Objectively the best tuned Halo multiplayer since Halo 2

>objectively the best tuned Halo multiplayer since Halo 2
>most ambitious level editor in a modern console shooter
>60 fps
>free on pc
Why aren't you playing?

Because Xbox One.

This is like what.. Your 3rd or4th time making this thread?

It's free on pc.

>microsoft account
>microsoft store

Because I played for the campaign, and left disappointed

>still playing for campaign after Halo 3
I'm sorry user.

No, it's free on Windows 10, I'm good.

>uses windows os
>won't use other windows os

>still no server browser on PC
>playing shooters on consoles make me want to die
Trying to play the game on console is a miserable experience because every game I play people just leave
Plus I have to put up with playing a shooter with a controller

It's shit and I won't upgrade until I'm absolutely forced to.

Yo Frankie, we dont want you or 343 here. Go back to neotranny and shill your broken piece of shit game there

There's third party game finders like halolfg.
>because every game I play people just leave
What modes are you playing where people just quit?

Fuck off, Frank.

Stop making the same cunty thread about your cunty game and give me MCC on PC.

More like the 40th

the worst part is he's right, it is the best MP since 2, but all he's doing is making people think that it's shit and being shilled.

That's probably his intention, actually, to incite shitposting

I like how you slightly changed the words from yesterday get even more (you)s.

I would eat actual feces before playing any more of that dog shit game.

Pic related. Dude doesnt even pretend he doesnt work for 343. Game is objectively bad and everything 343 does is shit since they got Halo. I wonder if the rich guys at Bungie even care that their old series is garbage now

The good halo games are already on pc tbqh.


He's not wrong user. Destiny pvp is garbage.
halo 5 is the closest we've come to a modern halo game. In terms of multiplayer of course.

Play the russian hacked version(basically halo 3 but better) and halo 2. Best halos are on pc


>CE, H2, H5
Yeah the good halo games.
>but better

>basically halo 3 but better
>halo 4 dogshit

i bet you can't name 1 valid reason why it's shit

Not denying OP is a massive faggot, but i'm not seeing anything in that image that links it to the OP

Also, I have to disagree, Halo 5's MP actually is really good, but spamming threads over and over isn't going to convince anyone

>and everything 343 does is shit since they got Halo.
Please, you are almost shitposting as bad as he is

They've fucked up a lot but they've done plenty ofr things well or fine as well. I actually made a list of both every good and bad thing they've done, and it ended up being 31 bad things, and 34 good things.

I lost them though because archive.moe or whatever it was went done and I never saved it locally, I should remake it.

Destiny mp was a last minute addition to a scraped original game. 343 has had years to make a good halo game, they shit out the abortion that is mcc, and then they release halo 5, which is "lol cortana went bad, but were gonna make it seem like were gonna kill master chef"

The story of h5 is just awful fan fiction and the mp is fucking call of duty

So how long until we're done with this "le halo 3 is bad" meme? Honestly the most annoying part of Sup Forums is y'alls contrarian horseshit.

>halo 5 mp
>call of duty
Is this the part where you just regurtigate your criticisms of Halo 4 and act like they apply to Halo 5?

Name 3 positive things they did for Halo.

MCC collection, the shit story in h4( run around and push this lever over and ovef!) and 5(durr hurr cortana is an ai that went bad, shes basically naked now too! My wife's son wrote this story!), along with the awful "evolution" of halo 5 mp and shitty gunplay.

Pieces of shit are still pieces of shit, even if you put a million dollars on too of it

It's literally COD Advanced Warfare, complete with fuckhuge maps designed around sprinting.

Seriously, go look at their midship remake. It's like a fucking stadium.

The worst part is he's dead ass wrong.

I despise Halo 3 babby shills and the game's genuinely shitty gunplay and vehicle balance as much as the next guy.

But the Multiplayer was far better than Halo 5.

Halo 5 mp is halo 4 multiplayer dumbass, but they added loot boxes and "e sports" to the shitty game.

I'm going to start reporting him every time he's post it. It was fine the first 2 times but now he's just getting carried away.

>Halo 5 mp is halo 4 multiplayer
Why should people respond when you clearly haven't played the game or are shitposting.

Halo 5 doesn't even compare to Halo 3, which was already a step down from the previous games. Halo 5 plays like a COD game.

If op wants to shill halo, go to vg. Tho i doubt frankie knows how to use the internet outside of his tranny sites and the sites 343 asks him to shill on.

The only thing it improves from halo 2 is forge and theater which have no impact on core gameplay in mp.
>slower base movement speed
>slower ttk especially with shitty br
>maps aren't as good as halo 2
>still kept duel wielding which has no place in halo
>added equipment gimmick

Shit gunplay
Shitty maps

The only difference are the dumb cod style cutscenes before and after matches and the loot boxes

I dont think youve played either game

>Shit gunplay

>>free on pc
Only if you're a win10 store using cuck
8.1 master race

I'll do you one better, i'll list every positive thing I can think of off the top of my head in the same format I had the list in

>The entirity of Halo Evolutuions
>The scoreboard changes in halo 4
>The team color mascots in halo 4
>The storm rifle
>The Beam rifle and carbine redesign
>The magnets in 4's forge as well as improved scripting options
>The enritity of the forerunner triology
>Jul's arc in Glasslands and Thursday War
>CEA's redone audio and terminals
>the lighting and volumetric effects in Halo 4 and by extension 5
>living up to bungie in terms of skyboxes
>MCC's actual in game content/improvements (technically yheir contractors so only counting it as a single point rather then one for each)
>the entirity of broken circle
>The enritty of last light
>the enrity of Shadow of intent
>the enritity of hunters in the dark
>The lekgolo forms in Nightfall
>Halo 5's return to even starts and weapons on map
>automatics actually being viable guns in 5
>the new movement mechanics in 5 being well executed
>the advanced controller options in 5
>Warzone being actually fun and not p2w garbage
>5's forge in general
>5's idle and ambient dialog in the campaign

There's more then this of course but this is everything I can think of on the spot

Who fucking cares where it comes from? It's well executed and it doesn't intefere with the core of what makes the gameplay halo. it still feels like halo, and they add to the sklillgap


Crouchjumping is still needed for many skilljumps as is rapid execution of boost and hover. 5 has way more skilljumps then any prior halo game and they are more complicated on an indivual basis

forced updates

Shit gunplay
Duel wielding
Shitty maps

I bet he never figured out crouch jumping was still needed in H5

windows 10 is shit

>the level editor is free on PC
>the game itself isn't a PC game
Fixed that for you.

well, I disagree.

2>5>CE=Reach>>>>>for MP, not including customes/forge or anything IMO

Though I always go back and forth if reach should go above, below, or tied with 3. On one hand reach's maps are absolute dogshit and something about it just felt sterile, and armor abilities loadouts shouldn't have been the default even if they weren't terrible like 4's were. On the other, I enjoy reach's physics a lot more, the return of health on maps/that doesn't regen, and bloom as much as people give it shit is better then the inherent random spread 3 had and at least helps autos a bit

Also, the weapon sandbox in reach feels a lot less cloney then 3's does

and despite all that, an infinitely superior Multiplayer package and interface.

Playlist depth, ranked, social, parties matching parties, real ranking system, you name it.

>windows store exclusive
>requires you link your os with your ms account
>doesn't even tell you so unless you figure it out, you will be locked out of your os (your ms password becomes your windows password)
>massive fucking memory leak
>if the download fails you have to restart from the beginning
>lacking basic features such as server browser, chat is lobby, etc.
>game stutters unless you turn off "game dvr" a setting which automatically records your sessions (on by default)

>only one person can make threads about a game
What is Sup Forums's obsession with trying to call out "shills" and screencap the archive?

>shitty maps

not even remotely comparable to sprinting and boosting which ruin the entire game, as opposed to ruining a single encounter if you have the exact right equipment which happens once in a blue moon

>this meme again
You can play multiplayer on pc user it's not just a level editor.

Because that's exactly what you're doing. Same OP image and titles every time, same autistic ass responses.

While I agree 3's maps aren't shit, they are a step back from CE's and 2's

2>CE>>>3=4>>>>>>>>>>>>>>reach in terms of mp map design

Because they're worded fucking identically and use the exact same picture with the exact same filename you dumb cunt?

jesus the people on this board are dumb. Is there a fucking gas leak in here or something?

I don't care enough to use a 3rd party site to do 343's job for them
any mode involving teams
ffa if people are doing bad
I haven't really played since December but the one or two matches I've played since then people still leave every Team Arena or Slayer match
It was such a problem all I played was FFA

That was my first post in the thread retard.
>same filename
Wow it's almost like multiple people use google image.

5 does not have better maps than 3. 5's maps suck fat fucking balls. they're all way too big to account for sprinting, every hallway is too wide to account for boosting- and every jump is calculated the distance to make sure you have to use their dumb clambering to get up places.

5 has like, three good maps.

Nice coverup

But only by creating private lobbies with friends who are, largely busy.

If they added open multiplayer with/against randoms then yeah, I'd agree. The fact that it's limited to private groups; no thanks

Yeah and they all just decided to unanimously use the exact same fucking image and start the thread with the exact same fucking shill opening post

>every jump is calculated the distance to make sure you have to use their dumb clambering to get up places.
There's plenty of jumps that you can make with a crouch jump which gives you an advantage over players who don't crouch jump because they will clamber and lower weapon.

It's not the true multiplayer though.

Not plenty, a few. And that doesn't make up for at best uninteresting, and at worst total garbage, map design.

Does Halo CE not have true multiplayer?

>bungie fags ignore your list

What I mean is that it's not the true /Halo 5/ multiplayer, given it's essentially limiting you to playing with people only on your friendslist, if you know what I mean.

tl;dr you get a different experience on Xbox One, which is a huge missed opportunity.

I don't have an Xbox, I love Halo and I want to play it, but I uninstalled Forge after I realised that I couldn't just fuck around in matches with randoms online. I'll re-install if they add it.

When server browser comes will you play or is that just current excuse to ignore a great game?

Just wait till the Server Browser is released.

Is it confirmed? If so, I'm straight up kid-style hyped for that.


How should I make people like it?
Yes it's been confirmed.

I mean, to be fair, bungie does have a way higher ratio of good to bad shit then 343

It's dumb to pick sides as if you can only like bungie games or only like 343 games

I praise the good things bungie and 343 do, and I shit on the bad things they've done


Is it gonna be a free update?

Mostly shit.
Very shit.
VERY shit.
SUPER shit.
HAHAHAHA you're listing the MAGNETS as a POSITIVE? The things that didn't fucking work AT ALL even a LITTLE BIT? The things that made it needlessly hard to do fucking ANYTHING in Forge? The thing they removed fine tuning, an actually useful feature, to implement?

I'm not even going through the rest of your list that's so fucking retarded. Hey, next time you copypasta your dumb list, remove that one so maybe someone can take you even remotely seriously.


>How should I make people like it?

Not spamming threads would be a good start.

If you happen to be in a thread where somebody is going "Man, I loved the old halo games, but 4 sucked and MCC was buggy...", then feel free to mention that 5's MP is actually good and worth a shot and explain why

Something like that, but makig a thread just to go HEY GUYS HALO 5 IS GREAT every 3 hours is just going to make people hate it out of spite

>Is it gonna be a free update?
Of course. No paid updates for Halo 5.
They're adding it to PC and Xbone. No word on if crossplay will have optional support, it's at least technically possible I assume.


That's amazing news. I need to keep better track of the news. ty for the info

I'm willing to bet you haven't even read evolutions and are just shitposting

Explain what you disliked about each story inside it then

user please tell me your gt

so I can avoid you when the custom games browser comes out.

Why would you want to avoid me?

Destiny pvp was great. It's garbage now.

When was it great? I only played vanilla and it was pretty shit even then.

I'll add that I still enjoyed playing it some, but either way the guy in the screencap is definitely wrong that Destiny pvp is a natural evolution of halo pvp.
They're way different, even Halo 4 is closer.

You like magnets. You're not worth talking to.

>having an extra, optional tool to use is bad


I miss being able to just walk around and shoot people. All this movement ability shit has killed shooters for me.

>inb4 hurr durr you can just not use them
No you can't, because then you're moving slow as fuck. The entire goddamn game is designed around using them. You need them to get out of certain situations, or to get back into the fight quickly. You cannot just opt out of a major feature of the game.

There's always MCC. I can find CE doubles matches in

Game is shit and most people who post on Waypoint hate it too.

>Having an absolutely broken mess of a feature that has never once worked for anyone ever is fine, even when it replaces actually useful features that were core to how people built maps

Vanilla was fucking great, but the best was either post TDB or HoW. I forget since it's been awhile. TTK killed pvp with SBMM though

This. Destiny plays NOTHING like Halo, though not even Halo plays like Halo these days

>caring what mouthbreathers on waypoint think
They also defend smg starts in H2.

I just ignored his list because its the same fucking thing that was posted on neogaf at release of halo 5. i'm 99% that Frankie is posting here now.

I had fun but I didn't like how plentiful special ammo was.
I remember destroying people by just spamming my fusion rifle with good stats. Same with people shotgun sliding. Then hand cannons became the hot thing and people spammed the Last Word.

BTB or whatever was mediocre with vehicles being a total after thought, the sparrow was fun though.

Frank do you have nothing better to do?

Just be happy with the 4million you sold and recognize that Halo will never be popular again, because you've turned it into something that meekly borrows from every other shooting, instead of being it's own thing.

343 is trash and forever will be.

sure is SIDF here

Special ammo isn't too plentiful anymore but the primaries are all shit except the bullethoses that require the least skill