Were you better at videogames as a kid?

were you better at videogames as a kid?

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i was willing to try out different things to solve problems in vidya, now i first try to think if the engine would even handle what i'm thinking about before i try anything new.

I was better overall

Tom and Jerry kids was the shit.

No I've always been incredibly average at video games.

No, but I had a much higher tolerance for tedium and overall bullshit. There are games that I loved as a kid that I just can't go back to anymore.

yes and no

my prime was when I was 15/16 then when I was 20 I stopped playing a lot now I'm 22 and got back into them hardcore


>Play a game as a kid
>100%, New Game ++ completed, No death run
>Play the same game now
>Get my ass handed

What is this magic?

Much better, played counter strike 24/7 as a kid and would headshot anyone in milliseconds. Of course I always got accused of cheating, pretty hilarious desu. Nowadays I only play relaxing games.

I couldn't even beat the fucking trash monster in Toy Story 2 as a kid.

it was nice

Tom and Jerry Kids was pussy shit for babies. This is the real stuff right here.

I was always pretty bad so I have nothing to lose


well apparently i did since I got to Al's toy barn, but it was a dead end from there...

I swear to god if i see that cat one more time

I'm a lot better now, but I much prefer slower stuff these days.
I can kick ass at Unreal Tournament but I'll get tired fast.

I kind of want to fuck tom desu

>tfw 'nerdy' video game player of group of friends
>all my chad friends are literally 1000x better than me at all the multiplayer games we play, mostly fighting and racing games

the boss from the first dungeon in ocarina of time scared me so bad that i cried and turned off the game whenever i got to it

Donkey Kong 64 is one of the worst games of all time, and yet it was my favorite game for almost all of my summer vacation in 2000. That game is amazing for a kid to just get lost in. I tried playing it last year, and the fucking ridiculous amount of collectables and atrocious minigames made it so that I couldn't even play through it drunk if I wanted. Fuck Donkey Kong 64. But thank you for making my summer great, Donkey Kong 64.

>better as a kid
Action and platformers
>better as an adult
Strategy and tactics

I want to rub that tummy!


No, I really sucked. Constantly asked my bigger brother for help with stuff. Used to annoy the piss out of him with that.
I'm still casual, but I'm way better than I was when I was a kid.

Delete this!

>brother helps me
>erase data anyways so he has to redo it
>repeat for years

Not really. Like others have said, I had more patience to sit through things and find the most efficient ways to play them.
These days I pick up on things faster, but couldn't bother with something like Wizards and Warriors anymore.
...Actually knowing English also helps tremendously. I have no idea how I beat Link to the Past as a kid.


I had a higher tolerance for bullshit, but otherwise no.

literally me

Hell no. I have to go back as an adult and finish the games I never completed

this so much, I wasn't necessarily better at the games but I was a lot more dedicated and patient to complete stuff.

>play KH1 and KH2 fm as a kid
>100% KH1 beat mansex and get the ultima weapon + the secret ending
>try to do the same thing for KH1.5
>can't even be assed to get the ultima weapon because fuck the grinding
>only got the secret ending for KH2.5 on critical and that made me fatigued as hell

I fucked better
I came longer and with more volume
My shit didn't stink
I had more genuine friends
My breathe smelled better
My skin was better
My dick was longer and wider
I could jump higher
My ass was looser
Cats liked me more
I knew less niggers
I spoke spanish
I drove better
I cried better
I was better at controlling my emotions
I had a better attention span
I numbered better
I cared more about peoples feelings
I could do more push ups
My eye sight was better

Such is life being 42.

I terms of reflexs? Definitely yes. In terms of problem solving, hell no. I got stuck over the most weak ass shit and easiest puzzles as a kid.

how old are you guys anyway?

i'm in my mid 20s and I already feel like I'm very selective over my games and I don't dedicate myself to most of them and not so willing to try so many different things like before.

Depends on the game. Haven't layed a console shooter in ages, so I get bodied at CoD/BF because I'm so used to KB/M. Pretty good at TF2/CSGO/Tribes, though

Similar story
>.hack//SIGN on Adult Swim
>Great music
>One of the best-looking anime on TV at the time
>Amazing music
>Funimation gets the rights this year
>After Episode 9 or so, anime becomes a boring slog
>If you aren't paying attention to every frame, you'll miss important lot details that otherwise go unexplained
>Show is very slow and makes this very hard to do
>Some details aren't explained at all, not even in later games or on the wiki
>Still cry to the ending theme
It's like an old girlfriend, and you just realize how far apart you've grown

I had seizures as a kid so if anything, my ability to do anything has improved exponentially after resolving those issues.