Game has fun, harmless singelplayer glitch you'll only notice if you try for it

>Game has fun, harmless singelplayer glitch you'll only notice if you try for it
>They patch it

Other urls found in this thread:

>single player game
>find out fun broken talent build
>frequent balance patches kills certain saves

>online co-op game
>there's an incredibly broken item/build that if one player has it, the game is meaningless
>they won't patch it out

>game has a funny glitch with 0 effect on gameplay and you have to go out of your way to activate
>they patch it

> Game has elements of silliness in it, but never goes overboard
> Sequel exaggerates on silliness because it's developers thought "*game* has always been about silliness!"

>Game has gamebreaking bug
>They never patch it

what game

>Beat game on hard
>Doesnt give you the achievements for beating the game on easy and normal
>Have to beat it on normal to unlock very hard

>game has multiple build options
>only one is even remotely viable and is incredibly obvious
>devs never fix this

>Character is complete fucking shit.
>The only way they can somewhat keep up with everyone else is one little quirk they have.
>It gets patched, and they do nothing to make the character viable.