ITT: Vidya things that get you fucking heated

ITT: Vidya things that get you fucking heated.

>Guy is ripping a bong over mic
>It's push to talk

Other urls found in this thread:

>Guy is being a retard
>Call him a retard
>Nobody cares

>Girl is being a retard
>Call her a retard
>All white knights within a 2 mile radius lose their minds

Why is this allowed?

Why you getting angry at video games?

They're just a game, I think you need more outdoor hobbies mate

This actually happens way too fucking often, fucking virgins

It's just a healthy amount of miffed, I'm not tearing my hair out or anything.

I want to throw a grenade in that mouth

Fuck you hippos

i smoke pot every night. I go downstairs, pack a bowl, smoke it, and vacate the basement immediately. I've been doing this for years now.

Last night i goofed and smoked before switching some laundry. I spent a minute or so quickly doing that laundry while the smoke hung in the air and i nearly fucking vomited at the horrendous smell of it. I swear if i ever turn to coke or something it'll be because you don't have to burn the shit

I have no idea how people stand to just sit in that shit while they do whatever it is they're doing.

That'd be rad as fuck

Who the fuck vomits over weed smell? What a fucking drama queen

Do you think the grenade would blow the entire head off or would it be like a cartoon and the hippo just expands for a second and continues on its way being a dick.