still no fucking PvP arena
>The only progression you have at max level is Paragon and hoping a better ancient of your BiS drops
>Still 4 players max, no boss fights feel anything close to what Baal's throne room felt like

The writing hit me harder then the mediocre gameplay. Seriously? Deckard Caine getting killed off by some nameless rita repulsa wannabe? Demons talking trash about their NEXT BIG PLAN like is some saturday morning cartoon? Tyrael is a nigger? Adria goes through all those hoops to help us just to betray us in the last second? Fucking Tits McGee(totally not diablos daughter guise) added as a blatant waifubait?

Fuck all this shit.

Deckard cain was a bad meme

I'm still not sure what exactly happened in act 5 because I skipped every possible dialog just to get to adventure mode faster.