Tips for getting to this
Tips for getting to this
patch back to season 1
Work with your team.
Never soloqueue
Never solo queue.
Quit your job. Move into your parents house.
Ask reddit
i do this but im still diamond
dont soloQ
How do I get a team with no friends
4+ stack of goods
Dont be bad
Dont try and copy shit you see in professional games
Dont get mad
Less than 3 stack? Get lucky for a long period of time.
>mfw solo Q to 3800 in the second week of season 2
>go back to play yesterday, rank 3000 from decay
>back to 3450 in 4 consecutive wins
Do I get top 500 rewards even if I'm no there when the season ends?
Yeah, once you get to top 500, you get the rewards even if you decay/lose it for that season.
Dope, thanks. If you're trying to get master, just git gud with Zarya. She has the highest capacity for carrying shitters
Should I be focusing my shield on a specific ally? Or should I use it to charge myself?
Depends on the situation. For example If you have a Genji ulting into an entire enemy team that's just free charge for you to help him clean up. Don't use both your shields the moment you have them up. Just look for good opportunities to shield
What's a good way to know when to give up?
Like if my team and I are not a good match.
Echoing what
Said. The biggest mistake I see "pro" streamers who play Zarya do is needlessy throw the shields around. Shield management is almost an entire sub-game within overwatch. A Zarya with godlike shield-management and foresight will literally be unstoppable. I've had multiple 10+ game winstreaks above the 3500 mark solo-Qing with Zarya.
Guess I'll main Zarya, hope I can get to Diamond from low plat by the end of the season.
You just have suck it up and try to carry. You're not going to win every game you play in comp. If you pull through and win a losing game it's only going to make you a better player
solo que'd and got it easy. top 500 is a whole nother thing though. especially this late in the season when all the pros have 3 smurfs in top 500