I let this game slip by because of Halo 4 and heard it was low content at launch, but I just picked it up and was pleasantly surprised.
Seems like it might be best Halo multiplayer since Halo 2, does Sup Forums play?
I let this game slip by because of Halo 4 and heard it was low content at launch...
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Literally the worst Halo. Kys.
here we go again
Yeah, it's pretty good after all the updates.
They should have waited and released it with all the content it has now.
>halo 5 worse than halo 4
>halo 5 worse than reach
It's fun. I'm going to hide the thread now.
I see you finally did change the wording this time. Still so blatantly obvious though, change the picture next time.
>best mp since Halo 2
He's not wrong tbqh.
Nah, 4 and Reach are worse. No amount of nostalgic underageb& will make Reach good.
Could you at least change your bait picture?
>3 has BR spread and game breakingly bad netcode
>Reach is terrible in just about every way
>4 has a small skill gap even with the cod stuff turned off, and has the cod stuff by default
Theres not a lot of competition.
He's very wrong desu
You're right. None of that will make it good because originally playing it in 2010 already made it great
>fags who can't handle armor lock already crying that the best halo is actually the worst
>he says Reach feels more like Halo than Halo 5
I don't get this, Halo 5 just took the additions from Reach and implemented them 1000x better.
>best halo
>armor lock strawman
Nah, the game was never great. They made it worse from the Beta onwards and never supported the only good pre-TU playlist it had (Invasion).
Anniversary and the TU came too late to save it, and the TU wasn't able to fix all of its issues regardless.
>Implementing them at all
>in fucking ranked too, of all things
Which one is better? user here has the right idea.
you fags literally only cry about muh lore and muh armor lock, yet it's still best halo
Only Halo games that matter are the bungie ones.
>implementing duel wielding at all
>in fucking ranked
I forgot that it's okay when bungie does it.
>Only Halo games that matter
What does this mean? Who cares what "matters" I'm only concerned with the game itself.
>uneven starts
What. Duel wielding was a mistake, yes, he never said it wasn't, and I don't think any competitively minded Halo player will say it was a good idea. It fucked the weapon balance up something fierce in halo 2.
Bungie did their best to run the Arena FPS aspects of Halo into the ground when thats the main that makes halo's gameplay unique. Theres a serious lack of 4v4 focused Arena FPS.
While i'll agree that fall is better, spring doesn't make halo reach bad
we must never forget, user
never forget what 343 did to Halo
>spartan charge
>ground pound
>spoonfeed weapon spawns
>'traditional' Halo arena
Obviously it was okay when Bungie did it.
They actually made it shitty. Dual wielding was weak as hell and isn't a viable means of damage like spartan charge and ground pound are.
>Dual wielding was weak as hell and isn't a viable means of damage
Then why did esport fags have to ban it?
Because it was useless fluff that weakened half the sandbox?
>making half the sandbox useless because of duel wielding is okay
BR fags pls go.
except that Halo 3 was the best MP since Halo 2
Literally nothing wrong with spoonfeeding weapon spawns.
Also the power weapon spawning system in Halo 5 is more traditional arena than H2s spawn system.
I never once said anything about the sandbox you dunce.
>the power weapon spawning system in Halo 5 is more traditional arena than H2s spawn system.
Alright. That's bullshit.
Maybe if you only care about BTB.
"Obviously it was okay when Bungie did it. "
You said duel wielding was okay, duel wielding had a direct impact on sandbox.
H5 has static spawns like CE.
Is there any other relevant, non custom, gametype?
Then I will assume you know what I meant by 'was' and aren't being obtuse for the hell of it.
>btb with h3 br and netcode
Reach is such a bad game, it has more active player than Halo 4, Halo 3 and Halo 5 right fucking now. Just abysmal game.
>reach has more active players than H5
Source? You know player count on reach menu is bugged right?
Also a bunch of mexicans playing reach doesn't mean it's a good game.
CE doesn't tell you when they spawn.
Yeah, sprinting and clambering my way to victory while melting fags with ARs and SMGs sure feels like the best multiplayer since Halo 2. Such tense firefights and situations like who gonna melt first from automatic fire.
Nobody has updated population statistics and the playlist population counter has been bugged for Reach since 2012.
Every game I searched Reach back in 2012 was nothing but guests unless I was in anniversary (which never had more than 500 players) or MLG (Which never had more than 3000, from when the stats counter did work)
So please put the source back in your ass where it came from.
I know but it's not hard to tell since it's a static spawn. There's even simple website to do it for you eliteownage.com
The power weapon spawn system H5 uses is same as CE which is better than later ones like H2 where you can prevent weapon from spawning.
What does that have to do with my post?
I was criticizing reach for sprint.
Cheif demolishes him in the whole fight, the webm ends right before he turns the tables
it never ceases to amaze me that Sup Forums resorts to misleading bullshit, outright falsehoods, or twisting the truth to shit on 343 when there's plenty of things they've done wrong actually.
That said, 343 still has done more good then bad. Barely.
The fight is garbage animation dude, I don't care that chief "won" it looks like too old men fighting.
The two punches MC throws and completely misses on at 3 seconds are cringe worthy.
Awful choreography.
>It's a "BRfags whine automatics are actually useful" episode
Also there's nothing wrong with clamber. Crouchjumps and grenadejumps still exist as well as jumps that not only require timed crouching/grenades, but also thrust and hover. So "b-but it reduces skillgap" is a moot point.
>grenadejumps still exist
To be clear, I agree. It's really not that well done.
But the webm itself is also framed to make it seem worse then it is by excluding when cheif turns the tables to make it seem like locke is winning, and while the coreagraphy is bad, it's also a lot less anmeic when it has sound.
It's sort of baffling because the intro to halo 5 has some of the best animation we've ever seen of spartans in combat in terms of being lore accurate to how balls to the walls they can be when they want to, so why they went from that to the cheif vs locke fight, I don't know
Also, to return to my point of "people want to shit on 343 more then they actually care about what 343 does wrong or right/halo being good", people shit on the intro too despite it being the best spartan fight animation to come out of the series
Also Europeans, Australians, Brazilians and Americans.
Here Reach online player number during euro work hours and american nighttime, pretty good for a 6 years old game that got it population split with shitty DLC and TU from 343.
You can make it work half the time by quitting the game, population counter was working normally until 2015, on the side note, why Halo 5 is the first Halo that hides it's population counter? Only way to judge the amount of player in H5 is by average matchmaking time and it's sure a lot longer than Reach right now.
They do though?
There's not as many, grenadejumps as in past games in particular, but there's a far greater amount of skilljumps across all types in total in 5 then any past halo game.
*charges through boulder*
>521 players in game
>thinks this is more than halo 5
What grenade jumps? They launch you like 100x times less than in previous games.
I've only seen one spot where it was actually enough to make a jump that could maybe be useful.
What's your point? That's completely reasonable.
BLUE team punched dents into the titanium armor of an early MJOLNIR powered mech prototype when they were 14 when they had no MJOLNIR themselves. Linda sniped banshees out of the sky by shooting between gaps in the canopy while she was hanging upside down from another aircraft herself. John once ran over 50 mph. Will beat a pair of hunters in hand to hand melee combat with no weapons
Crashing through a boulder in MJOLNIR Gen 2 is tame as shit compared to the feats they pull off in the novels
>Linda sniped banshees out of the sky by shooting between gaps in the canopy while she was hanging upside down from another aircraft herself. John once ran over 50 mph.
Has nothing to with charging through a boulder.
>BLUE team punched dents into the titanium armor
Denting an armor is different than charging head first through a solid boulder. Rock is hard.
IIRC, there was a few back in the beta, I think one on regret and another on whatever the intial version of the skycraper map was called.
Then why all actual traversal gameplay is clamber clamber clamber clamber on bland boxy maps? Clamber is such a horrible mechanic, it fully stops you, lock you into place and in animation, kills all momentum, it's awful for any multiplayer game. Destiny is better than Halo 5 just because there is no clamber in Destiny.
So is titanium, at least Tanaka has power armor on herself when she does it, and she's, you know, a full grown adult, wheras John, Fred, Kelly, and Linda were pre teens with nothing but their body and augmentations
We've seen MJOLNIR withstand atmospheric re-entry, I don't see why crashing through rock is suddenly beyond your suspension of disbelief.
>almost 4k players online total
>500 players in the selected playlist
Are all Reach critics this retarded? You clearly never even played old Halo games.
Because you haven't gotten gud enough to recgonize and utilize the skilljumps?
I meant PRO league gameplay on twitch.
>Destiny is better than Halo 5 just because there is no clamber in Destiny.
>Destiny is better than Halo 5 just because there is no clamber in Destiny.
Fuck off retard
>So is titanium
It's armor though which you can dent because of thickness, they couldn't punch through a titanium block.
Also ignoring how dumb it looks for her to randomly charge through a boulder for no reason.
You want ALL of my cock?
You sure you can handle me young man?
4k players is fuck all though. Most of those are going to be spread among the two main casual slayer playlists so all the good Objective/Unique/Competitive ones have maybe 30 percent of the total.
Reach regularly had only 200 or so players playing Objective back when it had 12k concurrent players in like 2012.
MLG only had ~1k. Invasion only had ~2k. Anniversary was only playable with party because Reach was full of spics who can't afford the DLC.
Why do you think being able to find game in worst playlist in the game is worth bragging about. Team Slayer doesn't have the good DLC maps (or good custom layouts), has default Reach everything, has shitty low-skill players.
I would rather Play halo 3 or Halo 2 than Reach because at least I would find halfway decent players and be able to play something decent like non-BTB CTF/Oddball/MLG.
I used to but I don't play consoles anymore, and I kinda miss it because yeah, it was the best multiplayer since 2.
It's even better than 3 in MP, at least if you're a semi-tryhard.
Trying to imagine where one would be on regret.
come back
Still shilling this Frankie? Glad you switch up your OP post tho. Still can see right through you.
343 sucks.
Go cry with your loser Hilary fans at neogaf
>he likes reach
>Implying Reach didn't have the best single player in the series
>He likes Halo 5
>muh gritty emotional story
>muh unkillable mary sue MC
>doesn't like Chief
>wants "serious" narratives in his action shooters
Reminder that vidya writers are hacks who can't make it any other industry.
>not wanting human characters who can actually fail
>dramatic tension shouldn't exist in vidya, it should all just be mary sues killing plebs :^)
>wanting to play poor attempts at dramatic tension from shitty writers
>not just wanting a fun game about killing ayy lmaos
>liking halo
>wanting to play copy paste emotionless mary sue
>not wanting to player your own custom designed character that you could project into
>not wanting to form bonds with a badass band of brothers in arms for you to actually care about
>instead lets just have this random nigger who yells a lot then dies to an eyeball
I just bought an Xbox One with Halo 5 and GoW4 and am having second thought. I already have a PC is there any point to having an Xbox One? There doesn't seem to be many games 2 years after launch.
Yeah, 5 is better than a game that actually launched with forge, a functioning theatre, a non laggy UI that isn't garbage, big team battle, and didn't hold back game modes for 7-8 months so it could be called "free content."
That's not Reach, which is also playable on XB1, costs a fraction of the price and takes up a fraction of the hard drive space. You literally have no excuse.
5's forge is legitimately better than Reach's
And that's the only thing it does better
>form bonds with a badass band of brothers in arms for you to actually care about
I bet you cried when jorge died you fag.
Halo 5 has better gameplay than Halo Reach.
>That's not Reach
>implying Reach is best halo mp since 2
>implying Reach better than Halo 3
Peter O'Brien can't write for shit, Joe should have written Reach. It would've been good then.
Why do you play Halo?
Don't insult the Bara god
who said anything about 2 or 3?
I just said that Reach is better in every way except forge than Halo 5, but 5 was the objectively worst in the series
I stand by Reach's campaign being better than than 2 and 3 tho
I don't, it's a shit series, only okay thing about it is the campaign, and Reach had the best one