ITT: Casual filters


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Normies reeeeee?

i kicked their asses with a totter orb and spaming both bubbles and flame burst. all bosses there were a joke

everything but the megas near the end of the game those guys give me a fairly good challenge

This. This game becomes trivialized once you learn to spam the right orbs and wands, even if the effects last less on bosses. That one wand that warps the enemy AND paralyzes them is in an absolute godsend.

Also the real casual filter of this game is Salamence by the way.

yeah. that bastard is tough but still easily beatable if you get there with a few Revival seeds


I dropped that game. The first 6 hours are literally just going to """""school""""" and the dialogue is written for 5 year olds. It's astoundingly boring.

This is exactly why I dropped this game

Those guys were easy.

But the dungeon after leaving town is kicking my ass. I can't beat it.

The only time I ever used joy. I even tried buying a ton of stuff to resell and stop them from taking my mags, but they just took my stuff knowing I'd do that.

I just had firebombs on hand when I fought them
Wasn't too bad

It gets better but I still don't think it's worth picking up again if you already dropped it.

If I'm not wrong, Blast Seeds make short work of Salamance.

Blast seeds are a godsend in that fight, but salamance is still a hard hitting sonuvabitch at that point even with Slyveon helping you out.


>grovyle used absorb


>imported the game, had little to no trouble beating the game
>mfw reading folks had trouble with some bosses when it came out in English

fucking casuals

>i want to brag about how i read japanese and i'm hardcore the post.

>tfw it was just me
The trick ended up being to either a)
>go full fucking retard and bombard its ass with Super Missiles as fast as possible
or b)
>literally electrocute yourself when he grabs you by grappling into the exposed socket and hope you have enough life to survive. this is a 1HKO

>he didnt pick torchic

I actually found them to be one of the easier boss encounters



Salamence was easy. Just sleep wand and attack.

>could only beat the elec gym with my team after getting Manectric
Fuck that.

Pretty ironic that you are talking about casuals with a fucking pokemon game OP.

How about a real game like Dark Souls?

Nothing in that game is a casual filter of any sort. If you didn't clear it easy, you should just stop playing video games.

Same here. Just couldn't get any enjoyment out of it.



Do you ever want anybody to take you seriously?




I'd say Salamence was better. It was easy as fuck if you used items, but if you didn't you wound up underlevelled when you wasted your days impaling yourself on him.






that theme tho

This thread has convinced me that there is no hope for Sup Forums. We've drifted too far apart. Clearly you no longer care about the good things in games.

Now that I've said this, I am free.

uh, bye?

I found it fairly easy without using any combat items other than the occasional blast seed. Most of my inventory went to elixrs and oran berries.

>female snivy partner learns attract
>make her keep it for the rest of the game
truly, there is no hope for me

Back in Monster Hunter Tri, this guy.

Barioth was also pretty good.

>Using the same partner two games in a row

That's not OK user

>not Father Gasgoine

The first mandatory boss of Bloodborne was enough to get my roommate to stop playing. Pretty successful filter.

It's funny thinking there was ever a time when Barroth was even a little bit scary.

Barroth's much worse off now than Barioth, sadly.

I went back to play Tri recently, and they kicked my butt pretty hard. Even Uragaan was considerably improved - smaller on average than he used to be, with a tighter U-turn roll that would end up near you instead of the ludicrous bow roll that sends it 50 miles away from you, plus it attacked faster and its roar into chinslam actually hurt.

...What the fuck.

Barioth's much worse off now than Barroth, is what I meant to say. Holy shit.

M'egidola :^)

Literally RNG: the boss, if you play on anything above normal.
Same for Pringles King in P4

These fucks made me quit. I made it to them five times and they kicked my ass every time. I tried using orbs and wands but the effect of them would last a turn or two then disappear, barely helped. U should really try again.

Anyway, FUCK this level.

>fight him
>if i level up more i won't die
>die 20 more times
>have all force party
>everyone at 15-16 lvl
>Mash X button till it dies
>win by pure luck
>fuck this game

pfft, plebs. this is a real casual filter.

And it was this fucker in Gen 4

>greece has denounced you

Never before have I had a boss battle so abruptly force me to learn how to properly play a game.

Full party wipes in the span of seconds.


>casual filter
You are like little baby
watch this

>normies get out

Gore was only difficult if you stood directly in front of him. Going under him negated 90% of his attacks, never mind going for his back feet.

You want a wall, you look at Gold Rathian.

I wouldn't call a HR monster a casual filter

Gore is tough because you first fight him on a ridiculously cramped and dark map and he can push your shit in pretty easily.

I struggled when I was new before I switched from SA to CB

*Dragon Veins you*

I beat that dumb cat on the second attempt. I lost the first only because I thought I was supposed to lose and gave up prematurely. Volt killed me like half a dozen times and totally changed the way I played, going from spamming weakness hits to properly utilizing the combo system.

Tales of Xillia 2.

>tfw no comfort misha

Chemical Plant Zone 2 with its stupid segment that floods the whole level.

How is Riolu as a starter in this game

Are there any 'trap' starters per se?


>How is Riolu as a starter in this game
garbage, why?


Since he was pretty decent in Explorers of Sky

>enemy raticate used hyper fang

turning traction control off in forza

The best defense is a good offense

All you had to do was make sure you didn't get overwhelmed by that point

that's like being the fastest retard at the special olympics

Definitely a wall for those new to the series

No ones gonna post it? I guess I'll just have to drop the phattest ass in vidya