These games do so much more than GTA

These games do so much more than GTA.
Why the fuck can't they get the recognition they deserve?

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Port to fucking America WHEN

I'd buy all of them

Just beat sleeping dogs, it was okay but not even Yakuza tier

It's not a sandbox open world game, the GTA comparison is misleading

sega is really bad at marketing
rockstar is really good at marketing

still better. every game has driving crap now. but few have an interactive world.

they're not as polished or varied

>Why the fuck can't they get the recognition they deserve?

No PC version

they're far more varied.


>These games do so much more than GTA

How so? They're all the exact same. They reuse the everloving shit out of assets. After this many games the combat is still clunky, and targeting broken. Yes, even Zero is clunky and the targeting is still fucked. These games haven't even surpassed Shenmue.

haha good joke


All the games are the exact same, and none if them have even come close to the scale of the Shenmue games. Nowhere near as polished as GTA either. I love Yakuza but it's a rehash series.

>These games do so much more than GTA


Sega is shit at marketing but 0 can do tons of sales if they just sent early copies to LPers

>Dont market the games in the US
>As a result they dont sell well
>"wew I guess the US just doesnt like Yakuza"

watch the video in th OP from the time stamp onward.

>Beat Takeshi

They just added a few minigames. What's so innovative about that?

Ok I did. So what was I supposed to notice?

I hope I can't knock out Beat Takeshi's teeth for making sit through his trite movies.

>These games do so much more than GTA
OP, are you a SEGA employee? Yakuza games suck horribly. Every release makes fans wish for the next installment due to the lack of improvements.

When Sony finally finishes their machine translation. Puts it on the PSN store, then puts it on PS Plus when nobody buys it.

Yeah, and? Looks like every other Yakuza game.

>Every release makes fans wish for the next installment due to the lack of improvements.


All they do is cram useless shit in without fixing any of the major problems. Great example of this is Y5.

GTA has been the same trash since III. Don't see you faggots complaining.

Actually SA is nothing like 3.

Don't get butthurt because you can't admit Yakuza is just rehash city.

Kiwami was so terrible, and 6's combat looks bad too.