What if Adventure Time was an Anime

Sup Sup Forums, I just beat the game with Finn and trying to get the secrets with Fiona and stuff, how the hell do you get the star that is under the forcefield as Fiona? And also how do you get the nsfw models?

Other urls found in this thread:


For the forcefield, do the 4 hit combo with the blood sword then do the fire dash. Repeat until it breaks
For nude models, Hold Q then press Right Up Down Down Down Up Right. Charge the ??? sword by fighting enemies then do the special near characters

You need to smash teh force field after flipping magic man switch. i did it with quick attack upgrade but people are saying you can do it with lightning attack from the blood sword. Probably by hitting it right on the top and getting stuck so you do constant damage.

>And also how do you get the nsfw models?
Are you playing 7.0 or 7.1?

Is there a guide out there on how to unlock all the stuff?

How do i get the shower scene

>current year
>not playing king of the hill online

There probably is, but not one that I know of

Talk to marcy and breakfast princess, eventually Breakfast pranks her by giving her a facial. Talk to Marcy and mention the egg on her face. You can spy on her taking a shower by looking up the ladder

too much effort to unlock everything and there's no sex

there was a guide posted in one of the threads. it was on google docs. i don't have the url however

I legit always thought it was ppl lying. Couldn't find where to peak

Thanks man, just got the ??? sword, gonna go charge it up.

Yeah, you gotta get the breakfeast princess to prank her then just have to peek up the shower at the right angle.

How can I check the version?

I currently have the patreon beta version 7, but the public beta version 3.1 came out a few hours ago.
Which one is the more recent version?

Use the sword that lets you float

Not sure if the ??? sword has changed at all, but you'll have to recharge it for every initial uncensor in either dimension
You can also uncensor the apple girls
You can't uncensor the lolis though

I have the url but the walkthrough has been replaced with the script for Shrek 2.

So is there actually any nudity? Or actually any fucking in this?

It's just nudity and a 3d model viewer. The creator made porn if it but he or she was too big of a pussy to incorporate it into the game.

Completely uninterested now. Thanks for the answer.

that's dumb

I just got the porn posters in Ice King's little cave, where's all this other shit?

Having to power it up every single time is a bit of drag, but how the hell do you get all of the appearances , I mean breakfast princess has 8 jesus

Only follow the instructions from the princesses. They have gems. Also there's only one direction per poster

I don't know how I feel about that

Yeah, I hated charging the sword up
Breakfast princess shows up in both dimensions, if you didn't
You have to view her uncensored in both normal and big tits mode, and that should be all the models

How do you get the big tits mode? Is that something you acquire?

i hope this teaches you faggots not to rely on "the cloud"


You get mega milk in the maze

I have no interest, now that pocket-sand has been nerfed into oblivion.

I understand that in 4.8.3 most people expected it in the queue, anyway. But back then it added a level of depth that we don't see since the Bobby update.

Can someone post a save?

OP Here, I've got the gamejolt version without the Ice Queen boss fight seems like it, so no last boss for me, but mega milk achieved.

Anyone subbed to his patreon? Can I get a link to the video version of Marceline taking her shirt off?

> I mean breakfast princess has 8 jesus
Normal, Nude, mega milk, mega milk nude, sunbathing with swimsuit, sunbathing without swimsuit(?), mega milk swimsuit, mega milk without swimsuit.

Yeah, seemed to have gathered them all, it seems I only dont have the right version for the Ice Queen fight, fuck, and its the newest beta one

It's in the game.

>moderately interested in this
>found out there's no flame princess or doctor princess or loli bubblegum or loli marcy so I can't muster the effort to play it
Does it have actual sex scenes or just naked people?

he needs sex

user I live in trump's america, if I want to see a naked girl I'll just kick the door to my bathroom in while my sister or mom is in the shower.

>no flame princess or doctor princess or loli bubblegum or loli marcy

It's a lower-quality version, though.

I think I played through this many months ago, unlocked everything. Is there anything new worth playing for or should I not even bother?

Loli Marcy is in.

Too much effort for not enough porn

All these threads and not one gameplay webm ever gets posted. Someone please just post one.

Pics please, use imgur so you don't get banned.


She isn't nude but you can pose her with other characetrs that are nude in the model viewer. I don't have the pics.

Who VR here?
>tfw get to make out with these hot anime girls

Which girls should appear in the sequel?


Terrible, kill me now.

It's not all lost, user

I honestly wish this was real.

Well, atleast someone, probably me, will eventually make texture mods.

best design of any chick on the show and adding some green to the mix would be nice

VR is shit

>he hasn't played this in VR
I'm sorry that you're not able to take part in such joys.

Yes please. One of the more enjoyable new episodes

I tried it at PAX and did not like it

is.Sup Forums.org/aco/1477869348526.png

You played What if Adventure Time was a 3D Anime at PAX? That's weird.

That's the stuff

How do I get the pose mode?


No,but it's still terrible and a giant flop


Man, the controls in this game must have been designed by satan himself

I thought the controls were fine.


Just switch from suggest view to read view

Can someone upload a 100% save so I can go fuck around in the pose editor?

Putting her with the genderbenders is low tier taste anyways

Anyone have a link to the most recent version? I'd appreciate it.

Keep posting hot shit from the game.


>getting my ass kicked by Ice Queen
>mfw I realize I can cheese it by just constantly walking off the edge of the arena until her shield goes down

is the new one 7.1

How? She's so fucking easy even without cheesing the fight

best episode of the newest season imo, glad they dragged Finn out of the cuck shed.

I don't know if I should be proud that I beat her without knowing you can cheese the entire fight.

Newest is 7.2, according to the patreon.

That fucking spinning beam attack fucks me up 9 times out of 10.

It's still going? I was thinking of starting to watch it. How many seasons?


Is season 7 finished yet?
The one where he reconciles with FP was pretty heartwarming

If you want to see sex just kick the door to your parents bedroom and watch them while they fuck

If it's the slow one you double jump and dash, land after 3 beams and do it again

If it's the slow one you just hide behind the pillar

Almost done season 7.
Doesn't really get interesting until season 2-3ish imo, but at 9 minutes per episode the series flies by.

up to season 7, but it's more than it sounds. like 240 something episodes, and they are just 11 minutes but that's still a lot of fucking runtime. it'll still be going on for two more seasons.

almost, they have to air the last two episodes. I think it'll happen in like 2 or 3 weeks or something like that. season 7 was a pleasant return to form.

>seeing my dad's dick
Trump wouldn't approve.

you don't need to see it

Season 1 had great episodes, m80

If there's no penetration it's not sex, if I can't see the dick I can't see penetration, ergo I can't jerk off to sex.
Besides watching my mom get fucked by my dad would make me a cuck, and that kind of shit doesn't fly in donald trump's america

It had a couple, but way too much personality building for characters with pretty obvious personalities.
Not consistently great like season 3-4 episodes.

Also, if you happen to have 7.1 or a link to it, that'd be awesome, I'm sure there's not much of a difference between 7.1 and 7.2

>No animated sex

Just naked people, hence why it's shit.

They can rip the models for animation tho

Well, season 3 and 4 were definitely the high point so far, but I'd say 1 isn't far behind.

Use your imagination amigo

Who gives a shit. That doesn't make the game not garbage for being ecchi. The creator is such a fucking pussy for not putting sex in.