Do you prefer WRPGs or JRPGs?
Do you prefer WRPGs or JRPGs?
I stopped enjoy JRPGs during 360/PS3 era. Japan got really sloppy with their writing.
Wrpg if I want a deep, meaningful game. Jrpg if I want pure gameplay grindfest
OP. I propose a challenge to the posters in yet another JRPG/WRPG fight.
No mention of Tolkien or Anime.
WRPG's. All the anime triggers me too much.
i RPGS in general
Tales of Vesperia is the last JRPG I enjoyed. WRPGs have their own problems but are vastly superior in comparison to JRPGs today. The pic in the OP may be an exaggeration, but overall WRPGs have always had more interesting characters and stories.
It's funny because there's no Brave New World-esque video games.
>Doctor Who meets Back To The Future meets The Goonies meets Dragonball
>neckbeard tolkein function with names like "Stormbringer" and "Frostbeard" and fucking ugly art
What the fuck do you think
I think this is the biggest cherry picking image I have ever seen in my life.
Dragons in general are a boring and uninspired concept for videogames anyway.
Rosario + vampire isn't a game and that's good because it would make a shitty game.
Name 1 good wrpg released this decade
I cant stand jrpgs everyone looks like an emo boy band teenager.
>ancient evil awakens
>go kill 10 rats in a sewer
>Name 1 good wrpg released this decade
Stick of Truth
Please learn the difference between a wyvern and a dragon.
Well from that description, JRPG's sound like cringey ass-pie hipster douche bullshit, while WRPG's sound like bro material.
I bet you also voted Clinton, lol, what a loser.
FFX Bahamut is the coolest shit ever.
Skyrim special edition
You should pick it up user, it's soooooo good!
I would fuck both
>fucking ugly art
>not fucking ugly as sin
Looks like someone never took an art class in high school.
My favourite series ever is SMT, but I'll have to give it to WRPGs, more so cRPGs. I'm a sucker for their diverse gameplay styles and conversation choices.
WRPGs for intelligent gamers seeking an enlightening meaningful experence
J"""""RPG""""s for the common plebian who only seek the safest and most harmless pap.
Guess which genre a vast majority of Sup Forums sides with?
Name one good J""""""RPG""""""" released within the past 25 years
After WRPGs drop some shit on me, I can usually go wind down with some silly fun from a JRPG
I'm a persona fag, but I would like to get into the main series. How should I go about doing this?
I like these threads because there's always at least one idiot who falls for the troll comparison images and gets all riled up.
Pic related, this is you.
Did you also vote Hillary?
Modern WRPGs are pretty """""""""""""""""""RPG"""""""""""""""""""" as of now because of minmaxing faggolos.
Can do some good depraved shit
only missionary
does anyone have that comparison image with the one nipple cyclops?
This question is every day lad.
Nocturne or 4.
>while WRPG's sound like bro material.
Yeah man, I love my viking Dwarfs who drink ale and all have names like Beerdrunk Fistsmith
>art class in highscool
Oh yeah man, if only we had more people learning about Freida fucking monobrow moustache Kahlo and Andy shot by a rabid feminist Warhol.
I know 4 is on 3ds but what is nocturne on?
I'm too lazy to even find a proper picture for this shitposting. So have this since I have it on my desktop.
Pick one
I enjoy good WRPGs more than good JRPGs, but generally I enjoy JPRGs more, if that makes sense. The quality is just more consistent, and while recently WRPGs (and western games in general) try to mask the grind like Witcher 3, Japanese games are honest about player doing same things most of the game, and play to their other strenghts.
Anybody can post fan-art for anything and say it is shit.
PS2. I think it's on the Store, not sure, I've got physical. PS2 emulation is pretty trash too.
i hate jrpgs desu with you.
min maxing is about the player not the game itself
>>Doctor Who meets Back To The Future meets The Goonies meets Dragonball
Four things I regard as ranging from wixked to tolerable that would be FUCKING AWFUL if combined in any fashion.
>>neckbeard tolkein function with names like "Stormbringer" and "Frostbeard" and fucking ugly art
Names aside, they're often at least unique in a few ways or use the world as a vehicle for cool stories or some sort of intrigue.
>using neckbeard as an insult
Your /tg/ game is weak.
>Ancients evil awakens
>go kill 10 slime balls in a cobblestone alleyway
"Centrist" is American meme. Good job fucking up your ideologies by realistically only having two options to choose from.
In sensible countries there's variety of options, that suit different people.
What's that supposed to even mean?
On the contrary while jrpgs have basically stuck to their old rpg elements, it's wrpgs that have basically become action games with rpg undertones
Proper wrpgs are literally a niche market now
Mechanically JRPGs.
WRPGs are just so boring to play.
But Rosario Vampire does have games, and yes they are shit.
JRPGs because some of them are actually playable.
You can just emulate it. It runs fine.
Actual mainline- Nocturne or 4.
Shit to acclimate to better- DeSu 1/2, Soul Hackers, Strange Journey
I know that, but because of that mentality RP elements have fallen off the face of the Earth. Name a game that has good RP mechanics in the last 5 years.
Woah der pardner
The only one I can really think of is Underrail, plenty of text options and immersion if you're into the gameplay style
>comparing turnbase combat with fps combat
Shit image
user, every single image in this thread was made to illicit a response from newbois.
>Strange Journey
Why would you suggest that to someone who wants to get into mainline SMT?
I'm aware
My opinion still stands
Trial by fire. If user can get past it they can beat every SMT game.
WRPG for world density and interaction
JRPG for story and overall style
doesn't apply all the time tho
Wrpgs are dead
I think I'd rather play new games than keep replaying the same handful of classics over and over again
an action game with stats
an RPG
All the cherry picking in this thread is retarded, for both jrpgs and wrpgs.
FPTP voting is one hell of a drug
As if modern WRPGs aren't """"""""""""""RPGs""""""""""""""
A robust dialogue system, stat checks, decision making, mechanical depth, build/party variet and character customization used to be a staple of the genre. All we have now are (shitty) button mashers with RPG elements.
>Name one good J""""""RPG""""""" released within the past 25 years
Dragon's Dogma.
I'll try that then, thanks
Right is so true
All Japs need to be fucking killed for destroying Sup Forums and the videogames industry with their cancer
>Innovative combat or narrative
>Inventory and AI being anything above horrible shit
I know this is a kekbiased comparison and WRPGs are definitely superior, but cmon.
what's the game on the left? sounds good.
Rosario + Vampire is good, fuck u.
>eastern eroge
Excellent story, gameplay and scenes like sengoku rance
>western eroge
Meme stories, shit """""gameplay""""", shitty ackbar cartoon art
I've never finish a wrpg in my life
I like both for different reasons, and play both because i can
or rather, i choose the best of both
Have sex you basement-dwelling virgin.
A JRPG is only good if it has lots of customization instead of a fixed party. A WRPG is only good if it's a first person dungeon crawler.
Except both American parties ARE centrists.
Democrats are center-right, Republicans are center-slightly-more-right.
Lol why
>sengoku rance
>Excellent story, gameplay and scenes
Only Sup Forumsermin would have such shitty tastes.
>he picked the vampire over the succubus
Tsukune was a fucking dumbass.
Brave New World was shit. 1984 was a far better piece of dystopian fiction.
We Happy Few.
>Morrowind as the example of WRPGs
My nigger.
>Yeah man, I love my viking Dwarfs who drink ale and all have names like Beerdrunk Fistsmith
I do though
Do you seriously not understand why porn exists, you princess?
i prefer western mostly because japan is mainly fap bait weaboo garbage.
They do release good games every once in a while however, like xenoblade and bravely default.
I know ganondorf isnt a swordsman in game, but would he count? Considering it is cannon that he defeats link in one timeline, is a powerful warlock, has the triforce of power, and can transform into a giant monster and is immortal. I cant contrast this to shulk or FE characters.
Porn is fine. Sex games are for virgin neckbeards.
Use your free time to lift weights rather than max out your affection meter in a game just to view another shit 30 second scene.
>He thinks the scenes in rance are good
>My inventory is appropriate
>Just fucking buy weapon + armor your favourite class is proficient with and then just use whatever you find
>Soul searching while chosing factions
>"Hmm if my character is a fighter then should I enter a guild and noble house that requires fighting skills for advancement or should I just make my life needlessly complicated? It's good that I can become a Grandmaster of every faction in existence except for noble houses. There is after all nothing wrong with being a high-ranked priest of two competing religions"
I like Western RPGs more than JRPGs but whoever makes this images is fucking dumb.
Sex in games can also be fine too if it actually makes sense to the plot for those characters to be having sex and its not some uber attractive woman having sex with some self insert skinny weeb character.
I can understand women dropping their panties for Geralt, but absolutely no weeb characters could do that and its just straight up ridiculous.
What's the appeal of western rpg?
>not ugly
this is a thing now
Kek, what an arbitrary distinction
Right look like intimidating bosses. Left doesn't.
boring and gray/brown, setting is always some medieval world.
fun and colorful, setting is diverse.