Name 1 (one) vidya character that can defeat him

Name 1 (one) vidya character that can defeat him

>Easily becomes Hayden's bitch
>Le Doomguy is so powerful XD

Any shooter hero with hitscan weapons
Doomguy 2016 is big and slow with no regenerating health, anybody with decent aim and a sniper rifle could fuck him over real easy.

Sonic the Hedgehog

>hitscan weapons


Max Payne


he will save us


Any non-demon really

He's the Doom Slayer, no the Everything Slayer


Captain William "B.J." Blazkowicz

>Blazko is Doomguys ancestor, if Doomguy kills him, Doomguy ceases to be.

Master Chief

AWP from CS
500DMG headshot

He said "name a character" not "name a naval rank"

I would say Doomguy and Kirby are like on par with each other.
There are few video game characters that can beat them.



Go to bed, kiddy, grownups are talking.


>It's a "Sup Forums inflate show strong doomguy is" episode