How do I fix this Steam error without restarting my laptop?

How do I fix this Steam error without restarting my laptop?

try to end the process

or just restart your laptop you lazy fucker

Isn't listed in processes

restart steam

or just restart your laptop you lazy fucker

Kill the process for the app that it says is still running. Alternately, restart Steam.

I can't exit Steam, it says "Please close [game] before exiting Steam."

Just close the fucking steam process.

Then kill the Steam process and restart it.

Or, you know, reboot the computer.

Killed process, re-opened Steam, image in OP still appears when game is launched.

Steam was killed, but the app never closed, despite closing.

Sup Forums here, get an SSD so you can restart your computer faster.

For fucks sake, why can't you just restart your laptop?

If you'd have done that in the first place you'd probably have saved more time then it took you to make this stupid thread

install gentoo

Long story involving work documents and beer.

>"I give up, then"

sorry Sup Forums couldn't help, user

the process has to be there it's probably just got an unusual name.

Sign out then Sign in.

how the fuck did it stay open despite having the process ended?

It won't let me sign out without exiting [game] because it treats it the same way it treats exiting Steam.

I cannot exit Steam in any possible way unless I end the process, which magically doesn't close [game].

what was the game in the first place you little faggot, steam only does this when there's a process running. consider listing processes from all users in case it's hiding something.

guess what buddy

restart the computer. just save your work you lazy fucker

>end all Steam processes, all of them
>OPs game doesn't kill


its immortal

The game is Garrys Mod. I don't know what difference that makes. All I close in processes is Steam processes, what else should I kill?

if the process (or a process with the same name) isn't running you shouldn't be having the issue

i suggest going over the processes one by one to make sure you're not missing anythnig

Post picture of processes.

kill all steamwebhelper, awesomium processes, hl2.exe, and steamclientoverlay or whatever it is

it doesnt matter whats missing, op wants something to go away, not be found

I'm just saying that the process is likely there, he is just missing it.

he needs to find it and kill it.

The Awesomium Renderer? It's related? Let's try...

Huh. That did it. No clue how or why.

Thank you.

Have you killed GameOverlayUI.exe

If not that could be your problem

Or just save your fucking work that you've mentioned earlier and restart your fucking laptop

garry's mod uses awesomium for a lot of subprocesses such as sound and video rendering i think, it makes it very unpleasant to manage anything coming out of garry's mod like this because it creates separate instances in your OS such as video rendering processes and separate tasks in your volume mixer
if ever something is acting out of lin.e, it's probably awesomium. enjoy your beer.