I don't understand this fucking place anymore

I don't understand this fucking place anymore.

All you guys do is complain, literally about everything.

>why is Kojima a hack?
>which zelda game was bad? All of them!
>why is nintendo dead again?
>why is this Overwatch character SJW?
>why are video games shit now?
>why are yoshi games shit now?

holy shit I quit this cancerous board. Good bye

Other urls found in this thread:


>inb4 see you tomorrow faggot

>Sup Forums has only 1 collected opinion
you need to be 18 to post here, kidd

>inb4 kill yourself
>inb4 retard
>inb4 shit thread
>inb4 autism
>inb4 that's not true OP!

>inb4 underage fag

Whatever nerd

/v is a shit place.

The only good time is when something new gets announced, them a lot of shitposting happens.

like the announcement of the switch or Death Stranding

you will be back tomorrow, so whatever.

kill yourself OP

memes, my dude

see you tomorrow

>why are yoshi games shit now


I hate Sup Forums so fucking much.
I hate all the meme threads, the clickbait threads, the youtuber threads, I hate how other boards come here to shitpost, I hate how people treat it as Sup Forums 2.0, I hate that Sup Forums is ironic and not angry.
Fuck you.

Sometimes I want to know who draws these well drawn meme faces?

For a while it has been actually impossible to have vidya discussion in this board.
The only way to create a succesful topic is to troll people into replying, using inflamatory opening lines that compell these idiots to defend their opinions.
Shit sucks.

is this a jojo refrernce? xD da wardo!

It's not just Sup Forums anymore that's lost it's way, the entirety of Sup Forums has.

The low traffic boards are still pretty cool.
As usual, when a community gets too big it becomes shit.

>using YT videos as an argument

>when a community gets too big it becomes shit.

11 years ago this place was great.

Now it's filled with normalfags md retards

Obviously we don't, but that doesn't mean most people here aren't focusing on negativity. At least it was fun back in the RAGE days, now it just sounds like a bunch of kids crying and faking being more upset than they really are.

WW and TP want a word with you. OoT and MM fags hold your breath
casual game for casual people. expect pandering to everything
>vidya is shit
bar lowered so far it doesnt matter how good a game is only how good it looks - exception being No Man's Sky where it just fucking fell flat onto lies
>yoshi games shit
yeah maybe the latest one with yarn but that can be remedied easily
>Good bye

>it just sounds like a bunch of kids crying and faking being more upset than they really are.

11 years ago when we raged,
we meant it

now it's just pretending to hate everything on /v

>doesn't like complaining
>proceeds to make a thread complaining
wew lad